«𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪'𝕧𝕖 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕕»

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Kirishima's POV:

Me and Bakubro were sitting on the rooftop, enjoying our lunch. I couldn't help but glance at Todobro every so often, and I don't know why.

Though, he has been acting a little off lately. Maybe he's just not feeling great or something...

I shouldn't be thinking about it too much. It's his business after all. Then again, if there's something wrong, and not helping would be neither manly nor heroic. It seems that I'm not the only one who's noticed this though. Yaomomo and Jirou have been glancing at him a lot too, so have Iida, Midobro and Uraraka.

"You finished staring at half n' half or what?!"

Ah shit... Bakubro probably caught me staring at Todobro...

"A-Ah, sorry man. I'm just... a little worried about Todobro...", I mumbled apologetically.

Making a 'tch' type of sound, Bakubro looked at Todobro's back too, seemingly thinking.

"So you've noticed too?"


"Whaddya mean?"

"Isn't it obvious, dumbass? He's clearly acting different than usual. I dunno... it's fishy", he responded while rolling his eyes.

I was surprised at his tone of voice. It seemed way softer that usual, almost like he was worried.

"Oh, yeah. I've noticed that. I wonder if there's generally something wrong..." I was cut off by the bell ringing.

Midoriya's POV (at the same time as Kirishima's):

"Guys, do you know where Todoroki-kun is?", I asked. Usually he eats lunch with us, but now he's nowhere in the cafeteria.

"No, I don't, Midoriya", Iida said while shaking his head, "It would've been less rude if he had told us that he wouldn't be eating with us though."

"I think I saw him walking up to the rooftop with some books of his *ribbit*", Tsu said, shrugging, her index finger at her cheek, younger sticking out slightly.

"Oh okay... umm..."

"Is there something bothering you, Deku-kun?", Uraraka asked me concerned.

"I-  It's just... I'm worried... about Todoroki-kun... he's been acting strange lately, don't you think?", my voice wavered a little when I said that.

"Hmm... you've got a point... He really has been... well, acting weird", Tsu agreed.

His deep-in-thought-expression on his face, Iida nodded slowly,

"Yes. It is a little strange... It's almost like he's been pushing us away... I'm not sure, put I feel like he's not feeling great at the moment. Maybe he just needs space."

"Yeah...", I trailed off.

Soon after, the bell rang and we made our way back to our classroom.

Short ass chapter, but a chapter. I'll try updating more regularly than I have been now.

Date Published: 6th of March, 2021 at 3:43 PM

Words: 454

Anyways, I hope you have a lovely day/night!

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