Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV:

You were sleeping peacefully when the sound of your phone ringing woke you up. The ringtone was the personal ringtone you had for Katsuki, so you hurried to pick it up before he got mad at you. "What is it?" "Oi! You haven't even called me to tell me if UA accepted you, y/n!" Then it sank in. "Oh, I was asleep." He grunted. "HOW DID YOU STAY SLEEPING IN SUCH AN IMPORTANT DAY FUCKING SHITTY HANDS?" You sighed. "Calm down, Im going to check the letter now." "YOU BETTER" You went outside and took the card from your mailbox. "Im going to read it now" Katsuki sighed. "HURRY THE FUCK UP y/n" You read it and saw that they accepted you, but you pulled off a little prank on the angry Pomeranian as a revenge for waking you up. "SO?" You fake sobbed. "Y/N??" "I'm not accepted... Katsuki, I'm not making it to UA" The boy went completely silent. "What? WHAT THE FUCK? Tha- That doesn't make sense!" A warmth grew inside of you as he said that. You were glad that he actually felt frustrated because you didn't make it. He started mumbling things and soon you couldn't hold it in anymore and you bursted into a laugh. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING THIS IS NOT FUNNY" "Chill, I made it to UA I just wanted to prank you" "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU BASTARD" As he said that you heard his scream nearby. Silently you approached him. "NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, I WILL EXPLODE YOUR STUPID FACE-" Before he finished that phrase you hang up. "What the fuck?" He looked at his phone with a... worried expression? You didn't really know. Then you covered his eyes. "Who am I?" He sighed in annoyance. "Midas wannabe" You snickered and uncovered his eyes. "Why are you here on your pajama?" He looked away and slightly blushed. Once the blush faded, he looked towards you again. "TO BEAT YOUR ASS FOR MAKING ME THINK YOU DIDNT MAKE IT TO UA" You raised a brow. "And why does that bother you so much?" He blushed harder than before but acted like he didn't. "BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T ENTER, I WON'T HAVE A RIVAL THAT'S AT MY LEVEL AND THAT WOULD BE BORING." You decided you pushed him around his edges enough. "Whatever you say, Katsuki. I guess that means you made it?" "Of course I did! I am the greatest hero!" You laughed quietly, and he didn't notice it.

"Oh, I'm calling Izuku now" He tilted his head. "What are you going to call Deku for?" "To ask him if he made it to UA" His brows twitched. "And what makes you think he did, huh?" And there it is, angry Pomeranian unleashed. "Izuku is my friend, wether you accept it or not." He grunted annoyingly. "Let's get in my house, we are literally on our pajamas out here." He nodded and both of you entered your house. You went to your room, and he entered a few seconds later with some spicy chips. You and your parents always bought snacks he liked when you did groceries. He spent a lot of time here, and he always grabbed them without permission, cause that's something he knew everyone allowed. You were sitting on your bed while you typed Izuku's phone number. Katsuki sat on your desktop's wheelchair. While the phone rang, Katsuki started talking. "Do you really think that nerd made it to UA?" You sighed. "I have no idea. Im trying to find out, you know?" Then Izuku picked up the phone call. "Who is it?" He seemed cheerful, and that relieved you. "It's me, y/n" "Oh, Hi y/n!" You took a deep breath before you asked the question. Katsuki looked at you annoyed while he grumpily munched his spicy chips. "Did you make it to UA?" "YES! YES YES YES! YES I DID!" You couldn't help but smile at his cheerfulness. When the blond saw that he furrowed his brows, he probably guessed the answer already. "Really? That's so cool! If you pass the practical exam, you'll make it with Katsuki and me!" "OH? So both of you made it! Tell Kacchan that I'm happy for him!" You placed one hand on the phone's microphone and looked towards the angry gremlin. "Izuku says he's happy that you made it to UA" He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Why did you tell him? And why are you so happy about him making it?" You rolled your eyes. "Im not having this conversation again." He rolled the chair around to avoid your gaze while he mumbled something.

You talked with Izuku for a while longer, and Katsuki's annoyance grew every second you talked with him. But eventually, Izuku hang up. "What is he, your boyfriend?" You rolled your eyes. "1. If he was my boyfriend, you would know by now. 2. There's no way in hell im dating Izuku. 3. Stop acting like an attention depraved child." He angrily threw the empty bag of chips to your face. "WELL. IM HERE, AND YOU JUST SPENT ALMOST AN HOUR TALKING TO IZUKU COMPLETELY IGNORING ME, I EVEN FINISHED THE FUCKING SHIPS. I SHOULD'VE LEFT" "THEN WHY DON'T JUST LEAVE IF YOU HATE IT SO MUCH?" You never lost your temper, but Katsuki was getting on your nerves. He looked down with a small pout on his lips. "caustodaywasarillygud...adsnnmdekuwausndoaz...butyouignoredemod...andnamwdm..." Whatever he said, he said it really fastly and quietly, so you had no idea what he said. "What?" "NOTHING. Lets get some drinks" You dropped the conversation and nodded. Once in your kitchen, you mentally debated if you wanted alcohol. Katsuki looked at you and he shook his head. "What are you, my mother? You don't let me smoke and you don't let me drink." He rolled his eyes. "I ain't letting my rival consume this crap. You have to be in perfect shape to be a good rival" In your mind, he said: -I really worry about your health so please stop drinking and smoking- "Come on, just for today let me have a drink." He sighed and nodded. "God, it's harder to convince you than my mother" You grabbed a drink and poured yourself one glass. "Want some?" He shook his head. "I don't drink, you know that."

[CANCELLED] Golden Heart - Male Reader x Bakugo -Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя