Chapter 8- Never threaten the family of a man.

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As Alec stepped out of the club his phone rang again.

“Jace. Talk.”

“I got you sister, Underhill is locked up in a cell.” Alec sighted happily, Izzy was safe.

“Good, bring Iz home. Give her the phone, I want to talk to her.” A few seconds later Alec hears his sister.

“ALEC! T-t-this man…he followed me, and then the blonde one came, knocked him out and said you sent him! Is that true?”

“Okay Iz calm down and listen to me. Yes, I sent you Jace, you can only trust him okay? He will drive you home, you will not leave the house before the sun is up okay? I told you it's dangerous you can never come back Izzy, I will find you when you want to talk to me but you can never come to me again, understand?” Alec said in a voice which doesn't allow a no. He hated himself that he put his sister in danger, she and Max were all he had left and he would do anything to protect them.

“Alec? When will I see you again?”, the concerned voice of his sister broke his heart. He sighted.

“I don't know Iz…please understand that it's for your safety. I can't lose you Iz.” Alec hung up before his sister could answer. He didn't want to but he had to push her away, to keep her alive.”


“Alec? Alec?”, I hear the girl cry on the seat next to me, she seems devastated.

“Hey, what's wrong?” the girl sobs

“He just hung up. How could he?”

“Listen, your brother loves you, you know that, right? He knows that he could get you killed if he is too close to you, that with Underhill is just the beginning. Being in a gang is nothing good, neither is being close to a gang.”

“Why are you in then?”, the girl sobs again.

“Because your brother tries to change things. Because that change saved my life. Because he is the closest to a brother I have.” I feel the gaze of the girl on me.

“You will protect him?”

“Or I will die trying” I see the girl smile a little through her tears.

“I'm happy he has you.” I stop the car in front of the Lightwood mansion. I get out of the car and bring the girl to the door. My phone vibrates and I see a message of Alec.

<Tell my mom I love her.  That I always will. Tell her I'm never far away. Tell her I'll find her if she is breaking. Hug her and tell her that you are my brother and that the hug is from me.> I feel strange, I never had real parents but Alec is my brother and I'll do as he says.

The girl rings at the door and a woman opens the door. She has black hair with a little grey she is looking at Iz then at me.

“Mrs. Lightwood? Your son is sending me.” I see tears appear on the face of the woman.

“He wants me as his brother to tell you, that he loves you, that he always will and that he's never far away, that he'll find you if you're breaking.” The woman is breaking down, I step forward and hug her while she cries silently in my arms.

“He says that this hug is his.” I don't know how long I'm holding her but eventually she pulls away and looks at me.

“If Alec says you're his brother, you're my son too. I love you son. Take care of yourself, and tell your brother that I love and miss him, that I don’t care who he loves.” I pick up my phone and show it to the woman. She starts to cry again as she sees Alec on the screen, I see him smile.

<I love you too mom. I'm sorry that I can't see you, mom but I never left you. Don't cry.>

“Alec my boy…”

<Mom I can never come home, but maybe we'll see each other again one day. I need to go but I'll always love you and Iz and Max. I need to go. Love you>

“I love you too Alec and your chosen brother.” I see Alec smile on the screen before he hangs up. I don't know why but when Alec´s mother says that she loves me it warms my stone cold heart a little.

“Mrs. Lightwood…”

“Mom for you son” the woman says.

“Mother, I need to go.” She nods and hugs me once again. It feels good, safe, like a hug of a mom should feel.

“Then go.” Is the last thing she says before she turns around and closes the door.

The downworld - Malec Fanfiction AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin