Chapter XII Pt. 1: Benedict

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Charlotte dropped a stack of books in front of Benedict. He knew what they were without even looking at them.

"We need to get out of here before anyone sees us with this," he told her, refusing to look at the books.

Charlotte giggled. "That would be quite a sight to see, wouldn't it? Prince Benedict carrying a stack of sexual education and morality books accompanying his―"

"You don't have to paint me a picture," he interrupted. He sighed. "Alright, let's go." He closed his book and stood up, grabbing the stack of books Charlotte had set down. Just as they were about to leave, a messenger barged into the library.

"His Majesty, King Gallo requests for the assembly of the court in the Grand Hall!" he announced at the entrance of the library.

"They've come to a decision concerning the Varcez crisis," Charlotte muttered.

Benedict moved to pick up the books, but Fylisca the librarian stopped him. "I'll take charge of these until you come back, Your Highness," Benedict said his thanks and followed his cousin to the Grand Hall.

The highborns had all gathered in the Grand Hall, wearing tense expressions and stiff postures. They murmured amongst themselves, speculating of what the king was to announce, Benedict presumed. The Serpent Throne itself remained empty, but already the Angelic Guard flanked it, weapons at rest. Slowly, the Sovereign's Council filed into the hall, taking their respective positions. Bishop Esquivel's gaze fell upon Benedict. A look of shame crossed his face and he quickly looked away.

What was that about? Most likely the bishops had heard about his sleepwalking episode. Although they already knew about it, something about his sleepwalking unsettled the clergy. Probably thought he was possessed.

His mother, the queen, took her place by the Serpent Throne. Perhaps he was looking too deep into it, but Benedict could've sworn she was specifically avoiding looking at his side of the hall. Fryncisco held no such qualms, he met Benedict's gaze and nodded. Benedict bowed his head in deference to his older brother.

"Something's off," Charlotte noted.

Benedict nodded. "Glad I'm not the only one who noticed." Something hung in the air. Benedict couldn't quite place it but... it gave an off vibe.

The royal herald trumpeted the arrival of the king. Gallo delle Navíste entered the Grand Hall and everyone bowed in deference. The king sat heavily upon the Serpent Throne. He seemed... tired. Perhaps the meeting had drained him? Ironically, the King of Sersalvon rarely dealt with threats of national security.

Gallo made the motion to sit, and the hall sat. When the king spoke, his voice rang low and heavy. "Today we are faced with a crisis the likes of which has not been seen in my reign."

Benedict felt anger boil in him. He glanced to where Vylasca stood. The daughter of Varcez held a tense posture. The king blatantly disregarded the catastrophe that was Sanct Corentina. It was disgusting.

Gallo continued, "In order to prevent the suffering of thousands of innocents, the Crown will take action."

Benedict's anger began to dissipate. Excitement rose in his chest. Action? This would be the first since the beginning of his father's reign. Perhaps this would be the beginning of change; the start of slowly reunifying the kingdom.

And the broken throne he saw in his sleep would never come to pass.

The highborns muttered amongst themselves at the king's words. They didn't seem all to rejoice at the news. Why? Wasn't order what they all needed?

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