Going to new York

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Back in equestria. Princess celestia happy to see princess Twilight sparkle, spike the dragon, fluttershy, Pinkie pie, Starlight glimmer, rarity, Rainbow dash and princess luna explained happened to our world thanks Mephiles student.

Apple jack:Mephiles finally came back over 1,000 moons. Mephiles want test you and youong lost brother Shane against his student.

Rainbow dash:Yes and i going to earth see my brother even show father Friendship is true magic with princess Twilight sparkle help.

Princess Twilight(smile):Of course i come and this is a chane we see shane and sunset shimmer.(I want see my child friend after all moons.)

Rarity:But we can't come with you four. I want see other world look like.

Pinkie pie:Me to.

Princess celestia:I sorry but rainbow dash, princess Twilight,  spike, and starlight glimmer going. I need rest you stay with us in case Mephiles or his student come to equestria.

Princess luna with others ponys, and spike to outside. With her magic open potral to new York city.

Princess luna:Rainbow dash. This world you going. You be different like princess Twilight, starlight glimmer, and spike in this world.

Princess Twilight:You ge human with no wings like i got use no horn.

Starlight glimmer:Even had hands and feet. Even wear clothes.

Rainbow dash:Great. Wearing clothes but i get use it for my brother. Love you mom. We be careful.

Princess luna hug rainbow dash before jump potral with princess Twilight sparkle, starlight glimmer and spike carry princess Twilight backpack having her stuff. Potrat close to earth and equestria. Girls become humans like mlp eg girls.

Rainbow dash:Wow. I feel different even wearing awesome clothes. Even you two look awesome as humans.

Princess Twilight:Thanks and i glad i brought my backpack with stuff we need to stop Mephiles student.

Starlight glimmer:Sure but how we find Shane unless you brought book to contract sunset shimmer.

Spike:Yes but i don't think we use book because  i see sunset.

Sunset shimmer see girls in ally. They help rainbow dash get use her as human.

Sunset shimmer:Let get me straight. One fake version of Mephiles the dark hedgehog brought war equestria long time told you all and others ponys he got a student.

Rainbow dash:Yes but i mot afraid against father student but i want know why you hang out Shane whole time sunset.

Sunset shimmer(sad)We were having hard time against Mephiles after he brought shane and his friends from planet mobius. We get along even stop Mephiles but i hate say this. Raven starshine was right.

Starlight glimmer:Who equestria name Raven starshine.

Sunset shimmer:One another like shane and rainbow dash had evil family want yse for they evil plans. I going see Shane to tell him about us. But now you four here. Now be easily to tell Shane about where he come from.

Charlie hide from girls and spike when none of them see her. Charlie senes all five girls got equestria magic even rainbow dash more powerful then others.
Next chapter i do training when master splinter talk to me.

Shanelight love (Friendship vs salve)  Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz