Chapter VIII- A way to recovery

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Alexander, oh my poor Alexander. I watch him fight the restraints through a two-way mirror. He is screaming and fighting the five nurses, kicking around and biting as the doctor tries to inject him with a calming medicine. They called me today, I was early. I need to get in there! They must be hurting him! The straightjacket where his arms are in barely helps the nurses and if he falls he won't have any protection!

"Mr. Bane, no!" A nurse yells as I lose my cool and push the door open.

"ALEXANDER STOP!" I yell desperately. Blue eyes stare at me with hatred and fear. Blue eyes that looked at me with so much love before. But he obeys as his mouth falls open.

"Calm down, Alexander, listen to my voice" I go on as the nurses hold him in place just to be sure, while the doctor prepares to push in the needle.

"Magnus..." Alexander whispers. A second later the doctor pushes in the needle and pushes down the plunger way too fast, making Alexander scream in pain. And fight the men and women holding him. I walk towards him and grab his face, stilling him once more.

"Shh, love, shhh. It's okay, it's okay, calm down. I know it hurt, but it's over now. It's over" I whisper against his face. I watch his eyes glaze over a bit. The meds start to work.

"Magnus?" His eyes move as if he doesn't really see me.

"Right here, baby. I'm right here"
"My arms hurt" Alexander sobs and I glare at the nurses who lighten their grip a bit. I run my hand through his greasy and dirty hair, noticing some bald spots.

"Let's get you a bath, hmm?" I ask him.

"No! No bath!" Alexander pleads, getting agitated. I shush him gently. I get out a small cloth bandana.

"I'm here and I'll do it, you'll get to hold this if you like. I wore this all day yesterday" I hold the cloth under his nose and see that his tied arms try to grab it.

"Okay?" I ask. Alexander nods.

"Sir at least one nurse needs to stay with you" the doctor says. I nod slowly.

"Patrickson, you go with Mr. Bane and Mr. Lightwood" A male nurse who is holding Alexander nods. Together, we get Alexander in the bathroom. Alexander listens to us but his eyes never stop following the bandana I have in my hand as if I am not really there. Together we get Alexander to sit down in a chair next to a bathtub that could fit into a horror movie. It has some kind of chains to fixate a person in a bathtub.

"Alec? Will you be good or do we have to use the cuffs?" The nurse asks making me frown. Tie him down? Alexander dazedly shakes his head, muttering about please no cuffs. I frown at Patrickson.

"Mr. Lightwood has fought against bathing for a while, without sedation nothing was possible and we had to tie him down every time. He's really strong." I nod.

"Alexander? May I take your clothes off? Will you be good?" I ask Alexander. He tilts his head towards me and sways lightly on his chair. Then, after a few seconds, he nods. I smile at him. Slowly, I strip him off his straightjacket and shirt. His arms fall to his sides and I gently hand him the bandana. He takes it gingerly and presses it against his nose, hides his face in it as if it was his saving grace. He doesn't realise how I strip him off his sweatpants and boxers as nurse Patrickson holds him up. In this moment he reminds me of an overly tired child. Patrickson fills the tub with water and then steps aside, looking at me.

"Alexander, darling, it's time to get in" I hold out my hand to my boyfriend as he looks up.

"Will you go in with me?" he asks.

"I'll sit next to you if you want" he nods and I help him to step into the warm, clear water. There are no products in it, I suppose patients must have tried to drink them. As he sits down, I trade the bandana for my other hand. Alexander looks at me dazedly before he gently squeezes my hand.

"Magnus?" he whispers. I smile at my man, the man who I love. He is so broken and absent but he will forever be my love.

"Yes?" Alexander cups my cheek and softly strokes it.

"Am I dreaming again? Are you again just a vision of the man I miss the most or are you actually here?" he asks.

"I am very much here, love. You're not dreaming" Alexander nods and smiles dreamily. He seems so far gone, well, until he suddenly pulls me forwards to him with a force that makes me almost fall into the tub and hides his face in my neck while the nurse jumps up, ready to pull me off of him. Soft hiccups escape his mouth and tears wet my skin.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for what I did, I'm so sorry!" Alexander cries. I shush him gently and hold him against me the best I can.

"It's not your fault, darling, breathe and calm down, let me wash you" after a few minutes Alexander calms down and I grab the soap and start to wash his hands, arms, shoulders and chest. Slowly, he relaxes and closes his eyes, one hand in my neck as if to assure I'm still there. I warn him as I start to wash his legs and thighs. Alexander lets me proceed even as I wash his genitals, his grip just getting ab bit tighter. Then I remove the water and rinse him a bit.

"Would you please grab me some towels please?" Immediately nurse Partickson hands me some and we get Alexander to his feet as I dry him off. We dress him in fresh clothes, slip his arms back in the straightjcket, which makes my heart crumble a bit.

"Let's go back to bed, darling" I tell him and barely a few minutes later, Alexander is back in bed and falling asleep.

"Magnus? I love you" he mutters. I stroke his fluffy wet hair.

"I love you too, darling. Sleep well. Soon you'll sleep in my arms again." I whisper the last part as his eyes close and soft little snores leave his open mouth. I press a soft kiss on my love's forehead.

I turn around and watch nurse Patrickson hide a tear. He smiles encouragingly but doesn't say a word.

"Have you ever loved somebody?" I ask him. He smiles.

"Yes, I have, I do. She had a bad accident and the time we needed to re-educate her body was hell but we got through it. I know you two will as well, even if the bad accident was a heavy mental strain" he says. I nod.

"Thank you. You will take care of him, will you?"

"Yes, Mr. Bane. I will, as will the entire team"

The downworld - Malec Fanfiction AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora