Chapter VIII Pt. 2: Benedict

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The Grand Hall fell silent. This did not bode well. Not at all. Even King Gallo seemed troubled, and he usually paid no heed to events such as these. Just like how he'd papered over the Rape of Sanct Corentina. This was bigger than one just city; such a conflict would most likely spill over into the Crownlands, engulfing the entire island of Sanct Seraselv.

"I... must meet with my advisors. The court is adjourned." The king quickly arose from the Serpent Throne and left the Grand Hall through the back door. Fyrncisco, Queen Cezilia, Prince Jacquez, and the Sovereign's Council followed him, escorted by the Angelic Guard. The Hall itself quickly began to empty as the highborns teemed with eagerness to discuss the events that had transpired.

Benedict was left with Charlotte, his sister-in-law, Lyandro, and his aunt.

"Charlotte, eija," the Lady Gisele said. "I shall be in my rooms. Benedict." She ended with a nod in his general direction and parted.

Fyrncisco's wife, Risarda, hesitated. "Do you think the king will go to war?" she asked them.

Charlotte snorted. "His Majesty himself would not deign to bloody himself. In truth, I'm not quite sure he'll do much. Perhaps issue a 'stern' warning and leave it at that."

"Tread carefully," Benedict warned her in a hushed tone.

Charlotte ignored him. "His track record doesn't look too promising, what with the stain Sanct Corentina left on it. But nonetheless, even if he does, do not fear Risarda. I doubt he'd send his Crown Prince to war."

Risarda seemed slightly uncomfortable but assured nonetheless. "Thank you, Charlotte. I suppose I shall go now." She left, leaving Benedict alone with Charlotte and Lyandro.

Benedict's brother seemed to have dozed off. Benedict lightly shook his shoulder to wake him up. "Wake up, Lyandro."

The secondborn prince mumbled and groaned, shoving Benedict's hand out of the way. "What do you want, Benedict?"

"The court is adjourned."

"Really? Hm. What time is it?"

Benedict glanced at a clock. "Just past ten."

Lyandro groaned as he stood up. "You could've just left me asleep."

Benedict shrugged. "That didn't seem smart, I guess."

Lyandro grunted. "Whatever." He left Benedict and Charlotte alone.

Charlotte led Benedict out of the Grand Hall and into the hallways of the palace. "Let's go to the library," she suggested.

"I like that idea," Benedict replied. The lounge hall would be packed at this time. And filled to the brim with Sersalvonian maidens...

He involuntarily shuddered.

Charlotte chuckled. "Don't worry, Beni. I'll protect you from any overly-voracious females."

Benedict blushed. "How did you know what I was thinking."

Charlotte pinched him. "I just know you that well."

Then, out of the blue, a blur crashed into him, almost knocking him over. It was Oswaldo.

"Ai, Benedict!" the squire exclaimed. "I was just thinking about ya, you know. Funny how these things happen."

"Hilarious," Benedict muttered.

"Soooooo..." Oswaldo drawled as they walked. "Mind if you... ya know, tell me a little bit about what happened in there? In the Grand Hall."

"Oh, this and that. What else was there...? Oh, yes! Something quite exciting. What a pity you weren't there to witness it," Charlotte said in a teasing tone.

Oswaldo scowled, souring his usually bright face. "You could just tell me."

"No fun."


"I heard that."

"U-uh, I meant how you're all so complex. In a good way! Your Highness," Oswaldo rushed.

Benedict raised an eyebrow. That was uncharacteristic of Oswaldo.

"So," the squire began, "where are you two headed off to?"

"The library," Benedict responded.

"I can never get you two separated."

"You're not very good at whispering, Oswaldo," Charlotte teased.

"Er... erm... sorry again, Your Highness."

Charlotte waved a dismissive hand.

Oswaldo coughed. "Well, Imma head off to the lounge room. The library is too boring. But I must say, that dress looks stunning on you today, Princess Charlotte."

"I should think it looks stunning on me every day I wear it. Not just today."

"Er... of course it does."

"Your words indicate otherwise."


"Oh leave him be, Charlotte," Benedict scolded.

"Ah, forgive me for being an ass, Oswaldo. I was having but a tad too much fun with you."

"Oh you're never an ass, Your Highness. You can have fun with me whenever you want." With that, the squire bowed and headed off.

When he was out of hearing distance, Charlotte laughed into her hand. "What's so funny?" Benedict asked.

"I'm having trouble figuring out whether he was just being naive or if he asked me to sleep with him."

Benedict felt his eyes almost pop out of his head. "Oswaldo? Ask you to sleep with him? No way?"

"Beni, dear, you're quite the prude, you know."

"It's not that―it's just that Oswaldo wouldn't say something like that."

"Welcome to Sersalvon."


"Oh hush, Benedict. You probably didn't even listen to Senieur Terxto's lessons on sex, sexual morality, and sexual safety."

In truth, Benedict had purposefully forgotten about all of it except for the sexual morality (and even then only because it related to theology).

"Yeah, that's what I thought. You have a lot to learn. When Terxto returns, he'll definitely go a lot more in-depth into those now that it's your first Amaratius at sixteen. In the meantime, I guess I'll have to do."

"There is no way in God's world that you're going to give me sex education," Benedict retorted.

"Okay then, ask your mother."

Benedict didn't answer. He only sighed in defeat. Of course.

Charlotte did a hop, skip, and jump. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you enjoy them!" She skipped ahead to the entrance of the Palace Library. Benedict couldn't help but smile.

Inside the Palace Library, Benedict grabbed himself a stack of books and sat down on a sofa. The librarian, Signuera Fylisca, approached him. She was a kind, matronly woman from a minor noble family in the Crownlands. "Your Highness," she greeted with a curtsy. "May I be of assistance."

"Thank you, signuera. I am well."

The librarian cocked her head. "Are you sure you don't want any books regarding sexual activities? Perhaps the theology and philosophy of sexuality? It is your first Amaratius at sixteen, after all."

You too? "Uhm... I guess I think Charlotte is getting something for me along those lines."

Fylisca nodded. "Ah, yes, I did see her in that section. Well, you know where I am if you need me, Your Highness." She retreated to her desk.

There's an entire section devoted to sex? Benedict thought to himself. Of course there is, he immediately thought after. You live in Sersalvon, fool.

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