Chapter 11

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I released this raft since I saw no reason on keeping it. 

Y/N's POV:

It finally arrived. WEDNESDAY. You SHOT yourself out of your bed and got ready swiftly. Your phone rang, and you picked it up. "Eiji?" "Yup! I'm ready to go, but before we go... I can't wait any longer. I need to know what you are dressing as!" You chuckled. "As Laurie Strode." "Laurie Strode? But she's a female, right?" You sighed. "Lauren Strode then, It's not like it matters. What are YOU dressing as?" He took a deep breath. "A SHARK! A HUMAN SHARK! UNEXPECTED RIGHT?" Inside, you were laughing because you always pictured him as a big red dumb shark, but outside, you gave him what he wanted. "Oh? That's so cool and manly!" He laughed. "I know right! Anyway, see you in a bit!" You hang up and headed to your car.

Once in the car, Eijiro started talking as you turned the gears on. "So... why Laurie Strode?" You turned on your car and started driving. "I love her. She's a fighter. I mean, imagine stabbing a serial killer 3 times!" Eijiro looked at you. "I actually haven't watched the original Halloween movie. We have to meet up with the Bakusquad and have a horror marathon or something." You smiled. "HELL YEAH! We can watch Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th... actually maybe we can watch Hereditary, Friday the 13th isn't even scary..." Eijiro raised a brow. "It's not?" You laughed. "Not for me! I mean, was I expected to fear an old woman?" He laughed. "That sounds fun! We'll arrange it for another day." 

Once in the shopping centre, you knew you had it easy to find your costume. "All I really need is a button up blue shirt, high-waisted jeans and maybe a knife and fake blood just for fun." Kirishima grinned. "Simple but recognizable!" With a nod, you entered a shop and searched for the shirt that you needed. "It looks good. A shame I'll have to break it for the costume." Eijiro wondered around as he answered. "Yup. I still don't know how I'm going to pull my costume off." You looked at him. "You'll manage. I'm going to try it on. Tell me how it looks like." You headed towards the fitting room and put on the shirt. It felt nice to the touch, and it looked just like the one Laurie wore. You buttoned it up and showed it to Eijiro. "Fits you like a glove!" He grinned and did a thumbs up motion. You left the store and went to search for the high-waisted jeans.

After visiting a few stores and buying all the products you needed, Eijiro and you went back to the dorms. "Now I need to rip the left shoulder off and I'll be ready to go!" Kirishima grinned. "It looks like they made it for you!" With a smile, you put the clothes on the table. "Thanks for the company, Eiji. I had fun." He smiled. "My pleasure! See you on Friday!" He left, and you continued to prepare your costume.

Katsuki's POV:

You sat on your bed thinking HARD what you could wear for the party. It was difficult. You wanted something everyone knew, but not a cliché and also something that intimidated. It crossed your mind to ask Y/N what he was wearing, but you didn't want him to know you cared. And then, a call stopped your thoughts. "Who is it?" "It's me, Bakubro! Do you have a costume already?" You looked to the side. Maybe he could help? He was dumb, but hey, two brains are better than one. "No. Any ideas?" He chuckled. "Yes. I actually know what Y/N is wearing and I have the PERFECT idea for what you can wear. Meet me tomorrow and let's keep it a surprise for him."


Y/N's POV:

Tonight was the night. Pants ready, shirt ready, hair? Perfect. Fake blood? Spot on. With a knife in hand, you got in your car, waiting for Denki. He got in and he was wearing a Pikachu costume. "Wow. That's so unoriginal, even for you." He eyed you and looked up and down. "And you are... La-Laura Strate?" You rolled your eyes. "Laurie Strode, dumbass." He laughed. "RIGHT, sorry, it's been a hot minute since I watched the movie." While driving to the party, you remembered you didn't know Katsuki's costume yet. "Hey, any idea of what Kats is wearing?" He winked and put a finger to his lips. "That's confidential information!" With a sigh, you kept driving until you reached the party.

Once at the party, everyone was already drinking, talking and doing their own thing. "Where the fuck are Eiji and Kats?" Somebody tapped your shoulder, and you turned around to see a man wearing a Michael Myers outfit. "You HAVE to be kidding me. Did Eiji tell you I was going as Laurie?" Katsuki took his mask off and sighed. "Not even a jump? A squeal? Nothing?" You chuckled. "The boogeyman doesn't exist. Also, don't put that damn mask back on. It's hot in here and I don't want you to pass out." He rolled his eyes and then looked at you. Your costume was an almost identical replica of Laurie's outfit. Except the hair, everything was spot on. You didn't button your shirt all the way up, revealing your chest a little. "Um. Good costume. It looks good." He blushed a little and then you admired his costume. Myers's bodysuit wasn't difficult to replicate. But seeing Katsuki wear it made it completely unique. "Yours is good too." You smiled and headed to grab some drinks. "Now let's get the party started."

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