Chapter 8

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The next couple weeks Dean began to tell me more and more about what he went through in hell. One night we were laying in bed, Sam had gone out some where, him leaving was becoming more and more frequent, "I can't imagine going through what you did babe, it must have been awful." "It was, I did things I'm not proud of." I looked up at him, "What do you mean?", his eyes got teary, "After months of endless torture, I mean it was all day everyday I just couldn't take the pain any more, so finally I gave in to Alastair." "What did you do?" "I started doing the torturing, it was the worst thing in my life but my mind and body just couldn't take the pain ya know, I hate myself for doing it." "Hey don't say that, sure I don't know what it was like but you did what you had to, those souls weren't all that good if they were in hell anyway, so don't ever say you hate yourself that." "Thank you." "For what?" "For getting me." "I love you Dean, I will always be here." "I love you back!" "Are you ever gonna have that talk with Sam?" "I guess I kind if forgot about it, why don't you just tell me." "No, you need to talk with Sam." "Oh hey Sam." "Hey was I interrupting?" "Nope we were just getting ready to get up and get breakfast." I got up and went to the bathroom to change. We got breakfast at a diner, "I think I got something, a man gets shot in the head but doesn't die?" "That sounds completely normal." "Never a dull moment is it!" We finished and head to a town, we found out that all the reapers have vanished, "Let's become ghosts." "Wait I thought you just said you're gonna become ghosts!" "Yeah we know someone who can do this, we gotta figure out why." "Really?! Dean! We just got back on track and you want to die?!" Sam chimes in, "It will be totally safe, she's good she knows what she's doing." "I'm not having any part of this! Leave my ass at a motel and if you make it back I will see you then!" They didn't argue they just dropped me off. "Are you gonna be in trouble or what?!" "Sam shut up and call Pamela!" The boys were gone for a long time, the longer it was the more I worried, finally they came through the door, they looked terrible, "Did everything go as planned?" "No we lost someone." "Oh no! Dean are you ok?" "No I don't think so Nic." He walks past me to grab a beer, "Sam?" "It's tough right now." I didn't know what to do or say to them. I grabbed the keys and my purse and went to get some food. I came back about 20 minutes later and they were still in the same spot. "I got some food if you guys are hungry." They said nothing. I took the food out of the bags and sat down to eat, Dean looks at me and comes over, I hand him a burger and I put my hand on his, he looks at me and exhales deeply with sadness, I gave him the I'm here when you are ready look. Sam got up and left. A few days had past and Dean told me about Pamela and how he felt it was his fault, we were going to her funeral today. We got back and Dean stays outside, "I'll be in later." I nodded and smiled, "Sam you guys have to know it wasn't your fault." "It's gonna take a while for that to sink in. "He's been outside for awhile, I better see if he's ok." I walked outside and didn't see him, the impala was there but he wasn't, so I walked around, "Dean?! Dean!!!" I run back in, "Sam, Deans gone!" "What do you mean?" "I mean he's gone! What part of that is difficult to get!" I picked up my phone, "Come on pick up." I start to pace, "We will find him." "Call Castiel." "I can try." He tried calling for Cas but he doesn't come, "Ruby?" "No Sam that doesn't need to be called!" "Really Nikki?!" "Yes really Sam!!! That thing is something not to be involved!" Sam gets pissed and storms out, I called everyone I could think of and nobody knew where he was. A little bit later Sam shows back up with Ruby, "Sam what the hell!!!" "Chill out goldilocks, I'm here to help." "I don't want your help!" "Yes you do! She knows what happen to Dean." I didn't say anything, "Ok then, the angels took him to torture Alastair." I got afraid, "No. That can't be! He's not..." "Dean isn't strong enough to kill him but I am." "Oh you mean if you drink more blood?!" Sam just looked down. "I don't have all day Sam." "Shut up bitch!" "I don't need this I'm outta here!" She starts to leave but Sam grabs her arm, "Stay please. Nichole if she doesn't help us we may never find him." "Let me ask you Sam, even if you help Dean do you think he's gonna be ok with what you did to help him?!" "It's a chance I'm willing to take. Ruby do what you can please." I rolled my eyes, she did a spell and lit a map on fire, "That part that didn't burn that's where Dean is." "Let's go then!" "Hold on, I need something to be strong enough." "No Sam you don't." "Yes he does! He can't take on Alastair with a half of a hard on!" "You are poison! Sam have fun being poisoned!" I walked out the door, Ruby yelled, "You're welcome!!" I flipped her off as I shut the door.

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