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as i lay on the floor in my room, i chewed on the (cold + frozen) teether and began scrolling through instagram, liking some posts, others not. beginning to get bored, i started to look through jin-hyung's followers and gasped at one particular username that read:


smiling to myself, i went to his account and scrolled through the posts.


jimin and i sat at the dining table, him constantly apologizing for what he made.

"shut up, it's really not that bad - at least it's vegetarian."

"i guess..." he looked back down at his plate, then looked back up at me with a rather puzzled expression.

"dont look at me like that, what're you looking at-"

"why are you-"

"damn, i know i'm pretty but no need to stare at me-"

"your ego is too big for this household, i swear to god..." his eyebrows furred and he simply asked, "why are you vegetarian? surely you couldn't resist bacon-"

"first of all, bitch, i'm vegetarian because i wanted to be. second of all, you look really ugly today, i think its the eyebrows... have you waxed recently-"

"i know you did not just-"

"thirdly, bacon makes your bussy smell and i don't know any guys that are into that... on that note, i'm finished. i'll clean up since you 'made' dinner."

"and they were roommates" - yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now