Kirishima Eijiro: Origin

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(AN- Trigger Warning for bullying and self-deprication.

So for me it's literally 3am on Saturday, but I haven't slept yet so that means it's still Friday. (Btw sorry this took so long I was quarantined, and unable to write.)

Unrelated but very important note, I'd like to say once again, requests are closed.

Anyways time for some angst. Have fun <3)


Kirishima was glad for the mood-lifter. It was nice to see people laughing again, especially after what was shown before.

He still didn't know how to feel about Bakugou. After they reacted to his psychology or whatever that was, he understood more about his best friend's actions.

He knew Midoriya was fine with him re-connecting with Bakugou, if that look he gave him was anything to go off by, so it wasn't that that was making him hesitant.

No, what was making him question whether or not he should continue to be friends with Bakugou was his own experience with bullies. He didn't like looking back at his middle school days, as his days there were filled with nothing but sadness and pain, but he couldn't help but reflect on it sometimes.

He supposes he should at least give Bakugou a chance, but he didn't know how to approach him.

(Of course he didn't really have to approach him as he was quite literally sitting right next to the blonde, but that was beside the point.)

Kirishima decides that he would try to set aside his feelings right now and give the nlond a chance.

He looked at the screen as it started counting down from 30 seconds, and he joined in the count down with everyone else, much to many people's dismay.

"...17! ...16!... 15!" Many shouted, Kirishima included, as he tried to focus on the screen rather than his past.

"...11! ...10! ...9!"

It was nice to just forget about everything that just happened these last few hours, and Kirishima felt his mood lift even more than they reacted to the Bakusquad pictures.

"...3! ...2! ...1!" Many screamed, awaiting for the next thing they would react to would come on screen.

'Maybe this one won't be too bad' Kirishima thought as he awaited for the next topic. For once, he was happy to just be here either his friends. Kirishima decided that he would just forget about his time in middle school for now.

"Kirishima Eijirou: Origin."

Well s***.

He could feel Mina's stare on the side of his head. He turned to look at her and smiled reassuringly. She gave a smile back as well. Bakugou watched on in confusion. Kirishima just gave him a smile too. He wasnt sure if he meant it or not.


Kirishima turned around to meet his teacher's eyes. They were cold amd hard, as he had mastered hiding his emotions. Kirishima had a feeling that he was being sincere, though.

"Ah-, yes Aizawa-sensei?" He said. He had his every-present smile on his face as he masked the worry in the bottom of his stomach.

"I know we don't have much of a choice, but are you comfortable with this? The last time we went into someone's backstory it didn't really turn out too well, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

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