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Emilee didn't like funerals. Usually they were pompous affairs for people she didn't know and she felt rather like an intruder. But here she was, Elanora helping style her hair into a braided crown while she glumly anticipated the funeral of the five Eseterrians.

She still remembered the festival like it was yesterday. Then again, it had only been two days ago. She and Elanora had strolled through the winter garden, tasting delicacies from foreign countries and laughing at straight couples who were making a fool of themselves. Of course she wasn't about to generalise all straight people, but the male courtiers that tried to woo their lady by tossing a horseshoe and failed were high quality entertainment. Elanora especially enjoyed it when the woman then succeeded first try and the men went off sulking, whereas Emilee couldn't help but pity the women. Why did society have to produce such petty creatures?

Elanora detached her fingers from Emilee's hair, then slid on her grey gloves.

'Grey is so vile. Stupid dress codes.'

Anything related to Eseterrians and the five spirits had an unnecessarily complicated dress code. In the case of a funeral, those who had little to do with the Eseterrians were forced to wear grey,  while the priests wore black and the perfectly displayed corpses would wear white. Their closest circles were permitted to dress in grey and the respective Eseterrian's colour of choice. In Emilee's opinion, it just encouraged conflict. On the other hand, Ela didn't actually mind it being complicated, she was just sulking because she wasn't in one of the closer circles.

'You look stunning in anything,' Emilee reassured her sister.

'You know you're basically complimenting yourself. Lili would be disgusted,' her twin teased glumly.

Emilee's smile vanished as she remembered their deceased adoptive mother. Elanora guiltily pursed her lips, then squeezed her hand. 'Come on. We'll be late.'

'Don't you want to be fashionably late?'

'It's not a party,' Elanora scolded her.

Emilee was reminded of how fiercely Ela believed in the five spirits that had created Cines. Sure, Emilee believed in the spirits, but the whole Eseterrian thing sometimes felt like a trick. It was too similar to Avi's Enfanta, yet they were told she was an imposter. What was so different here?

The two courtiers left their small room and headed towards the Aedrum of the Five Spirits. There was a steady stream of lowly courtiers walking through the corridors. These hallways were some of the least ornate in the grand palace, reserved for those of lowest standing, but their walls were still covered in faded paintings. They weren't as illuminated as other corridors and were common places for the higher courtiers to steal away for secret kisses or death threats. On occasion, the Sato twins would leave their door slightly open, just enough to see the shadows dancing across the wall and listen to the incriminating whispers. Emilee felt like she was intruding, but adored the romance of it all. Elanora, on the other hand, mentally took note of the occurrences. Knowledge was power in this court and with Emilee and Elanora falling further and further down the hierarchy, who knew when such knowledge would come in handy.

The hallway joined one of the main halls and revealed the occasional person wearing traces of a spirit's colour. Some of the gowns were more elegant with delicate trims and expensive fabrics. Emilee smiled dreamily. She'd love to dress in rare silks, though it was enough of an honour to be able to wear simple gowns. Lili hadn't had to adopt the two girls, but she had, transporting them into a world of balls and intrigue.

It was a sight to behold. As tragic as the occasion was, Emilee couldn't help but marvel at everything. Evidently a painter had also found the sight worth capturing. He slouched in a chair, a paintbrush dangling from his right hand and a colour palette resting in his left. His blue hair caught Emi off guard, not to mention the scorched skin surrounding an eyepatch.

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