take your siblings to work day part 1

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you blinked and your mouth was wide open. when you opened the door, jungeun wasn't even looking at you. she looked... strange..?
her arm was leaning on the wall and she wasn't looking at you. her head was facing her left. it looks like she was "preparing" to be intimidating.

"jungeun...?" you whispered. jungeun turned her head quickly when she heard her name, she saw your face and she quickly fixed herself. "y-ynnnnnnnn didn't know you lived here."

she looks real goofy rn ngl

"sorry for jumping i was excited about meeting playstation..." you apologized with a smile. "it's fine i was excited too..." it was silent for a couple seconds. "i should go get ready..." she said. you nodded, but before you could close the door jungeun stopped it.

"nice sports bra by the way" she then closed the door.


you looked around your living room to see if you missed anything. nope! all clear! you grabbed your keys and walked out of the door, locking it. you saw a familiar car but you didn't mind it. 'ding!' goes you phone. not paying attention while walking, you opened it.


your body landed on the ground dropping all of your things. luckily you didn't hit your head. "fuck! watch where you're fucking going!" (a/n: ik y'all expected it to be jungeun but nahhhh thats too corny) you didn't recognize that boys' voice at all. it sounded like a teenage boy...

"chill out it's literally 7:30 in the morning and it was a fucking accident dickhead!" you stood up and looked at the boys' face for a second. he had dark brown hair and a black undercut. he had those small black circle earrings (idk wtf they're called😭)

he looked like he was in 8th grade honestly but you really don't give a fuck...

you then heard a beep and we both turned our heads. "TAE- oh! i see you've met y/n!" she noticed you looked... rough and so did he. "woah what happened here...?" she said looking concerned.

"well y/n wasn't watching where she was going!" he yelled. jungeun knew you were in the wrong. but she defended you anyways because who cares about some 14 year old boy?! "now taehyung, y/n here is a hardworking business woman. she just woke up early in the morning, i don't think she even had coffee yet!" jungeun patted your back and "helped" you to her car, you WERE NOT supposed to be riding in her car.

"whate- NO IM SUPPOSED TO SIT IN THE FRONT!" yelled taehyung. you chuckled. you're seriously having beef with with a 8th grader?

taehyung angrily walked to jungeun's car, sitting in the back seat. "oh by the way y/n, today's take your siblings to work day (i know this day doesn't exist but it's a wattpad fic come on now) so i brought him! do you have any siblings?" jungeun asked out of curiosity.

(A/N: if you don't got no siblings or you're not korean pretend like jungkook is your adopted brother or sumn😩i will not have koreaboos reading my fic🤨🤚🏽)

"i have a little brother, he's his age" you turned your head to taehyung in the backseat. he didn't even want to look at you "do you go to Big Hit Middle School?" taehyung silently nodded. still not looking at you. you turned back to jungeun who looked like she was just staring at you. "he's only 8 minutes away actually, let's pick him up!"

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