Chapter 1

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Kakyoin pov:

I woke up surrounded by bright lights and the faces of my friends.

"W-what happened?" I asked and placed my hand on my face as a small headache started to form.

"You were dead!" shouted Polnareff from across the room, which worsened my headache.

"Well you were presumed dead but then saved by the wonderful people working here at the speedwagon foundation", said Joseph, making the situation a little easier to understand.

"Most of us were presumed dead but saved by the powers of surgery!" Polnareff shouted, again worsening my headache. But I was alive and that was what mattered most right now.

"Thank you for mostly clearing the situation up for me but if you will excuse me asking but I think I'm getting a headache from all this thinking so I think what's best is for me to rest right now so can you please leave?" I said, sending a warm smile towards my friends.

"C'mon you guys, let's let Kakyoin rest." said Jotaro with a tip of his hat that seemed to defy gravity itself, thus adding more to his delinquent aura, showing that nothing about Jotaro followed the rules. As I watched my friends leave the small room I looked out towards the window at the scenery outside, I was lucky to be alive and with that my eyelids closed sending me into a deep sleep.

(timeskip brought to you by Kakyoin's sunglasses :D)

I can't believe that it has been six years since our trip to egypt and our battle with Dio. 

After the battle had ended I was immediately rushed to a speedwagon medical clinic that was able to heal my injuries with prosthetics and hours of surgery.

All of us were healed that way. Well more like revived but nonetheless alive with a smidge of emotional trauma. 

I now had my own home, a small apartment that fit just about one person. 

Even if I was living on my own as a responsible adult I still kept in contact with my friends. We shared the same trauma so we shared different parts of our lives as well. 

I slowly blinked open my eyes realizing that I was awake and had been for the past half an hour monologuing my life story in my mind. 

I rested my feet on the wooden floorboards of the apartment and gathered whatever strength I had and stood up, stretched and made my way to the small kitchen to make some breakfast (he would probably be the most productive person on the planet).

Cerise pov

I opened my eyes and got used to the bright surrounding area. I sat up with my back propped up against the backboard of my bed. 

It was a wooden canopy bed that I thought was nice because it fit the "aesthetic" of me and my fathers home. 

Our house was a small almost cottage like house, but despite how it looked on the outside the inside was quite spacious. 

Almost like a tiny mansion. 

And it sat in the middle of a small apple orchard in the middle of the countryside of France. 

It was the start of spring so the apple trees were blooming and it was beautiful. We also had a lot of wild flowers so being outside was always a spectacular thing. 

I slowly made my way out of bed and over to my closet to pick out something to wear. 

I ended up picking something that looked as though it was from an old fashioned musical but with a slight modern twist (I suck a describing outfits so bear with me here): I picked a navy colored button up skirt that started at my waist and stopped my calf and a loose tank top that had small flowers scattered across the fabric. 

Emerald Angel (a Kakyoin x oc fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