Chapter 9

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(timeskip brought to you by the fact that idk how to write a wedding-SynonymRoll)

Cerise pov

"How is she doing?" I asked my brother, who was sitting beside his wife, who was asleep on a sofa.

"Much better than before, her fever went down and she isn't as restless as before," he whispered, "what caused all this anyway?".

"An enemy snuck into the building and used his stand to put a curse on Malena, but we defeated him." I whispered back as I looked over at my now husband who was passed out on a chair with Lincoln asleep on his chest.

Avdol, Jotaro, Joseph, and the rest of the Joestar/Kujo clan had already gone back to their hotel and my father was upstairs asleep. We had all gone back to my father's house after the wedding since our flights didn't leave until the day after tomorrow.

"That was one chaotic wedding," Jean whispered, "Tonio did a great job with the meal, but that was pretty amusing when everyone started to magically heal." he snickered.

"Yeah, I'm at least glad that since he's a family friend we didn't have to hire some fancy chef to make the food." I whispered back.

"Same." he replied

We heard some shuffling from across the room and looked over to Noriaki who was slowly blinking open his eyes.

"Good morning" he mumbled.

"It's night you dummy." whispered Jean.

"Then why does everyone look like they just woke up?" Noriaki questioned.

"Because we're tired, but we have to stay awake to monitor Malena in case she gets sick again." I whispered.

"Ok, well if you don't mind mon amour I'm going to try to sleep again," he sleepily whispered as he carefully wrapped his arms around Lincoln, " Goodnight Cerise, goodnight Polnareff." he whispered as he drifted back to sleep.

"Goodnight Noriaki." I whispered back.

"Goodnight Kakyoin." Jean grumbled.

"I wonder how Sherry is doing up there watching you be all unhappy on my special day?" I whispered sarcastically while trying to hold back a laugh when I saw my brother's ears perk up at the mention of our sister.

"Ok fine I'll try to cheer up, but please don't, I don't want to think of Sherry being disappointed in me." he whispered with his hands on his face.

"From what I've heard about her she could never be disappointed in you." I said trying to cheer him up.

"No, I couldn't be there to protect her. If I was there she probably wouldn't have gotten attacked by that monster of a human. She has every right to be disappointed in me. I'm the oldest, but I can't even protect my sisters. Hell I wasn't even there for you until almost 5 years ago." he whispered into his hands. a small, quiet sob escaped from the man.

An idea then popped into my mind.

"Stay right there, I have something that may help." I whispered. I approached a small bookshelf beside the stairs where we kept important books. I picked a worn, gray, leather book. I felt the scaley, faded leather under my fingertips and smiled to myself.

"Found it."

I walked over to my sulking brother and sat beside him. He looked over at me when he felt the weight of the couch shift.

"This might make you feel better." I said as I opened the small book.

My brother looked over my shoulder at the very first picture.

The colours were a little faded but the photograph was still in good shape.

It showed a small boy with a big goofy grin covering his face that looked about the age of 4 or 5, along with a little girl about a year old, holding a baby that looked to be about a month old.

The boy wore what looked like blue overalls over a green polo shirt with his blond hair combed neatly, the girl wore a pale yellow dress with her black hair in pigtails tied with pink ribbons along with a pink pacifier in her mouth but you could see the corners of her mouth turned up in a bright smile, and the baby was wrapped in a white knitted blanket fast asleep.

The picture showed Jean, Sherry, and I almost 8 months before our parent's divorce.

"There's more pictures just like this one in this book. It's the only way that I know what our mother looks like, and the only way that I have an inkling of what Sherry looks like." I whispered. Then I felt something like a raindrop land on my shoulder. I looked over to see my brother with small tears rolling down his face but I don't think he realized what was happening because he just looked at the picture as if he was in a trance.

"Wait here." he whispered and stood up and walked out of the room.

"He'll be back soon, he's just getting his wallet to show you something." whispered a voice.

I looked up to see Malena laying on her side looking at me with a soft smile.

"Sorry if I scared you, I woke up about a minute ago and couldn't help but notice you guys looking through one of the albums on the couch. Have you really never seen a picture of Sherry before?" she asked with a sympathetic smile.

"No, my mother never sent my father pictures of my siblings so I never knew what they looked like other than our childhood photos." I replied.

"If we ever go to visit you guys in Japan I'll make sure to pack the photo album that Jean keeps on his nightstand. It's full of pictures of him and Sherry when they were kids," she whispered, "it's always an experience to look through the pictures because he remembered every story behind every picture. In fact he found those pictures last year and put them in that book with the written story on every page. It took him 2 days."

"Wow that's amazing." I whispered.

"And you know your brother and how once he commits to something he is committed. he didn't sleep for those 2 days trying to make sure that everything was perfect. He's still adding to the book, he has pictures of Lincoln in there too so there is no doubt that your wedding photos are going to be added as soon as we get home." she whispered back.

"Found it. Oh Malena you're awake, how are you feeling?" asked my brother as he walked back into the room.

"Better thank-you. I was just telling Cerise about your photo album." she replied.

"Oh right I almost forgot about that, too bad I didn't pack it." Jean whispered as he sat back down beside me.

"Here, this is what Sherry looked like before she died." he whispered as he handed me a small wallet sized photo of our sister, she looked just like me, but she had our mother's distinctive smile that I saw in every photo of her.

Me and Sherry had both gotten our father's wavy black hair but our mother's blue eyes, but Jean had gotten our mother's straight Blonde hair and our father's eyes.

"She looks just like me." I whispered after I had finished analyzing the photo.

After a few seconds of silence I heard a soft snore come from beside me.

I looked up to see my brother asleep then I looked over at Malena to see her fast asleep as well. Soon my eyelids feel heavy as I placed the photo on the small table beside me.

"Goodnight Sherry." I whispered sleepily as I lost the battle with my need for sleep and slowly fell into a deep slumber.

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