Chapter 8

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*a day after the previous chapter*

Katsuki's POV:

Class was almost over and you were looking forward for it to end more than usual. Yesterday y/n said that you would go sparring today. And for a reason you didn't understand, it was the only thing on your mind. 'I'm just looking forward to improving'. That was what you told yourself. But deep down you just were excited about being alone with y/n. The class FINALLY ended, so you went to your room. Once there, you quickly changed and waited outside for y/n.

Y/N's POV:

You stepped out of your room and found Katsuki waiting for you already. Smiling, you fist bumped. "You are ready early? Who are you and what have you done to Katsuki!?" He frowned. "Fuck you! For once that I'm being nice, you act like a dick?" A chuckle escaped your lips, and you wrapped your arm around him. "Oh, come on! I was just teasing you a little." You squeezed him a little, and he got tense. "... Whatever, let's go, we are wasting time here, shitty hands." He started walking away with your arm still around him. You pulled your arm away, but for the entire way to your training spot, your shoulders brushed. Something inside you had awakened, and you needed to be close to Katsuki.

Once you arrived, you both sat down right next to each other. You laid your hand on his thigh and he started talking. "S-So, are we doing it with quirks or without quirks? And are we using weapons?" He was nervous, but you said nothing about it. You kept teasing him like you didn't notice. Squeezing his thigh a little, you started talking. "Let's do it fair and right. No weapons, no quirks, no nada. Only our pure strength and intelligence." "Are you sure you could win like that?" He tried to regain the control, but you didn't let him. You leaned over and whispered into his ear. "I'm winning this, wether you like it or not." Then you separated from him and started stretching. "YOU WISH! I AM BEATING YOUR ASS AND I'M GONNA PROVE THAT I'M THE BEST! FUCKING SHITTY HANDS!" And just like that, his confidence was back. He started stretching too, and once you both were done, you got in your positions. 

"Are you ready?" You raised a brow, and he frowned his. "HECK YEAH" Today you had to win. If you didn't, you wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment. "3, 2, 1..... GO!" Katsuki sprinted towards you and you stayed put in a defensive position. You knew his combat style really well at this point, so you tried to predict his moves. He tried to punch you in your stomach, but you easily dodged that and punched him in the face. He flinched for half a second and tried to punch you again. You grabbed his fist and squeezed while you punched him with your other hand. But he grabbed your fist and now it looked like a wrestling match. You had more physical strength than him, so you just kept pushing until his knees failed, which you used to your advantage, kicking him so he fell down. You pinned him down and with that, a triumphant smile appeared on your face. "I won." He quickly stood up and frowned. "THE FUCK NO YOU DIDN'T! WHO SAID WE WOULD ONLY DO ONE ROUND HUH??? WE ARE JUST 1-0" You rolled your eyes. "Okay. I'm still going to win, so this is just a waste of time."

You got on your positions again. "3, 2, 1..... GO!" This time he seemed to repeat his movements. But instead of punching you, he kicked you hard, and you didn't see it coming. You stumbled but recovered quickly, taking a step back. He tried to punch you but you crouched and then you got up attempting to hit him, but he dodged and punched you. Finally, you lost balance and fell down. He pinned you and laughed out loud. You really underestimated the power of Katsuki's ego and anger. "SEE? YOU JUST GOT LUCKY." "Let's see about that." At first it was fun, but both of you were way too stubborn to admit a defeat. So the score went up to 2-3... then 4-4... then 5-6... and currently 9-8. It was exhausting at this point. Once again you pinned Katsuki down. He was bright red out of exhaustion. Sweat dripped all over his body, but so did yours. Right now, your own sweat drops fell on his face. Both of you gasped for air. "Can I win?" It was obvious that he was as tired as you were of sparring. "FINE." You sighed in relief and stared into Katsuki's eyes. The view you had of him right now was... hot. Why are we going to lie? With your arms giving up, you just stopped doing force and now just laid on top of Katsuki. It was gross since you were both covered in sweat, but it didn't matter to you at the moment. "I told you I would win." He looked away. "WHATEVER! I'm too fucking tired to deal with your bullshit now." Suddenly, he placed a hand on your head and pat your hair slightly. But with him, nothing lasts for long. "Your hair is sweaty. Disgusting." He took his hand off. "Don't get me started. Your shirt feels like it was underwater a few minutes ago." "Yet you are lying on top of it as we speak." "Yet you have not complained." He turned bright red and looked away. Temptation filled your body at that moment, but you let the poor boy catch a break. Silence stood upon you and it staid like that for a while.

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