chapter 10

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(timeskip brought to you by the lack of Ghost Town in the last chapter :D)

Kakyoin pov

"Ok that's the last box!" I said dusting off my hands and stretching a bit.

"Don't relax yet, we still have to unpack." Cerise laughed.

We had just moved into our new apartment in Morioh, It was actually a really small house with one of every room. 

One bedroom, one bathroom, one kitchen, one living room, and one dining room. Even though it was pretty small, it was on a nice street with a lot of friendly people.

Then we heard a knock on the door.

"I got it!" yelled Cerise as she ran across the house from the dining room but I was quick to follow.

She opened the door to reveal a woman with short black hair held back with a headband and a boy with an eccentric hairstyle.

"Good afternoon! My name is Tomoko Higashikata and this is my son Josuke, welcome to the neighbourhood!" the woman greeted.

"Good afternoon Ms.Higashikata and Josuke, I'm Cerise and this is my Husband Noriaki Kakyoin!" Cerise greeted back and gestured to me, I replied with a simple wave.

Ms.Higashikata then peeked behind Cerise at all the boxes around the house.

"Would you two like any help with unpacking? We have nothing better to do this afternoon and Josuke needs a break from playing video games." she offered.

"Actually some help would be greatly appreciated, Noriaki actually has a pretty big video game collection if Josuke wants to help him organize it and then maybe they can play some games? If that's okay with you of course." Cerise replied.

It was pretty embarrassing for my wife to be setting up a playdate for me with a kid who looked to be about 17, but a part of me couldn't wait to play some of my old video games with someone who would appreciate them other than Cerise, who still held the record of the only person to beat me with no experience in gaming at all.

"That would be great!" replied Ms.Higashikata.

"Perfect! Come on in!" Cerise said as she stepped out of the way to let the duo in through the door.

Soon me and Josuke were sitting on the floor of the living room in front of a box labeled videogames.

"So how old are you anyways?" I asked.

"I'm sixteen!" replied Josuke with a big grin.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"I'm twenty eight." I replied with a smile.

I was always pretty ok around kids, most scared me but the rest I'm ok with, but there will always be one of those kids that you just can't help but want to be friends with, Josuke was one of them.

There was just something so friendly about him that my fear of kids just kind of, left.

"What kinds of video games do you have?" asked the boy while staring at the box.

"Maybe we can look through the cardboard if we try hard enough to unlock our x-ray vision." I replied.

"Can we actually do that?" he asked.

"Maybe. We just have to keep staring at the box and it might happen." I said.

So we sat there and stared at the box.

Cerise pov

I had learned a lot about Tomoko while we organized some stuff in the kitchen. Apparently she had Josuke when she was in college and her father was a policeman. 

She didn't tell me who Josuke's father was but I didn't want to pry, it seemed rude to ask such a question.

Soon we decided to take a break and I went to go check on Josuke and my man-child of a husband. 

When I turned the corner I saw him and the sixteen year old staring holes into a box labeled video games.

"What are you two doing?" I asked.

"Shh we're trying to unlock our x-ray vision." replied Noriaki.

"And we need all our focus so we can't talk." followed Josuke.

"Ok ok, I'm going to make some lemonade if anyone wants some so just come to the kitchen when you're ready." I said.

"Ok mom." Noriaki sarcastically replied.

"Yeah ok mom." copied Josuke.

It took everything I had not to laugh at their comment.

"Pas grave homme bebe." (ok man baby) I said.

"Hey!" He exclaimed.

"Umm Kakyoin? What did she say? I couldn't understand her.." he pouted.

"It's ok, She was speaking French, it's her first language other than Japanese and English, we both speak english so that we can understand each other better, and she just called me a man baby." he explained while glaring at me.

"That's not very nice!" replied Josuke.

"No it's not, but that's just how we act around each other so I don't really mind it." said Noriaki.

They're going to get along just fine.

(so I only realized that I messed up the timeline after I had written the chapter so everything is about 6 years off the actual ages because I forgot to add the 6 years after stardust crusaders to Josuke's age so yeah, please don't get mad at me! -SynonymRoll)

I edited it so now the age will make sense!

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