Chapter 1- 12 years before

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12 years ago

Through the darkness of the night, a girl approached the manor. It was spectacular yet terrifying, but she kept walking forward. The brushes that surrounded the house looked eerie as they stood tall. She continue until she made it to the entry. It was a horrific and beautiful sight. The gates were mixed in with snakes and rose brushes, with rust crumbling off the sides. When it opened, the girl knew it would squeak, as though the house had been passed down from generation to generation right from the very beginning. She jolted upright when she saw a figure moving towards her.
"Who are you." A raspy voice hissed.
"I... I'm..." She cleared her throat. "I'm hear to see the Dark Lord. He has requested my presence." Trying to sound as fearless as possible, she wanted to curl into a ball and hide away forever. But she knew she couldn't.
"You. The Dark Lord wants to see you." The woman gave a hideous cackle, which made the girl jump right out of her bones. "Well, I suppose if the Dark Lord wishes to see you, he will" She gave another wild cackle and with a swish of her wand she opened the gates.

The Drawing room was breathtaking. As the girl waited she tried to take in everything amazing about the room. She wanted to grab a book off the shelf but she knew she would pay for it in someway. The woman who greeted her at the gate was now eyeing her off. She had long dark hair with an incredible bone structure. She would of been gorgeous if she didn't look so evil. But her smile was the worst. With cracked teeth fading away, she looked like she could torture anyone and not have any remorse towards what she had done. Unfortunately, as she study the woman she realised how much alike she was to the man she met 6 months ago. She hated herself for what she had gotten into, but she knew there was no running from it. Her family had abandoned her after they realised what had happened. After all her hiding and pretending everything was okay and nothing was wrong, her family found out and tossed her aside. She too had also wanted to get rid of it, to never allow it to get out of hand, but every time she tried to make it go away, she stopped her self. She wasn't a murderer or torturer. She was kind and loving and deep down she wanted this to happen. Just not with the man who had made it happen.
The doors creaked open and in came a tall handsome man. Although he wasn't handsome. He had glowing red eyes and snake like features. He was disgusting yet the girl couldn't take her eyes off him. The woman cowered when he approached, spitting a warm "My lord". He looked the girl up and down, finally resting his eyes upon her stomach.
"Leave us" he hissed.
"But My Lord, she-"
"I said leave us. You have your mission to complete Bella. The aurors are waiting for you. I need that information. Now GO!"
The woman scrambled out of the drawing room shutting the doors behind her. The man and the girl stared into each other's eyes, waiting for the other to break away. They both knew what was about to occur but the silence help soothe the pain. The girl wanted to speak, but she was afraid if she did, she would break down into tears, and crying was no option in this situation. She was relieved when he spoke first.
"I know of the situation at hand," he's cold voice hissed, "I have made arrangements for you and the-"
"Arrangements? What arrangements?" The girl interrupted. She wanted to curse herself as soon as she cut in. She thought he was going to punish her for the outburst, but he seemed to control his anger.
"My servant, Severus Snape, is a teacher at Hogwarts. He will look after you and the child."
It was the first time he had said child. It sent chills down the girls back. She nodded gracefully, making sure she didn't speak unless she was allowed to. She made eye contact with the red eyes once more, until he turned and vanished from the room.

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