Chapter 23: The Headmaster's Name

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Jack Frost POV:

Basically, I was screwed.
If I wanted these teachers to respect me I had to give them a reason. And I was fresh out of reasons that came without baggage and a forty hour lecture on my life.
Definitely not gonna happen.

Question after question was directed at the Headmaster while I sat like a statue on display for all to see, just an object to be talked about instead of talked to.

In all my many years of practicing patience in all types of situations I had learned well the three things I could not, and would not tolerate.
Ignorance, Arrogance, and Cruelty.

Two of the above mentioned traits were being shown in copious amounts and I was drawing very close to the end of my rope.
Between drinking the nasty bog water, the conversation with Dumb-Old-Bore, the talk with Calum, finding Himadri, the panic attack, and getting pulled about like a dog on a leash by some random instinct. I was at the end of my wits.

I wanted peace. Was that so much to ask for? To sleep in a tree and wander around the forest and construct elaborate structures out of ice. To sit quietly with the wild animals and listen to the wind?

But it was. The universe wasn't done with me yet. My heart is still beating. After listening to its weak but steady rhythm for a moment, I stood up.

It was the only way I could think of to shut them up and get their attention but my vision blurred for a moment and I struggled not to show it. I let the sudden silence settle before I spoke.

"Why don't you voice your opinions to me since I know myself better then Dumb-Old-Bore knows me and we'll discuss your worries until there are no more uncertainties. We are all adults here."


Finally, Professor Sprout spoke up.
"Did you just call him, Dumb Old Bore?" She said haltingly in disbelief as Professor Lupin ducked his head and tried to cover that fact that his face was red and his shoulders were shaking.

Only I seemed to have noticed Professor Lupin's reaction so I ignored him. i was still confused. Was that not what he had introduced himself as? I had been listening intently in case of threat and that's what his name had sounded like to me.

I turned to face the headmaster keeping all reaction and emotion under strict control. "Is that not your name?"
I spoke a little flatly and Dumbledore looked a bit miffed at my tone and question so it took him a moment before he answered.

"No Professor Frost, my name is Albus Dumbledore. Not, Dumb Old Bore. "

I inclined my head to him and gestured one hand slightly towards him in careful measure to show I acknowledged my mistake and apologized for making it. He nodded back.

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