82 - I Was In The Neighbourhood

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Question: Favourite book series or book other than TSC?

Magnus was happy to finish with his last client before deciding to walk home on a lovely afternoon in New York. On the way, Magnus glanced at the Institute. The Institute which was home to his boyfriend of a month. His boyfriend Alexander Lightwood.

Making his mind up, Magnus decided to knock at the Institute door. He hoped that Alec would open the door, but it was his parabatai, Jace Herondale.

"Magnus," Jace said in recognision, "What's up?"

"Nothing really," Magnus answered, now wondering why he was outside an Institute, wanting to visit his Shadowhunter boyfriend. "Is Alec in?"

"No, unfortunately not."

Magnus' face, though he tried to stop it, fell. Jace then laughed.

"Care that much about my brother, huh?" Jace teased with a wink, "Only kidding. He's in his room."

Jace stepped away, allowing Magnus to step in. Magnus glared.

"You'll be sorry for this the next time you're getting yourself killed," Magnus threatened.

"Ah, but you'll save me. You know, for Alec," Jace retored and Magnus rolled his eyes. He was, however, reminded of the time he had affections for Shadowhunters; other Herondales and Carstairs and Lightwoods and Fairchilds.

"Well," Jace said as he led Magnus to Alec's room, "Just remember Alec is not eighteen yet, so um, you may want to be careful of um doing things."

"Doing things?" Magnus echoed, "Seriously?"

"Just saying," Jace shrugged, "Besides, Institute beds are awful. So if anything does kick off, do Portal to Paris or something."

"Why am I having this conversation with you?"

"Because I care about my innocent parabatai," Jace said, "He's also bad at taking hints. Just saying."

"I think I can find my inside Alec's room," Magnus stated, "Bye, blondie."

"Ta ta," Jace waved, then winked and departed. Magnus knocked on Alec's door.

"Who is it?" Alec's voice came.

"Your insanely hot warlock boyfriend," Magnus said, "AKA the High Warlock of Brooklyn; AKA Magnus Bane."

The door opened in a flash, Alec greeting Magnus in a thin white shirt and black jeans. His hair seemed to be wet from a shower and Magnus had an urge to ruffle it. He held back.

"Alexander, my darling," Magnus said.

"Hey," whispered Alec, letting Magnus is and locking the door, "How come you're here?"

"Aw," sighed Magnus, "I was expecting a kiss or something. Not an interrogation."

"S - sorry."

"Alec," Magnus started in a blunt but caring voice, "I was joking. Obviously. I wouldn't mind a kiss, but I wasn't complaing about it. I'd never. Not if you're involved."

Alec blushed and stuttered and Magnus pressed a light kiss to Alec's lips.

"And as for your question," Magnus continued, staring at Alec's blushing face, "I was in the neighbourhood. For a client. Thought I'd pop by."

"I'm uh glad you did."

"Yeah me too," Magnus mused, "Jace did mention Institute bedrooms were terrible, but this is beyond comprehension."

Magnus looked around and the wooden shelf, wooden desk and chair, a very uncomfortable looking bed with a thin matress and duvet, the sheets plain white, a black wardrobe and a few badly placed stands for weapons. 

"What?" Alec asked, startled.

"Alexander," Magnus started to explain, "A bedroom is a space in a home that is soley for you and whoever you wish to share intimate details with. So a bedroom needs to be decorated to your taste, and therefore, we're going to redecorate your room until the room screams 'Alexander Lightwood'."


"No arguing," Magnus said sternly. "First the walls. What colour would you like, sweetheart?"

"What it is now?"

"You like cream coloured walls? That does not sound like you."

"Okay," Alec smiled sheepishly, "A dark blue, maybe."

Magnus snaped his fingers, the cream walls now painted in a deep shade of blue, with spots of white here and there to give it some light.

"This good?" Magnus asked. 

"Y - yeah."

"Great. Now for furniture."

In the next thirty minutes, shelves were  removed and put in (with magic), the desk and chair made bigger and more comfortable, and a new bed inserted, with a bigger mattress and duvet. Alec was a gasping, stuttering mess.

"This is so amazing," Alec finally managed.

"Do you have any photos that we can put up?" Magnus asked and Alec blushed. 

"You can do that after I go away then," Magnus offered, not wanting to dwelve into anything Alec wanted to keep from him. Besides, they were only newly together; Magnus couldn't expect Alec to spill all his sectrets. That would and should take time.

"It's not that," Alec said and went into a shoulder bad that he had experty hidden in his wardrobe, behind all his clothes. He pulled a photo out from it, and it was Magnus who gasped.

The photo was one they had taken in Sydney, when Magnus had Portalled them over to get dinner at an amazing restaurant.

"You've printed off and framed pictures of us?" Magnus said in wonder. Magnus had framed a few pictures of them and they rested on his bedside table, but he was surprised that Alec had.

"I just," Alec tried to find words, "Wanted to have these memories forever. Memories of you. For making me happier than I thought I'd ever be."

"Oh, my gorgeous angel," Magnus murmured, "You deserve all the happiness this world has to offer. I'll try give as much as I can. I promise."

"I know you will," whispered back Alec before a short, sweet kiss was shared. Magnus pulled away.

"Do you want that photo going up then?" Magnus asked, just to be sure.

Alec, finally realising how personal a bedroom was to a person, nodded. "And these if you don't mind."

Alec tipped the bag and onto the bed fell a few different framed photographs, ranging from young Alec and his family, to pictures of Jace and Isabelle and Max, to a picture of Alec with his bow and Izzy with her whip. But most of them seemed to be Alec and Magnus, in the different places Magnus had taken the Shadowhunter to.

Magnus thought it was rather sad that Alec had been brought up to shut photgraphs and memories away, only to focus on his duties and responsibilities. He was ecstatic when Alec smiled a bright smile as Magnus magicked all the photogaphs to the wall, placing them in a regular order. 

"This is perfect," Alec sighed, taking in his new bedroom.

"I'm glad, my dear," Magnus said and then winked, "So... What do you say we test the new matress out?"

"What?" Alec asked, "How do we do that?"

"Um," Magnus hummed, not quite how to get his meaning across. In the end he didn't. "Just a nice cuddle?"

Alec blushed furiously but nodded and Magnus grinned slightly. He got into bed and opened his arms; Alec climbed into loving arms and sighed contently.

Both stayed there for a while, ignoring Jace's cries of 'don't break any furniture!', but talking about the photographs that hung on the wall, Alec explaining why he had framed those certain ones and Magnus listening, listening to his Angel's voice, his favourite music in the whole world.

Answer: The Hunger Games series!!!!

A/N Hope y'all enjoyed! Please comment, vote and share!!!!

(Haven't had time to proof read so like sorry for any mistakes lol)

Love, IC XXXX 🥰😘😍 

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