Chapter 12

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Ok because I got two commends each with two persons that they should ask so because I can't decide im going to make them tell the four that were in the commands also I will ad one person too so they will tell five persons for help  hope you all enjoy this chapter^^

Dream's pov

It was the next day, Karl luckily woke up 5 hours ago, we explained the situation to him and I think he understands half of what we told him but it doesn't matter. While we waited for Karl to wake up I thought about who we should ask for help. I know that Phil, Techno, and Ranboo would be a good trio for help. But on the other hand, I know that Tubbo and Tommy know that something is wrong. So I plan on asking the five for help, I just need to ask Sapnap, George, and Karl if it was okay that I ask them but before that, I think we should eat something.

I got up and made my way to the kitchen to make some pancakes for us all. After I was finished I yelled for the others that breakfast was ready, they all stormed into the room and sat on their place on the table.

time skip after breakfast

Now was the time to ask them about telling the five persons I had in mind.

"Ok guys, I thought about who we should ask for help and I came to the conclusion for five people because we surely need more than another two person's help and I thought about telling Tommy, Tubbo, Phil, Techno and Ranboo, is that okay with you all?"

After I asked my questions it seemed like everyone agreed with the people besides Karl because he still can't remember everything, I know that he remembers Quackity, me, Sapnap, Tommy, Tubbo, and him. He doesn't remember Techno just his name being said in one of his memories. So anyways we were now walking to the nether portal to travel to Phil, Techno, and Ranboo so we could ask them for help.

3rd Pov

Sapnap, Karl, George, and Dream arrived by Techno very late, it was almost nighttime. But when they got there they saw one of the windows open and Phil standing there looking at them, like he knew they would come.

Karl's pov

Me and the others were now inside of the house we got to, the man that opened the door looked familiar but I can't remember him. The man led us to a couch and said that he would come back shortly and we should sit down on the couch. After some minutes the man still hadn't returned but the front door opened and I saw two guys walk in. I remember one of them pumping into me but I can't remember what his name was, all I know about him is okay I don't know anything about him.

The pig hybrid looked at us and asked Dream what we wanted from them. Dream told him that he would tell when they all sat here so he could explain everything. The one he talked with nodded and sat down across from us, the taller one that pumped into me did the same now we just waited for the man to come too. After some time the man came too and sat down then the conversation began.

(T) Ok, what do you guys want

(D) We need your help

(P) with what

(D) Ok so you see Karl is a time traveler and he traveled so much that he now lost his memories about us he got some back again but not everything and he told us about what would have happened if I made a deal with him.

(R) Who is him?

(T) You mean the man that speaks in morse codes and where you can't say his name.

(D) Yes, he wants revenge that means he wants to either control or kill Karl, and this why we ask you three and two others for help we can't fight him alone and we need to find out his weakness. So pls help us.

(T) Phil?

(P) We will help

(D) Thank you guys so much could you come now with us you could sleep in our house we have a guestroom free with three beds.

(T) Thanks, Dream but I hope Quackity won't want to kill me while we are helping you also who are the other two people you are going to ask?

(D) ... Tommy and Tubbo and before you say why or anything else they know that something is wrong so it's fair for them to know what's happening

Karl's pov

After Dream said that the hybrid nodded, but then before they could back their things I asked them for their names. At least now I know their names, the pig hybrid is Technoblade, the one that bumped into me is Ranboo and the man with wings is Philza.

After everyone was ready we made our way back home...


sorry for the mistakes, hope you all have a great day/night ^^

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