Chapter 37- Well hello...Magnus' ex

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Alec was lost. He was looking around floods of people running around carrying clothes, building stages or lights, setting up music or make-up bags. He spotted multiple of his personal protectors (the 7 guys with a rose tattooed on their necks and other members of the gang) and then, finally Jace. Marching straight over to him, Alec hugged his best friend and brother with a sigh of relief, much to the others' chuckle.


"You're already fed up with people?" Jace teases with a smug grin as he lets me go. I nod at him, glancing around nervously again. Ugh...people.

"Yeah...I'm not used to so many people. Much less to so many friendly people working like hell to make a fashion show" I sigh, looking around, hoping to spot a bit of sparkly hair and the man that belonged to them. Magnus has been dragged from me the second we arrived by Cat and I barely had the time to read on his lips 'I'll be right back' before he disappeared.

"Looking for lover boy?" Jace snaps me out of my brooding. I feel a bit of heat in my cheeks and look down. To my surprise, Jace smiles at me and squeezes my arm.

"He's a good man, I'm happy for you. Come on, I'll take you to him" With that Jace drags me towards a trailer city and through it to a hall. A glance around me tells me that my boys follow me in a circular motions. That's only then that I notice the skin coloured earphone in his ears, of course. Jace is the head of security, he's connected to all of the boys. A few minutes later we finally get through the masses of brave workers and enter a hall with lots of models, make-up and a cloud of perfume greeting us.

"There you go, Alec. I'll go check on the team" Jace says, making me frown. Jace would never miss an occasion to hook up girls or sometimes, though very rarely, share one with another guy. So stopping, I raise my eyebrow.

"Who are you and what happened to Jace?" I tease him and to my utter surprise, Jace only smiles and tells me.

"I met a girl. Her name's Clary and I really like her" I pat his shoulder with a grin. I'm glad that Jace found someone nice he actually likes, he deserves happiness.

"If she breaks your heart, I break her neck" I answer and then walk straight into the room, towards my not so straight love who I currently see fuzzing around between models and clothing stands. There is sweat on his forehead and his eyes almost jump around, but it's a tremble in his hands that tells me how stressed he is. Then I see a woman follow him around with a screeching voice while Magnus obviously ignores her. I immediately walk faster and wrap my hands around him and feel his tense body squirm to get free. The screeching sound stops abruptly as I hear a gasp while I hold Magnus in my arms.

"Shhh its me, it's me" I tell him and feel him relax just a little. The woman that followed Magnus is now standing in front of us with pursed lips and a death stare. I look at Magnus and kiss his cheek, hoping to calm him down a little.

"Is everything okay?" I whisper in his ear, and the smallest of headshakes tells me that something is really wrong here.

"Camille, this is Alexander, my boyfriend" Magnus presents me to the woman. She glares at me as if I had just stolen her push-up bra and replaced it by a granny one.

"Alexander, my ex, who invited herself backstage" Magnus adds, now straightening up a little, stiffening his shoulder, obviously angry.

"You see Camille. I did not lie. I am with Alexander and until the show starts, you have nothing to do here. Please leave me alone now" he states firmly, and with the huff the woman leaves. Then, taking a deep breath, Magnus turns around towards me and I feel his soft lips pressing a kiss at my chin, leaving a lovely tingle behind as he then hides himself in my chest, making me wrap my hands around him to anchor him.


All the sounds seem to disappear as I finally can anchor myself in Alexander's arms after having been followed by Camille who kept harassing me for almost a whole hour. Alexander doesn't even ask and just holds me, softly rocking me a little. His manly scent wraps around me just as his warmth and it feels like home. Here, in the middle of his arms. The storm of us doesn't matter as long as he's holding me. Soon enough our little moment is over and I pull away.

"Thank you, love. I'll explain later what happened, okay?" I ask him, smiling a little as I glance into his beautiful blue eyes that are filled with love and a hint of concern.

"Okay. Wait a minute." He looks over to a hulk-like man I've never seen before and makes a 'come here' head gesture. The man comes over, his grim and disciplined look reminds me of an army member.

"Sir?" Alexander is in full on Panther mode as he stands tall, his eyes cold. Tall, dark and sexy.

"The woman who was with us. Make sure she doesn't have acces here with Jace and keep Magnus safe" he orders, making me put my hand in front of my crotch as I feel a wave of arousal rushing through my veins. I have the strange feeling that I won't keep my clothes on for the whole event here.

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