Author's Note

51 13 0

Hello there!

General Kenobi...

Pretty cringy, I know.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to check out TKATP: A Coronation of Blood. This is the second draft of the original "The Knight and the Peasant" novel, which you can still check out on my profile. Although be warned, it's definitely not that amazing. 

For those of you who read my original novel, this is almost a complete rewrite. Characters such as Benedict, Angelica (Aurelianna in this book), and Gerard have been changed drastically, given more complex characteristics and depth. The plotline is also wholly different, the worldbuilding so much richer. I hope y'all like the changes!

Since the Wattpad algorithm isn't the fairest to new stories that aren't cliche werewolf/vampire romances or fanfictions, you can do your part to help me get this story out there by following me, voting, and commenting!

Every single bit of constructive criticism is welcome! Don't hold back! I'm always trying to improve.

One last thing: A Coronation of Blood is an epic fantasy filled to the brim with action, war, and political intrigue. The violence can get quite gruesome, and I will not hold back in my depiction of war. There are also sexual scenes in A Coronation of Blood which can get fairly graphic. If you're not comfortable with these things, that's ok! You can check out my novel "The Knight and the Peasant" which is actually the first draft of A Coronation of Blood (and not mature).

With that out of the way, enjoy the novel!

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