90 - You Can Tell Me Anything

234 19 33

Question: A bad guy or a supposed bad guy from TSC that you kind of feel sorry for?

A/N This might be slightly funny or like silly. I hope y'all don't mind.

Alec was tidying up Magnus' and his bedroom and after finishing with everything else, he went onto Magnus' make-up cupboard which was more like a wardrobe. 

Magnus had been called to an urgent client, which ended up spoiling their night in, and Alec had decided to utilise that. He had cleaned the kitchen and was now working on the bedroom. He hoped to finish off with the living room before Magnus got home.

Magnus waved goodbye to his client, one of his politest clients, and created a Portal, stepping through to the lovely scent of home.

"Alexander!" Magnus called, literally a second after he stepped through to the loft, "I'm home!"

He heard some bustling of feet before Alec appeared from the bedroom, looking upset.

"Alec?" Magnus said warily as he went to pull Alec close. The Shadowhunter willingly stepped into Magnus' arms, but was still a bit ridgid. 

"Hey," Alec mumbled with none of his usual happiness as he buried his face into the crook of Magnus' neck.

"Is everything okay, sweetheart?" Magnus asked softly as he kissed the top of Alec's head.

Alec didn't say anything and Magnus was growing more and more suspicious the longer Alec stayed quiet.

"Alexander," Magnus said softly, "You can tell me anything, darling."

"I - I'm sorry," Alec finally whispered.

"What are you apologising for?" Magnus asked, trying to think anything that Alec could've done wrong, but Magnus couldn't think of even the word 'wrong' associating with his beloved.

"I - I was cleaning up around the loft," Alec began, "And I was working on your make-up cupboard and I - I spilt all of the glitter."

Magnus tried - he reall did - to keep a straight face for the benefit of Alec, but what he ended up doing was laughing, laughing until he was gasping for breath, doubled over, holding a startled Alec for support.

"Oh - oh, Alexander," Magnus stuttered out inbetween laughter, "You were seriously worried about - about that?"

"I - uh - yes?"

"Oh lords," Magnus said, now standing up straight and not chortling, "I - I thought you'd like murdered someone you shouldn't have."

"W - what?"

"You were so worried, my angel," Magnus informed him, "I was so scared."

"Well I - your make-up means a lot to you and I don't even know how much all that glitter costs so I suppose I was just really scared I'd screwed up," Alec explained, and now he was blushing from embarrassment.

"Alec, all the dressing up does make me who I am, but not so much that I'd get mad at anyone, let alone you, if they spilt it. But um it was very considerate of you to care so much, dear."

"So I haven't messed anything up?" Alec asked, apparently not yet getting the gist of what Magnus was saying.

"No," Magnus laughed, "Of course not. You never could."

Alec then smiled.

"Ah there's the smile I missed so much," Magnus said happily, cupping Alec's cheek to tug him in for a short kiss.

"We should go clear up that glitter then," Magnus suggested when they parted for air. Alec just nodded and followed Magnus to the bedroom, where like Alec had said, a lot of glitter was strewn across the floor, making the tiles sparkle in silver, gold, pink, purple, blue and many colours that Alec couldn't even name.

"I'll egt the mop," Alec offered and was going to head to the utility room but was stopped by Magnus throwing an across his chest, creating a barrier. Alec turned to Magnus, an eyebrow raised.

"I'm a warlock," Magnus reminded his boyfriend.

"And I'm a Shadowhunter," Alec said, "So what?"

"Wow," Magnus rolled his eyes as Alec grinned, "Warlocks have magic."

"Shadowhunters have steles."

"You are just being difficult tonight," Magnus stated and Alec chuckled.

"I can clean it up. You've done enough of that today," Magnus finally said.

"I literally just made more of a mess," Alec said, with sort of a sad smile.

"I'd disagree," said Magnus immediately, "I'd say you've done a marvelous job. I mean after last night, I'm surprised you managed to make the bed all innocent."

Alec choked on thin air and Magnus cackled in amusement, "You're so cute."

Alec blushed further: "I - uh - um - thanks?"

Magnus just laughed more and snapped his fingers and all the glitter flew to the bin, leaving the floor clean again.


"Thanks," Alec smiled.

"Thank you, darling, for cleaning up."

"I suppose I do live here," Alec shrugged modestly.

"With a handsome warlock," Magnus added with the opposite of modesty.

"With a handsome warlock," Alec ammended and pulled Magnus into a bone-crushing hug.

"Let me go freshen up?" suggested Magnus, "And then we can fix something else?"

"Huh?" Alec inquired.

"I don't like the bed being quite so neat and innocent," Magnus winked and laughed a hearty laugh as Alec went red and started babbling nonsense.

"Only kidding," Magnus said easily, "But if you wanted to do that, I'm going to be the last person complaining."

"How - how about you freshen up first?" Alec asked instead, trying to divert the conversation.

"May I request some help?"

"Magnus!" Alec squealed, "Stop flirting. I'm going to make us some dinner."

"I'd rather have you," Magnus whined, "So offended to know I'm not your first choice."

"I mean, you are," Alec said and when he realised what he'd said he covered his face with his hands, "I did not just say that."

"You did and that just made me incredibly happy," Magnus winked again, "Well, I simply cannot wait for our evening."

"Neither can I," Alec grumbled and pretty much pushed Magnus into the ensuite and allowed himself a small, shy smile.

"I saw that!" Magnus called, peeking from the bathroom, "It was adorable!"

"Magnus!" Alec groaned.

"Okay, okay, I'm going," Magnus surrendered, "But that smile was just too cute to not comment upon."

"Magnus," Alec groaned again, but he could not have minded less, especially when it all came from his beloved.

A/N Hope this was good! Please leave a comment and/or a vote if you enjoyed!!

Answer: Grace Blackthorn or in a way Malcolm Fade

Love from IC XXXX 😘🥰😍

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