Chapter 12 (This one has a smut part so beware)

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That night I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't believe I was back here again. The love I had for this man was unreal, the passion, the pain, the anger and the loss, were all the emotions I was letting myself feel. lt feels like I've been staring up at this ceiling for days, I look over at the clock and it only says 3:00. I got up and stepped outside the door, the cool air felt good on my skin. "Couldn't sleep either?" I look to my left and there he was the cause of my sleeplessness, "No." He was sitting on the little bench they had between the rooms. "How's the dog doing in there?" "She's restless." "I know the feeling." "I think she missed you." "Just her?" "Dean..." "Sorry." "I'm not sure what you want from me." He stands up and comes closer, "I just want to be your friend again." "Even that will take time, I hope you know it's going to take a while for me to trust you again." "I honestly don't expect you to forgive me or trust me ever again, but I'm going to prove to you that you can." I nodded. "You wanna come in?" He kind of smirks, "If I go in it might be hard for me to be a good guy." I laughed a little, "Ok, I am gonna try and get some sleep." "Yeah I guess I better too." I turn to go back in, "Nic?" "Yeah?" "I'm gonna fix this." "I know you're gonna try." I walked back in. He goes to the door and touches it with his hand. The next couple weeks, we found out more and more about these leviathan things. Dean went back in time and met Elliot Ness yes that one. Sheriff  Mills has become one of my favorite people. I've learned Sams afraid of clowns, Castiel came back and took on Sams pain, and I met a quirky hunter named Garth. Dean and I have become friends again, we've been in a great place lately. "I'm gonna take Aurora to that park we passed you wanna come?" "Yeah." He took her leash and I held her toy, "It's beautiful here." "Yeah it is." "How do you think this Dick Roman situation is gonna end?" "Bloody." "Doesn't everything?" "Huh yeah I guess it does." We got to the park and I  took her off her leash, she ran around like crazy, I threw her ball and she chased it. Dean and I sat on the grass, "She really does look like a wolf." "She does, thank you for getting her for me." "Of course. I'll never forget the look on your face when you saw her." "How was that?" "Like a 5 year old kid getting her big Santa gift on Christmas morning." "Shut up! It wasn't that bad!" "It was so cute." I hit him. "Ow, you can still pack a punch!" "It's good for her to get out and run, being stuck in those tiny rooms all day she needs it." "We are getting closer to figuring out how to kill those son of a bitches and when we do you..." "I what? I can go back to being a doctor leading a normal life? You know I can't do that, they think I had something to do with Liam's death, I'm kind of wanted." "I know, I'm sorry. We could have Frank give you a new identity." "That wouldn't be such a bad idea but I still can't go back to medicine." "I wish I could help. " "Besides no matter what happens with those dicks I can never go back to any type of normal life. I will always have something coming for me." "Have you thought about if you will stay or go on your own?" "When I was hunting alone it was like a different kind of feeling, I wasn't scared but more like insecure." "It is nice knowing someone has your back." "Yeah, we better get back it looks like she's tired out." We walked back, I handed him the leash and our hands brushed against one another and the electricity was undeniable.

