Chapter IX: A Memory

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Nearly six months had passed since the tense encounter with the Lady of Sapinsville. Life had continued on as usual for Salvador, attending school at the church, spending time with friends, helping his mother and father around.

Salvador had begun to notice he was somewhat of an oddity in the town. Many of his schoolmates had three or four other siblings. Sometimes even more! His two best friends, Arryo and Iseah, had three and five other siblings respectively. He'd asked his parents once why this was.

"Because your father thought one was enough," his mother had responded at the time.

"He's more than enough," his father had grunted before affectionately ruffling his hair.

Salvador had sensed there was something they weren't telling him. Probably because he wasn't "old enough." Whatever, as if six years old was not enough! Maybe when he was seven?

Anyways, Salvador was on his way back from school. He usually walked home with Arryo, Iseah, Carlynna, and Lylla, but Iseah had to stay at the church for some reason. The walk had been quiet for the most part, it just wasn't the same without Yaseyho. But Salvador didn't want this entire walk to just go by in silence.

Suddenly, an idea struck him like a lightning bolt. "How about we go down to the wharf and look at all the ships coming in!" Salvador had noticed that there seemed to be more ships passing through Sapinsville.

Arryo nodded eagerly, his mop of curly black hair shaking; he was looking for any way to distract him from the fact that he was walking home with two girls. Lylla voiced her consent and Carlynna just shrugged, going along with it.

Salvador took them to his favorite spot―a hill stationed above the wharf, overlooking the Corriende. From here, he could see all the ships that sailed their way through Sapinsville, either down south to Rivièrra or up north to the Comodi Mountain mining villages.

"Wow, the Correinde looks so beautiful from here, Salvador," Lylla noted.

"It's pretty nice," Salvador agreed. The river sparkled like the stars at twilight, it's cool blue color providing a sort of comfort. He pointed out a ship that bore a banner that held a flower he had never seen before as its sigil. "Do you think that it's the Duchess of Vyroña? I heard she had a dahlia as her sigil. Is that a dahlia?"

"Who are you asking?" Arryo asked.

"Dunno. You guys?"

"That's not a dahlia," Carlynna answered.

Salvador pouted. "Awwww. I really wish it was her ship." Carlynna and Lylla just gave him puzzled looks but Arryo knew what he was talking about. For it was with both him and Yaseyho that Salvador spent much of his time talking to about distant lands beyond the duchy of Rivièrra. The rest of Sersalvon.

There were multiple ships bearing that odd standard. Salvador even thought he'd seen them before, although he'd never paid that much attention until now. The group watched the river for some time before they had to go. Their parents would be looking for them soon. Salvador had also promised his father he would go into the forge and watch him.

Salvador eventually parted from the group, making his way to his home. When he entered, he overheard his parents talking to someone but he couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

"Salvador, are you home?" his mother called.

"Yes, mami!"

"Go to your room for a little bit, sugar."


Most of the houses in Sapinsville were quite small, cool, damp things with only a couple or so rooms in total. Salvador's house was larger than most, his father being the village blacksmith and all. Only the houses of the few merchant families were larger, and that was mainly because their homes consisted of their shops as well.

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