Chapter 4

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Katsuki's POV:

You woke up. Today you had another one of those shitty tests, but you had no idea what it was today. You brushed your teeth, put on your uniform and called y/n. "What do you want, Kats." He just woke up and his voice was raspy. You found that attract- nevermind. "Get fucking ready, we are getting breakfast." He grunted lazily. "Ok, im out in 5 min." He hung up, and you went outside. There you saw Kirishima and Kaminari talking with each other. "Oi" They looked at you and waved. "Hi, Baku-bro" Baku what? Whatever. "Yo! Kacchan!" KACCHAN? "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" Kaminari tilted his head. "Kacchan, I heard Izuku calling you that so I guessed I would do it too" You let it slide for him since he was stupid. "Whatever, dunce face" Y/n's dorm door opened, and he came out while he smoke. The actual reason you didn't let him smoke is because it was hot, and that was distracting as fuck, but you would never admit that. "Let's go" The four of you walked to class, you figured you had to get used to Kaminari and Kirishima since they were y/n's friends. You had breakfast and went to class.

y/n's POV:

Aizawa explained that your test consisted of 2 teams fighting for a fake bomb. One team had to defend it and the other had to take it. Both teams had white tape. Surrounding the bomb with white tape meant it was captured, and surrounding someone with the tape meant they were captured too. In your team you had Katsuki, and in the enemy team Izuku and Uraraka. You had to defend the bomb. It worried you, since Katsuki's quirk was incredibly offensive but not good for defense. The best idea you had was having Katsuki roam around the building and you staying to defend. The blond walked around the room angrily. "Why do I have to go against shitty nerd?" The situation annoyed him, but now winning was more important. "Your quirk is offensive so the best way we can do this is having you roaming, Uraraka isn't a threat, but Izuku is." He glared at you and walked towards you. "OI! Don't ignore me shitty hands!" He grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you as he said that. You looked at him. "You should go roaming and I'll lock every entrance possible." He sighed and nodded, grumpily stomping out of the room. Once he left, you covered the entire room in gold and made golden walls to block every entrance, then you made a golden bunker to have the bomb in a safer place.

Katsuki's POV:

Stupid shitty hands made a plan so fast. You wanted to stay with him for a while longer, but winning to Deku was more important. You did as y/n said and roamed around the building searching for Deku and Uraraka. Then you heard footsteps, so you peeped over the wall to see who it was. You saw pink cheeks walking cautiously. Before she could react, you ran over to her and made an explosion in her stomach. She fell to the ground, and you left her there laying on the floor. You broke a pillar in the process, but you didn't care. "N-not fair..." You chuckled and walked away from her. Now only Deku was a problem.

y/n's POV:

You heard an explosion and figured Katsuki fought someone. "What happened?" "Round face's down" You smirked. Katsuki's combat skills were impressive. After a while, someone threw a pillar towards your blocked doors and broke the gold. You figured that even though Uraraka couldn't move, they still used her quirk. "Izuku is here, come quick Kats" Izuku ran over to you and tried to punch you. Crouching down to dodge the punch, you kicked his feet. He trembled, but he didn't fall. Taking advantage of that moment of weakness, you took the pillar and threw it towards Izuku. He used his quirk on his arm and broke the pillar so it didn't hurt him. That's exactly what you wanted. But then he kept going with the punch and hit the bunker, breaking it. He took the white tape out, but you stopped him by kicking him in the back. He turned around and lunged towards you, throwing himself on top of you. But then you kicked his crotch with your knee as hard as you could. He trembled, and you turned him around, pinning him against the floor. You took the white tape out, but then Izuku used his middle finger with his quirk, hitting you on the forehead and throwing you flying against the wall.
You felt dizzy now; you used quite some energy for the gold, and the hit was strong. He victoriously stood up and went to tape the bomb, but before he even approached it, Katsuki entered the room running fast as lightning, and made an explosion on his face. "FUCKING DEKU" He looked over to you and he got even angrier. Izuku was on the floor completely injured by you, his quirk and Katsuki. The blond grabbed Izuku and started punching him in the face. "Kats, stop" He grunted and kept punching him. You stood up with the little force you had and pulled him away from Izuku. "Why did you even do that for?" He clicked his tongue. "he injured you" He said that quietly, you pretended you didn't hear that, avoiding embarrassing him. He tied up Izuku with the white tape and took your arm, putting over his shoulder to help you walk. "Let's go, you gotta see Recovery Girl" The teachers announced your victory as you left the building.

