Chapter Six-Ryia

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I watched the boy as the deer fell to the ground. His dark brown curly hair, naturally tann skin, and molten gold eyes only emphasized his devilish smile. The boy starred at me as he raised his hand toward the the sky, palm up. Then his hand lit on fire.

I watched in awe as the fire wrote words in the sky. 'I know what you are. Don't you want to know as well?'. "Who are you?! How do you now what I can do?" I asked barreling down the hill towards the boy. As I neared him he started walking in the opisite direction. "Wait! I just want to know what I am!" I screamed after him.

Collapsing tears of frustration formed in my eyes. When I looked up the boy was right in front of me. He wiped a tear from eyes. "All in good time my lady, all in good time" he muttered softly into my ear. Then he stood slowly and started walking. "Wait! At least tell me your name?" I aked needing at least that. "It's Leo" he said over his shoulder.

Watching Leo walk off to only heaven knows where I sat beside the dead dear. He knew, how could know I've always been extra cautious with my abilities. I hadn't even used any of my abilities for months. Placing my hand palm up a blood red rose bloomed in my hand. It then was eaten by my flames and the flames froze into ice. Then I broke the ice apart and it was swept into a miniature tornado of my creation.

It still came quite easily I thought as I continued to gut the deer. With the deer swung over my shoulder I made the trek back to my horse.

Soon I had made it home. I dropped the deer off in the kitchens for the cooks to deal with then treked to my room. After taking a bath I dressed in a nightgown and started eating the dinner the servent had brought up. I then colapsed in bed replaying my meeting with Leo. 'I know what you are', those words replayed in my head until I fell asleep.

The rest of the week went by quikly and uneventful. I was drawing at the desk in my room as I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I called. A young maid proceded to walk in "The master Allerin requests your presence" she said bowing her head. "Thank you Christa" I said dropping ten gold coins into her hand.

"Oh, no I couldn't possibly take this" Christa said flustered. "Its alright use it to buy your mom the surgery she needs. She was verry good to me when I first came here" I said. "Thank you so much Ryia" she said smiling gratefully.

I made my down to Allerin's office with a smile on my face. I was excited for my next mission for many reasons but the main one was to be rid of Terrin and Lucy. Knocking on the door I wondered where my job was going to take me.

"Come in" Allerin's voice called. I walked in to see Terrin standing in front of his father. "Oh, good your here. Now the job I'm about to task you with is very hard and its far too much for you to handle alone so Terrin will be working with you on this mission" Allerin said a little rushed. "Alright" I said biting back my words of resistance.

"Good, now your mission, the royal family of Talahan is coming to Doriella to set up an arranged marriage between Talahan's princesses Alexandria and Doriella's prince Laithen. Now one of noble families is willing to pay alot of money to have princesses Alexandria assassinated."

"That will be your task to stop the assassination of princess Alexandria you will meet with both royal families in two days to discuss how you will go about protecting the princess. They will tell you where you are stationed and when you are stationed there. It's quite likely that you will both act as her body guards. Now start packing your excpected to leave directly after dinner". " Yes sir, I'll see you at dinner" I said then walked out of the room starting towards my own.

What a strange job I think I'm actually looking forward to it, plus with royal pay it will certainly be worth my time I thought as I packed my clothes.

Dinner went by in a flash and soon enough I was mounting my horse with Terrin at my side. "Well princess, isn't this exciting our first mission together. This is going to be interesting!" Terrin said. I rolled my eyes I realized I'd have to be around him maybe it wasn't worth my time after all.

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