96 - I Brought You An Umbrella

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Question: A place you'd want to go to with your soul mate?

A/N This idea is from ErynneStorm so thanks a lot! Enjoy!

"Alexander, you need to calm down, sweetheart," Magnus said, trying to get Alec to relax for possibly the twelth time. He was still in bed, shorts and T-shirt whilst Alec was pacing the floor, trying to do his collar button and failing.

"This is perfect. Brilliant, in fact. It's already apparently bad enough that I'm gay. Now I'm not just gay. I'm gay and head of an Institute. And I'm having a meeting with homophobic heads of other Institutes. This is a great sitution to be in," Alec was ranting and grunted in frustration before he cursed his button. Magnus winced and sat up.

"Darling," Magnus said softly and the word didn't hit. Magnus tried again, "Alexander."

This time Alec looked at Magnus and Magnus held his hand out for Alec, smiling in a way he knew Alec couldn't resist. 

Alec came over, Magnus made room for him and he sat down next to Magnus on the bed. He was still attempting to do his collar button. Magnus pushed his hand away from the button and started doing it up.

"Let me do that," he murmured softly and once he'd done it, he placed a soft kiss at Alec's neck. Alec allowed himself to lean on Magnus' lean shoulder.

"Breathe, Alexander," Magnus said soothingly, "Now, what's got you so worked up? You've dealt with this kind of hate rather well and better than most people would've done. You've always helped people like us and that's exactly what you're going to do today. So what's wrong?"

Alec took a deep breath before answering: "You know when you just have that instinct? When things have been so good and happy that you know there's something bad waiting in the corner?"

"Of course I know that feeling, darling," Magnus said, "But it's a feeling. It doesn't mean it's true. Some feelings are very much true, but some don't always have to be."

"I know," Alec said and stammered, trying to find the right words, "I feel like I'm going to crash today." He finished, with a final sigh.

"I won't let that happen. I'll be here with you every step of the way, Alexander," Magnus promised.

"I know," Alec whispered and kissed Magnus. "Wish me luck."

"You don't need it, beautiful," Magnus smiled, "You're going to rock it."

Alec smiled, stood up and went to the front door, getting his bag and a few steles and seraph blades on the way, before stepping outside and into the cold air. He took hesitant and then somewhat comfident strides towards the Institute.

The meeting did not go well. In any way, shape or form. Both Clary and Alec stormed out of the meeting hall, both disgusted with all the other Shadowhunters. Jace and Simon were waiting there and a fuming Clary was caught in Simon's embrace as Jace walked to Alec.

"What happened?" Jace asked.

"Nothing good," Alec said vaguely, hoping that his anger wouldn't get the better off him. A Shadowhunter who had attended the meeting walked over to Alec and Jace.

"Those were good inputs, Mr. Lightwood," he began in a voice that annoyed Alec so much, he wanted to punch the man in the face, "But they won't work for all of us. And I'm afraid we'll have to take into consideration that you may be... slightly biased in this topic."

"You have a person you love, right?" Jace snapped, "That's the same for my brother. So now get your fat-"

"I understand," Alec cut Jace off, "Thanks for attending."

The man shot an incredulous look at Jace and walked away, all the while enduring a death glare from Jace and Simon. Alec looked at the floor.

"Alec," Jace began, "We both know I can't talk softly or whatever, but it'll be okay. Everything will change. I promise."

"I know, Jace, thanks for always having my back," Alec smiled a little sadly.

"Hey, we don't do emotional crap here," Jace reminded him and this made Alec laugh a little.

"I'm going to head over to my room for a bit," Alec said.

Jace nodded, "Give a shout if you need anything."

Alec went to hug his parabatai but then pulled back and both of them laughed. "We're really not the huggy type," Alec said.

"Glad you noticed."

Alec departed to his room and crashed into his bed, just lying down, debating why people wouldn't understand that making an Institute LGBTQ+ friendly doesn't make it weak.

Alec was considering whether to swear or whether to cry when a swirling blue Portal appeared and his warlock stepped through.

"Alexander," Magnus said.

"Oh, hello," Alec said, "I thought you were busy all morning."

"I was but I found an excuse to come see you," Magnus replied and Alec raised an eyebrow in question.

"I brought you an umbrella," Magnus said, "It's supposed to be raining when you'd be walking home and I figured that you'd have been too pissed to remember an umbrella."

Alec didn't know why, but that thoughtfulness of Magnus made him snap and he started sobbing. He was about to sink to the floor, but Magnus caught him in a hug and pulled him towards his bed.

Both of them sat down and Alec hid his face in Magnus' neck and cried. 

"I take it the meeting didn't go too well," Magnus said after a while.

"No," Alec said in between sobs, "Some Shadowhunters still think that having gay or lesbian Shadowhunters makes them weak as a whole."

"Well they've never see you in action," Magnus commented, "You firing arrows is like the sexiest thing ever and it has killed many demons and saved our idiot friends so many times and you're positively gay."

Alec laughed and hugged Magnus closer.

"You make any day better, Magnus," he whispered and Magnus smiled.

He listened to Alec's words a few more times in his head; not his presents, money or fame making Alec's day better, just him. Just Magnus Bane. Just as Alec's boyfriend. That thought brought a special smile to his face and Alec had noticed and he also, being the magical person he is, knew exactly what caused Magnus to smile.

"Yes," Alec nodded, "You make my days better and nothing else does. Not your money or anything like that. Just you, Magnus."

Magnus' smile widened even more and they were about to kiss when the door opened and Izzy and Jace walked in.

"Are you okay, brother-"

Jace cut himself off, "Oh. Right. I'm presuming that you're feeling better and I'm going to say that this sounds really cringe but if you do want to talk about that meeting, I'm here for you Alec and then I'm going to get out of here and let you two do your business. Have fun. Bye."

"Bye, big brother, have fun," Izzy winked and shoved Jace out before she herself exited and shut the door behind her.

"I don't think I've ever liked and disliked someone at the same moment like I just did with Jace," Magnus commented.

Alec gave a crooked smile and pulled Magnus into a kiss and decided that in that moment, he'd give into Magnus and he'd let his worries go. Because like Magnus kept saying, it was going to be okay at one point and through all of it, he'd have Magnus with him. That was the most important thing.

Answer: Possibly Paris

A/N Hope you enjoyed!!! Please comment, vote and share!!!

Love, IC XXX 🥰😘😍

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