Once there, Recovery Girl told you that everything was fine and that you only needed to rest for today. Outside, Katsuki waited for you. You grabbed him by the arm and walked towards your dorm. He stared at the point where your hand grabbed his arm without a word. Once at your dorm's door, you looked at him. "Wanna hang out?" "Whatever." You opened the door, and he came in. The first thing you did was taking his favourite spicy chips, which was a routine for whenever he came to hang out. You threw them towards him and he smirked. "Do you always have these for me?" You raised a brow teasingly. "Guess you are in my mind a lot" He quickly looked away and nervously opened the bag. You sat next to him as he munched on his chips. "You were amazing today, Kats. You didn't even get injured." You grabbed some chips and your hand brushed against Katsuki's. He quickly retrieved his hand when that happened. Now he had a bright but small blush on his face. "You did good too. You fought Deku like a champ and made a plan pretty fastly." He shifted closer and pressed his knee against yours, a sweet warmth spreading from there. He stared into your e/c eyes and you felt like you couldn't breathe anymore. You got a little closer, but then someone knocked on your door. You got up and cursed for yourself.

You opened the door and Denki came in. "Golden boy! How you doing after Midoriya beat you like that?" You smirked, and you fist bumped with him. After him, Eijiro came through the door. "Hey, Bro! Hope everything's alright after that!" He gave you one of what he called "bro-hugs". Both of them saw Katsuki looking at them with an annoyed look, then they waved towards him. "Hey Baku-bro! Didn't know you were here too!" As he said that, Eijiro sat next to Katsuki. Then Denki sat on the couch too, leaving no space for you, so you sat on the puff. "Are these spicy chips? Can I try them?" Eijiro said that as he approached his hand towards the bag. Katsuki slapped his hand and glared at him. "THE CHIPS ARE MINE" Eijiro laughed at his reaction and retreated his hand. So he shared with you because it was you? Or because you bought the chips? You felt like teasing him. "Can I have chips, Kats?" His eyes shot wide open as he knew exactly what your intentions were. He nodded slowly and Eijiro raised a brow. He had his hand on the bag and before you grabbed your chips, you took one of his fingers and brushed your thumb against it. He froze and looked at you as if he was begging for mercy. You let go of his fingers and grabbed your chips. "Oh, so y/n can get chips?" You could see the blush on Katsuki's ears. He was doing his best to hold it back. "HE FUCKING BOUGHT THEM, OKAY?" Both Denki and Eijiro bursted out laughing and you chuckled at the situation. "STOP MAKING FUN OF ME, EXTRAS"

All of you spent the afternoon doing stupid stuff and just talking about random things. "We have to make a group chat so we can organize hang outs and stuff." Denki said that as he smiled. "Good idea!" Eijiro patted him on the back. "That's fine with me, Kats?" You look at Katsuki and he furrowed his brows, he probably thought all of this was annoying. "Whatever, just don't get too buddy-lovey with me." Denki grabbed his phone and soon you got a notification. -You've been added to: Bakusquad- You smirked at the name. "Alright, Im leaving guys, I have things to do." Eijiro stood up and then he left. Soon after, Denki also left and now you were alone with Katsuki again. "Erm... the bag of chips is empty, I um... Im throwing it to the bin." He obviously felt awkward about being alone with you. "Kats, Im going to take a shower. You can stay or leave, I don't care." He nodded and left the dorm.

Katsuki's POV:

As you left y/n's dorm, you sighed. Since you went inside there, you felt really weird. And what was up with him? He did some things you found weird. Like grabbing your index finger and rubbing his thumb against it. As you remembered that, you blushed and got even more annoyed. You wanted to punch him. Entering your dorm, you went straight to bed trying to get him out of your head.

*I KNOW, i KNOW. This chapter is shorter but i run out of ideas! Sorry!* 

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