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I know I said I wouldn't be writing much, but in this case writing really helped me get my mind off things and focus. I'm still upset about the whole situation with my friend, but I'm trying my best to accept the reality and move onward.

Third Person POV:

"It's always been obvious that Todoroki didn't have the best relationship towards Endeavor, but to think that this might be the reason..."

Aizawa sighed, resting his head in his hands. His mind was full of unanswered questions as he was desperately trying to find some logical explanation for what might be going on with his student.

"It's... It's shocking, to say the least... but we shouldn't be jumping to conclusions... We have no proof that it's... abuse... quite yet...", Chiyo sighed.

"Huh? What was that about abuse?", a voice suddenly rang throughout the teacher's lounge.

Thinking they were alone in the room, Aizawa and Recovery Girl whipped their heads around in the direction of the new voice.

In the doorway stood U.A.'s principal, Nezu, a teacup in his hand.

"A-Ah, principal Nezu..! Umm...", the underground hero stammered, trying to form a straight sentence.

He shot a slightly nervous glance in the nurse's direction who returned a grim expression, before taking matters in her own hands.

"Me and Erasurehead are under the impression that one of our students might be getting abused...", she said miserably.

"Is that so?", Nezu quirked an eyebrow, "Who..?"

Aizawa was stunned by Nezu's disgruntled tone, let alone expression.

"Shoto Todoroki, class 2-A."

Nezu eyed him, before continuing, "What makes you think so?"


"Ah, Todoroki-shonen! You're awake!", a booming voice said, startling the monotone boy who had only just woken up.

"All Might...?", he muttered, blinking slowly.

"Yes! It indeed is me, Todoroki-shonen! You had us worried there, Aizawa in particular", All Might paused, "Speaking of Aizawa, I better inform him that you're awake. He wanted to be able to talk to you once you woke up."

With a quick "I shall get him quickly, stay put!", All Might headed off to the teacher's lounge, where the raven-haired teacher had been awaiting him.

"Aizawa! Todoroki is awake", he beamed, the smile wiped off his face immediately as he noticed the tense air in the room.

"Thank you, All Might."

Aizawa got up and headed straight to the Nurses Office, desperately hoping to bring down the boy's walls and get him to open up.

He knocked on the door before opening it, eyes meeting with the mismatched, ocean-blue and stormy-grey eyes belonging to none other than Shoto Todoroki.

"Aizawa-sensei... All Might said you wanted to talk to me?", the heterochromatic boy said, polite as ever.

"Yes. Yes, I do... About several things...", the student motioned him to continue, "About yesterday... You seemed to be... rather hesitant to go home; what was that about?"

"I'm sorry if that's the impression I gave off, sensei. That wasn't in any way the case, I just kind of wished to be able to spend a little more time with my mother...", Todoroki mumbled the last part, averting his gaze to the floor.

"You actually care...?" - BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now