Chapter 2

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(time skip brought to you by Joseph's outfit change two episodes into stardust crusaders :D)

Cerise pov

"To be honest, I was quite shocked that Kakyoin was that forward in his greeting," said my brother while he chopped up some vegetables for a salad, 

"He usually is pretty quiet unless he needs to speak for a purpose." I stared at the vegetables my brother was slicing. Well, the air that he was assuming was the vegetables.

"Jean! Pay attention! You're going to cut your finger if you're not careful!" but I was too late and my brother winced in pain as a fine line of red blood appeared on his thumb. 

Jean, being the drama queen he is, grabbed his hand and started hopping up and down to make sure that everyone around knew that he was in pain.

"What's wrong." asked a monotone voice belonging to Jotaro.

"Nothing, he just cut his finger while chopping up some vegetables." I replied, making my annoyance at my brother known.

"Hey! Quit whining you drama queen you're fine." Jotaro said to my brother.

"It just hurts alot!" Jean replied while staring at the small drops of blood appearing on the cut.

"Go sit at the table, I'll go get the first aid kit." I sighed while walking over to a cupboard across the kitchen.

"Ok.." my brother whined as he sat in one of the wooden chairs.

"Ok found the bandaids!" I said triumphantly as I took the small box from the cupboard and placed it on the counter.

"Alright you big baby hold still." I said to my brother who despite being in his 20s was squirming around in the chair trying to avoid the polysporin that was added on the bandaid.

"Polnareff you're going to be fine, you've been through much worse!" Jotaro said as he grabbed both of Jean's arms to get him to stop squirming.

"Annnnd done!" I said as I wrapped the bandage around his finger.

"There see you're fine!" Jotaro said while smacking my brother across the back of his head.

"Ow!" said Jean as he placed his hand on the back of his head, "that hurt!"

"Clearly not as much as a bandaid." I said sarcastically causing Jotaro to slightly chuckle under his breath.

Suddenly a familiar flash of green appeared at the door in a panicked state.

"What happened!? Who died!?" asked Kakyoin.

"My brother here got a small cut on his finger and was being a drama queen about it." I chuckled as Kakyoin seemed to calm down.

"Ok that makes a bit more sense." He replied.

"Want to help me with the rest of dinner since he clearly is not in the right state to help." I said pointing to my brother who was staring at his bandaged finger with tears brimming in his eyes.

"Sure, why not?" replied the man as he walked over the bowl and started where my brother had left off. Soon the dinner was complete and everyone was gathered around the table.

Kakyoin pov

As everyone found a seat at the table I decided to try and redeem myself after that awkward interaction we had at the door by sitting next to Cerise and trying to strike up an actual conversation. So I said the first thing that came to mind.

Emerald Angel (a Kakyoin x oc fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now