Chapter 6

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º Sorry for taking a bit longer to update guys, LIKE REALLY SORRY. I hope I can go back to have more consistent updates! Again, sorry!

*several days after the previous chapter*

Y/N's POV:

Today you had a normal day schedule. Go to class, study, sleep. Not really exciting, to be honest. You put your uniform on and went out of your dorm. As usual, Katsuki was already waiting there. Eijiro and Denki usually were a little late. You signaled Katsuki to give you a fist bump. He rolled his eyes, and you fist bumped with him. Once your fists touched, neither of you pulled away. You looked over to Katsuki and he just stared at where your fists touched. Then you opened your hand and placed it on Katsuki's. He quickly stared at you. Your hand just laid on top of his for a few seconds until he retrieved it. His cheeks were tinted with a pink slight blush, it was really cute. Then Denki and Eijiro came. The four of you walked to class.

The day was pretty boring. But there is something you noticed over the last few days. You kept getting distracted by Katsuki's presence. Maybe he moved, and you looked at him. Or maybe he sighed, yawned, or just talked. Everything he did caught your attention. Even sometimes, he did nothing at all, but you still found yourself staring at him. You didn't stare at him ALL the time, of course. But you did it often. You didn't know if he noticed, and you didn't really care neither.

The last class you had was PE. You picked up your things and put them in your bag. Weirdly, Denki, Eijiro and Katsuki didn't wait for you. Were they mad? Maybe you'll ask them later. You went to the changing room and everyone was already going out; fuck, you were a bit late. Quickly, you changed clothes and practically jogged to where everyone was.
Before you even got there, everyone started separating and doing whatever they had to do. Confused, you walked over to Katsuki to ask him. "What are we supposed to do?" He started stretching. "We are free to do whatever the fuck we want as long as we exercise, boring." "What are you going to do?" Katsuki sighed while he kept stretching. "Im running. Do you want to tag along?" The request slightly surprised you. You knew he always preferred working out alone, but that didn't mean you were going to reject the offer. "Sure. Can you keep up?" You started stretching and a cocky smirk appeared on his lips. "It's a race, then. Spoiler, I win." A chuckle escaped your lips. "Want to bet something?" "Whoever loses owes the other one a favor." You rolled your eyes. "Sounds childish." He raised a brow. "Depends on the favor." As he said that, he stopped stretching and just looked at you, you couldn't help but get lost in his red eyes as you finished stretching. "Bet."

Without a warning, he turned around and started running. You gasped slightly and started running after him. "CHEATER!" He laughed loudly. "WHO SAID THERE WERE RULES? WHOEVER GOES FURTHER WITHOUT STOPPING, WINS." A smiled curved on your lips. You ran and quickly caught up to him. He was always faster than you, but that didn't mean he was going to last longer. The race was pretty tight, sometimes you outran him, but it never was for long. You ran basically brushing your shoulders against each other. The race was long, but soon you felt your exhaustion kick in and a subtle flare in your lungs. Well, guess he wins. You stopped completely and Katsuki looked back with a huge smirk. "FUCK YOU, SHITTY HANDS, I WIN" You gasp for air as you sit on the floor, applauding Katsuki for being victorious. "Good job, Kats." He sighed and sat next to you. "As for the favor..." You mentally prepared yourself for whatever his mind prepared for you. "Yeah?" He smirked and looked away. "You are making me one of those spicy fried chicken shits, it's been a long time since you cooked for me." Oh. That was unexpected. "That's it? Really?" "Ye-yeah." He could've just asked you if he wanted you to cook so bad. Knowing him, he just wants an excuse to ask for it. "Ok then, you tell me when." You sighed of relief knowing that he asked for something that simple. It scared you, he could've made you do something really humiliating. You laid your head on Katsuki's shoulder. His usual smell was mixed with his sweat, he was sweating a LOT. For a while, you chatted about basically nothing as you caught your breath again.

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