Chapter Sixteen-Ryia

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As I walked back to my room I decided for sure that I was going to go with Leo no matter what. Honestly I really wanted to learn how to use my fae powers more than anything. I love training camp there is nothing but learning how to do more than you are naturally capable of day after day. "Ryia are you really planning on never coming back?" Terrin asked all sarcasm and joking fleeted his voice completely.

"I wouldn't say that I'm never coming back, I'm just leaving for a while so I can increase my abilities I know Allerin will understand that I want to further develop my abilities" I said thoughtfully. "All jokes aside your my best friend and I'll miss you while your gone" Terrin said softly. In that moment he almost sounded vulnerable. "I'll miss you too even though you can more annoying than you used to be" I said with a small laugh to lighten the mood.

"Thanks Ryia, goodnight." Terrin said sleepily. "Goodnight to you too Terrin" I yawned rolling onto my side and passing out. That night my dreams went crazy first there was Leo yelling at me to run as men dropped down from the trees around us and used shadow magic to capture me. I woke with a start I was covered in cold sweat and from the looks of out side dawn was just starting. I looked over to see Terrin snoring peacefully.

I sighed. What a strange dream I thought peeling myself from out of the covers. After I took a warm bath I dressed myself in my usual black attire. Walking out of the bathroom my hair still slightly damp I watched silently as Terrin struggled to wake up. I laughed as he said "darling are you going to act like a statue all day and just stare at my struggles I might have to reconsider missing you".

After Terrin freshened up and got dressed we headed over to Alexandria's room. I knocked on the door and asked "Is everyone decent?". "Not that I mind if one of you isn't" Terrin added wiggling his eyebrows. I looked towards Terrin with mock sup rise covering my face "Terrin, I never knew you felt that way about Aaron". "Alas I'm afraid some feelings can't be helped" Terrin said smiling deviously. "You had better come in before you start discussing an engagement between them" Alexandria said laughing ever so slightly.

The rest of the day was spent immaturely avoiding and making fun of prince Laithen. We ended up going horse back riding again and eventually I told Alexandria about wanting to go and have the immortal fae queen Auzura teach me to heighten my fae abilities. Alexandria looked shocked and said "I'm so jealous I can't believe you get to go to the fae lands and learn from their queen as an apprentice while I have to sit on my ass and marry prince Laithen".

Aaron ended up telling us about his dream of being a general to the armies one day. Even though I've only known Aaron for a short while being a general suits him. He is verry level headed kind and noble he would make a fine general. I told him this and everyone agreed with me, he seemed deeply gratified even still.

At the end of the day when I was in my nightgown in bed starring blankly at the roof I wondered how far Alexandria would go to not have to marry Laithen. I hope she knows that I would help her escape by any means necessary. Plus after the stunt Laithen pulled at dinner when he 'accidentally' spilled champagne all over the skirts of my pearl cream dress, I would happily do anything to piss Laithen off. The thought of his outraged face when he finds out he won't be marrying Alexandria put a smile on my face as I drifted to sleep.

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