Chapter 16- War

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I barely reach the borders of the Wolves/Downworlder territory near our base as Jace has already joined me. With a slap on my shoulder and a laugh he looks at me curiously.

“So…what about that Bane huh? Was he really worth war?” he says half teasingly, half concerned. I glance at him.

“I try to keep the innocent safe Jace, he is” I say well knowing that it’s not entirely true.

“Yeah I’m sure he thinks the same after you almost killed him and saved his life multiple times” Jace says with an eye roll.

“Listen, I had to make him stay away from me. I did what I had to do”

“Yet he still told you he trusted you when you chocked him”
“And I still don’t understand why” I answer. Jace chuckles softly.

“Alec, he knew that you already liked him too much to kill him the second you told us that he was under your protection” I scoff but say nothing.

“He got under your skin didn’t he?” Jace says carefully. I stay silent.

“Look, don’t play the cold asshole with me. Is it just physical or…”
“No it isn’t. There’s something about him. He’s a mystery to me, something way more difficult to decrypt than his schedule” Jace laughs at this comment.

“How did you know after two minutes?” Jace asks curiously. I frown. I really hate to talk about rehab. But it’s there I learned that.

“You can read the time thanks’ to the sun Jace, that’s how I knew the time at the guard“ I answer. Jace nods. The conversation dies as we walk along the border to the base. It’s not awkward, we often spend hours in comfortable silence. Then…

“Hey Panther!” Jace and I turn around both with our guns out. Then we recognize one of our gang.

“What is it Rob?” I say as we put our guns down, since Rob is my personal protector, at least when I am to be found. He closes up to us.

“The Wolves re-established a killing order on the Downworld.” DAMMIT! I immediately slip into the real Panther. Commanding, cold.

“General meeting tomorrow at three am. I want all Downorlders in the borders, no one on no man’s land. Spread the word now and I need a bike. NOW!” Five minutes later, Rob has spread the word and everyone is coming back. Jace is handing me my clothes for the bike. I quickly slip into the black leather pants along with the black leather jacket, the black helmet and the black combat boots.

“Alec where are you going?” he asks concerned.

“I need my sports bike, a taser and a few knives.” I say to one of my guys who had joined us. As he hands me everything I answer Jaces question.

“I’ll check the borders, get some plans of the town, find hiding spots and I have to tell Magnus. He needs to be safe.” I say sternly. Jace gives me a quick hug.

“Stay alive” he just says before I jump on my bike and disappear into the night.



I am finally home. Luke had asked me a tons of questions and have answered but I didn’t mention Alexander not with a word. As I close the entrance door of my mansion, I see someone stand in the dark. Suddenly the light goes on and I stare at…


“Hello Magnus”

The downworld - Malec Fanfiction AUWhere stories live. Discover now