Chapter 5

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*Several weeks after the last chapter*

Y/N's POV:

You had some free days this week and on one of those days the Bakusquad had a camping trip. You were getting your things ready and made sure you had everything. You got out of your dorm and went to UA's parking lot, Katsuki was going to drive you there, he was the only one in the Bakusquad who knew how to drive after all. Katsuki was the only one there. He laid his back on the car's door. You waved at him. You stood next to him and laid your back against the door like he did. "Are you excited for the trip?" He rolled his eyes. "Whatever" Smiling, you grabbed a cigarette and lit it up. "Oi, you are smoking more lately." Smirking, you kicked his feet with yours slightly. "You've been keeping count? Damn, you really are THAT worried about me." He kicked your feet back and blushed a little. "Fucking shitty hands." Sighing, you laid your head on his shoulder. He got a bit tense, but he didn't push you away. You stood like that for a while, and then you heard footsteps approaching. When Katsuki heard them, he separated from you. Denki and Eijiro waved at you, but then Izuku was there too. "What's shitty Deku doing here?" Denki rolled his eyes and Izuku smiled shily. "He heard we were going camping and wanted to tag along." "And when did I give permission for him to come?" Izuku looked down with a pout. "Oh, come on Kats, there's space for everyone." He looked at you, and he angrily mumbled something. "Whatever, everyone get in the fucking car." Izuku smiled brightly and gave you a thumbs up. "Thanks, y/n!" You nodded and went to a seat on the back, but then Katsuki grabbed your arm. "You are sitting on the passenger's seat" You smirked and went to sit where he said. He turned the engine on and you turned the radio on. The road there was silent, Eijiro was sleeping and Denki was busy with his phone. Izuku probably felt too awkward to talk. Katsuki was fixated on the road, and you were busy belting your heart out to the songs on the radio. "Yo! Didn't know Golden boy could sing!" You smiled. "Sing with me, Denki!" He sang along with you the rest of the trip there. At some point, Eijiro woke up and sang with you too. The three of you sang like drunk men after they get out of a bar. Izuku seemed amused with the situation, but Katsuki was annoyed as hell.

Once we arrived, Katsuki aggressively turned off the radio. "SHUT THE FUCK UP IM ABOUT TO GET A HEADACHE." Everyone except him started laughing. He grumpily got out of the car, slamming the car's door behind him. "If we start walking now, we should be there before it gets dark." Katsuki said that and grabbed his backpack. He led the way, and everyone followed. As the walk there went on, you noticed Katsuki was closer and closer to you. Then you took a step closer and your shoulders were brushing for a while. "I love being in nature, I wish it wasn't so far from UA." Izuku said that as he stretched his arms. "This place seems like a nice place to train with so much peace and silence." Eijiro grinned, showing off his sharp teeth while he did so. "Exactly, the SILENCE" Katsuki grunted and quickened his pace. "What's up with him today?" Denki asked, rising a brow. "He hates having his plans changed, and Izuku was not on his plan. Not your fault though, he will forget about it soon anyway, like a child throwing a tantrum." Izuku smiled and Denki nodded, agreeing with you. "I HEARD YOU, SHITTY HANDS" You laughed. "And what are you going to do about that?"

After a while walking, Eijiro stopped, and everyone looked at him. "Can we take a break to eat something?" Katsuki scoffed him. "That isn't really manly" Eijiro grinned and put a hand on his chest. "Admitting when a break is needed is part of being manly!" Katsuki furrowed his brows. "WHATEVER SHITTY HAIR, I guess you guys can rest. Don't take too long dipshits." Denki and Eijiro sat together on a fallen tree, and Katsuki sat on a big rock. Izuku fidgeted and just stood there awkwardly. You looked over to Katsuki and he patted the spot next to him, so you walked over there and sat with him. The rock was pretty big, you could've sat separated to Katsuki, but you didn't want to. The entire right side of your body touched against Katsuki's left side. You liked Katsuki's body heat, it was comforting. Over the past weeks, both of you making body contact like this progressively happened more often. Katsuki still got a little tense over it, but it was becoming a new normality for the both of you. He rummaged in his bag, searching for food. He had a blush on his ears, you knew that it was because he was holding a blush back. You did the same and got a butter and ham sandwich out. He looked over your sandwich and smirked. "Lame." He took his sandwich out, he made it of jalapenos, chicken, mayo and spicy sauce. "THIS, is how you make a sandwich, y/n." He bit into it proudly. He munched happily on his food. It was probably the only time today he smiled. You looked over the bitten sandwich, then you approached it and bit it. The blushed he contained on his ears spread all over his face, tainting it a slight pink color. "WHAT THE FUCK?" He almost dropped his sandwich. Amused, you laughed and munched on the piece you bit. "This is really good, Kats!" He smirked. "I KNOW." Then, Izuku approached you and Katsuki separated a few inches away from you. "Can I sit with you?" Katsuki clicked his tongue, and you sighed. "Of course! Sit here." He sat on your left and, once again, you sat between both of them. Katsuki still snapped back at Izuku, even though you clarified that you wouldn't forget him or replace him. So you knew he probably had more issues that he didn't want to talk about yet. After Izuku sat there, the conversation died. All of you ate and got up, ready to keep walking.

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