We looked into each other's eyes, and I couldn't control myself so I kissed him, I think I surprised him. He pulled away from me, "I'm sorry Dean." I started to walk away, "Hey, believe me I want nothing more than to take you back to that room and make love to you all day but I can't do that because I know it would only be that one time." He was right, but it still stung when he pulled away. "You're right, I don't know what I was thinking." "Probably the same thing I think at least 23 out of the 24 hours a day." He always knew what to say to make me feel better. "Can we forget this happened?" "Pfff not in a million years lady!!" I laughed. "Fair enough." On the walk back Deans phone rang, "Hey, um we can be there by tomorrow, ok Annie see ya then." "Trouble?" "Just an old friend of Bobby's needing help." We got back to the motel and packed up so we could hit the road, we drove all night to get to Florida by the next afternoon. We waited for her at the restaurant, where I found out Sam, Dean and Bobby all slept with this woman, "Ok that's just gross you guys!" "Hey you've kissed both of us." "Yes Dean but a kiss that's it, you guys plus Bobby did way more than that." We all kind of laughed, "Where is she? She should have been here by now." We all get up and go check out her room, we find the stuff she had researched about this job and decided to go check it out. "If this place doesn't scream haunted." Dean pulls out his phone and calls her, we find her phone on the floor, "That can't be good." We leave and do some more digging, "So what this place has been a ton of different things, you know how many ghosts are probably there." We decided to go back later and check it again, this time we were greeted by a lady of the night spirit who told us some things. As she was talking it must have pissed someone off cause she burst into flames. We figured out what was going on took care of it and as we were leaving the house, "Bobby?" I couldn't believe my eyes, "It's about time!" "How we burned your bones?" Well it turns out that flask Dean carries is what's keeping him here. We go back to the room and Bobby appears, "Why didn't you move on?" "I couldn't leave you guys!" "Yeah but Bobby you know what happens when..." "Don't even say it! I know what I'm doing!" He flashed and he was gone. "Dean." "I know Nic I know." We all kind of just looked at each other. "I'm gonna take a walk." "I'm coming with you." "I can walk by myself." "I know I want to get some fresh air." Sam and I left the room, "Sam, Dean has gotta get rid of that flask." "That's easier said then done." "I know what Bobby meant to him but if he stays too long he is gonna get angry." "I know, I'll talk to Dean." "I can if you me too." "So where do you guys stand?" "Jeez nothing like an easy question to lighten the mood!" "Sorry I just want you guys to be happy again." "I am happy Sam, I mean as happy as this life allows." "You think you'll ever get back together?" "I don't know, I mean if things were that simple then yeah I guess so." "They can be ya know." "No Sam they really can't." We walked a few more blocks but didn't talk any more, "I'm gonna get another room for me and her." "Nic you don't have too, I can sleep on the couch." "You sure?" "Yeah." Dean never volunteers to sleep on the couch, I plopped the dogs big pillow on the floor next to the bed, Sam was fast asleep, I look over at Dean scrunched up on the little couch tossing about to get comfy, "Dean get your ass over here!" "No this is fine, see." He puts his legs over the side to dangle, "We are two adults, we can be mature enough to sleep in the same bed." "You sure?" "Yes now come on so I can get to sleep already!" He gets up and comes over I roll to my side and he climbs in. I think I laid there for awhile, having him this close to me was hard, not being able to touch him. "Nic?" "Yeah?" "You asleep?" "Well obviously not." "Huh yeah, can I just put my arm around you? I know it's probably not appropriate but I just feel like I need it." I thought about it for a bit, "Yeah." He scoots over and puts his arm around me, he pulls me closer to him but not so close that we are touching, "Oh Dean make sure when I wake up I don't have something poking me in the leg." He laughs, "No promises on that one!" I laughed. I actually fell asleep quickly once he put his arm around me. When I woke up I had his arm around me and his leg over the top of mine, there was no space between us now. I put my arm around his head, "Hey, I gotta get up." He grumbles half asleep, "In a minute." "Dean, please I have to pee." "Ok." He let's go and I got up. I came out of the bathroom with him back asleep, he looked so peaceful and beautiful sleeping. Sams head pops up and I wave to him, he smiles at me. Sam comes over and goes into the bathroom, I crawl back in bed and I just stare at him for a while, his beautiful face, his full lips and his amazing shoulders. I leaned in and kissed him softly, his eyes fluttered open and those emerald eyes burned through my soul. "Sorry if I scared you." "Not scared, surprised." "I thought I would wake you that way." "Yeah that's a good way." We were just staring at each other, Sam came out of the bathroom, "You guys gonna be ready to go soon?" "Yeah." We decided to set up camp at Rufus' cabin to plan our next move.

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