Chapter 53-The battle of Ghost House

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A silent giggle makes me look up from the papers. The first thing I'm faced with is a big pair of breasts hanging in front of me. I allow myself to stare at them for a few seconds before I glance up to the probably dumbest woman in human history.

"Well hello there" I say flirtingly as this idiot rounds the desk and sits down on my lap, straddling me in her tiny red dress.

"Hey darling" she says, her plump red lips making a pout. I already know that she's going to get my credit card today. She may be dumb, but her skills in the bedroom are as great as her stupidity.

"Can I help you, Paris?" She runs a manicured nail down my chest while her green eyes stare into mine.

"I just missed you, Ghosty Ghost" she answers childishly. God I swear...if she wasn't this damn good giving head she'd already be dead in a ditch.

"Uhuh, did you? Now that's something we can't have, can we?" I let my hands run under her dress and underwear, making her gasp as I touch her pussy. Paris giggles as I push two fingers inside of her, not caring that she isn't really wet yet. That'll only take two minutes.

I lift her up with one hand, leaving my others in her pussy and stretch her out on the desk.

Suddenly the door slams open and one of my assassins stands there.

"Boss, somebody just took out our guards!" Seconds later I hear a series of gunshots. DAMN!

"Do we know who?" I ask, taking my hands out of Paris' pussy to grab my gun, while that bitch squeals with fear. Duh. On what kind of cloud does she dream that hanging with gangs is safe? Oh right. Drugs.

The assassin nods.

"I'm not sure, but by the way they operate I'd say it's Downworlders. I don't know how many though" I nod. I've waited for that bastard of mine. And I'm ready to take him down.

"Get inside and stay away from the windows! They have well trained snipers! We'll take them down!" Within seconds I'm out of my office to go to the centre of commands. Six men are waiting there while the other ten take their positions to defend the perimeter.

"What do we have on the security cameras!?" I bark at the tech guy.

"I see the sniper in a building close to ours but he's moving east. And there's another one, he's going for the main entrance with a shotgun. I saw another few guns in holsters though." At the very same moment, I hear a loud gunshot and the eardrum tearing noise of metal destroyed.

"Well...that was the main entrance. Lure him into the mirror room. If everything goes as planned, he'll be trapped. And if not the only escape is the one I will guard. Kill him on sight. Same goes for his staff" I order at my soldiers.

"What if it's that Bane guy? You said that you didn't want him dead if we could catch him, right?" I nod as I check my gun and grab a spare few bullets that lay randomly on the table.

"Oh yes. Catch him and bring him to me. You can beat him if you need to bring him down, but no life threatening injuries. I'll take care of that when I shoot him in front of Panther" The men nod and to my signal, we start spreading. I go immediately to the mirror room and climb out of the window into a small alley. I can't help the smile in my face as I take position hidden in a hole in the wall. Oh yes, by the end of this day he will be dead. But first his filthy lover will die.

Nobody can catch a Ghost.

But a Ghost can kill.


<Okay, in the corner ten feet away, there's a heating system. I detect a source of warmth behind it, I suppose a soldier> Julie says.

"On it" I whisper, but I know she can hear me. I set the shotgun down and go for a smaller one that has hollow bullets. Deadly little assholes. Silently creeping forward I try to take in all the sounds around me, which is a little hard considering that I hear Jace and Magnus. At least Magnus is away from harm since we sent him to a safer place.

<Okay, I'm in the new position. I don't think they saw me get to the other side of the Ghost house...which isn't surprising since I'm the best> Jace says proudly. Cocky will always stay cocky.

"Stay concentrated on the mission, you idiot!" I scold him. "When I shoot, you'll have movement. Don't miss." I growly lowly.

<Be careful, the guy is moving towards you!> Julie warns seconds before a hulk of a man rounds the corner, gun in hand. I don't hesitate. Aim. Shoot. Shoot again. Run.

<Go left! Then right again!> Julie orders and I follow her order as soon as I hear the thumping noise of a falling body behind me. If he isn't dead now he'll be in less than five minutes. I hear shouting of a man ordering others to follow me and not to take prisoners.

I hear that Julie is trying to say something but suddenly the connection is cut off. Loud footsteps of people running appear from my left so I rush down the hall and slam the door open, gun ready to kill. I see a movement and shoot before I hear the noise of glass shattering and what used to be my reflection disappear. I close the door. Adrenaline rushes through my body and I hear my heartbeat in my ears. I need to close this door with something. I look around and see endless reflections of myself as the footsteps approach. FUCK!!!! Where is Julie when I need her?!

Wait...there's a small's at least two feet higher than I am but I don't have a choice. I put my gun in its holster and sprint towards the window and jump. My fingers ache as they almost slip from the frame and I feel a pang of pain as one of my fingernails is ripped out, making me hiss in a breath. I use that hand to open the window and squeeze myself though it just as the door slams open again. I hear gunshots as I fall out of the window and land on my back.

Pain hits me like a tidal wave as all the air is pressed out of my lungs. My ribs hurt and I feel something wet at the back of my vison is blurry.

<Alec!!! If you hear please respond!!!> Julie...

<Fuck Julie! How did you lose contact!?> Jace... I need to get up. I need to...need to...

<I'm on my way over to him!> Ma...Magnus!

<Alec! Respond! You're not alone in this alley!> I just want to whole body hurts...

"Who knew you could be this easy to fool?" the voice seems dulled...I see a figure over me. Then it hits me. Dad...Robert. I try to force myself to get up, but he kicks me in the chest, knocking the wind out of me.

He laughs.

"Too bad my men didn't find that bitch of yours...but I guess I'll have to deal with you...and then I catch him. I'll send him to a whore house. The worst I know" I feel the anger in my bones as I try once again to get up.

"I'll kill you before that happens" I pant out. I hear him laugh out loud as I somehow get on my feet. Gosh...did the ground always shift this easily? I feel like I'm surfing.

<Alec!? Oh gosh! Jace! Can you join him?!> Julie yells in my ear making me wince.

<I'm busy with five grown ass men here, but I'll try!> He yells back as I take a swing at Robert who promptly stops laughing and shoves me into a wall.

"I'll teach you not to hit your parents you disgraceful bastard" I can't breathe...something pushes on my throat...I try to claw it off but I can't...I can't breathe...voices scream in my ear...


"DAMNIT ALEXANDER!!! KICK HIM IN THE NUTS!" I yell in the headset as we all listen to his gasping breath and hear Ghost's laugh and words.

<Look at you, so weak. You've always been. But now I'm finally cleaning out the Lightwood name> the voice sends chills through my bones as I run towards the alley Alec is located in.

<You can do this Alec!> Julie screams <Magnus! Next alley on the right is yours!> I turn where she tells me to and then I see him. My Alexander with the Ghost.

Hands are around his neck, strangling him. He tries to fight it. To fight the grip while I run towards them. I'm too far away. I'm too slow. I see the consciousness leave his body but he doesn't stop the strangling hold. I hear my heartbeat. I run faster. He strangles his unconscious and limp body. Life leaves my love and I'm too slow to stop it.

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