Chapter 29- Differences...

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Author's note: Over 1300 words for you since you had to wait a day longer...I apologize.
I hope you're going to like it!


It's cold as ice
But this kind of fire don't keep us warm inside
It's cold as ice
I am unstable, and theres nowhere to hide
Call me a casualty
The cost of catastrophe
The damage, damage, damage is done
Call me, call me another one.

~Hidden Citizens


I pull away from the hug and gaze into the chocolate orbs that looks at me with so much love that I almost loose my breath.

"Magnus? I need to do something now, but I'll be here tonight if you want to. There are some things I have to get straight with the gang" Magnus nods, a soft smile still on his face.

"Let me come with you" No. Not happening.

"I don't think that this is a good idea. I barely got you back I can't-" Magnus shakes his head.

"Baby, we are in this together. You save my ass from the big, bad gang and I save yours from the cops and Luke" he replies, half laughing, half serious. I frown.

"Who's Luke?" The fact that he mentioned that guy appart from the others has to mean that this Luke person is important to him. Magnus throws his head back and laughs.

"Aww are you jealous?" I pout at him, who is that dude? Magnus pecks my pout but I don't respond, so he begins to move his hands up and down my sides, smiling softly.

"I'm not jealous"

"Yes, you are, cutie. No worries, Luke is my security chief and almost like a father figure. If I would what a Daddy I'd prefer it to be you" he says before stopping abruptly and I watch how a blush darkens his caramel skin tone.

"Did I just say the last part out loud ?" Now it's my turn to chuckle.

"You did, little boy" I tease him, reveling in the dumbfounded widening of his eyes. I don't miss the darkening of his eyes. Who knew I had a kinky boyfriend?

"Stop" he whines and hides his blushing face in my chest. I pet his hair and decide to tease a little more.

"Why? Aren't you a good boy for me?" My voice lowered an octave, very well knowing how Magnus responds to that. Magnus whines a little, still hiding in my chest but I feel the beginning of a bulge in his pants and the fastened movements of his chest. I love how fast tables can turn. But that's for another time. I have to take care of a mole.

"Magnus I have to go, and I prefer if you stay here while I deal with business, okay?" Magnus immediately pulls away, takes a step back and gives me a hurt look.

"Why are you so recluant to take me with you? Do you think I am this vulnerable?" Magnus' voice is thick with emotion, especially disappointment. I rise my hand to cup his cheek but he slaps it away. The gesture hurts me more than the actual slap.

"'s just...I have to take care of business with the gang-"

"I HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED BY ONE?! DO YOU REALLY THINK I CAN'T HANDLE IT?" Magnus roars as tears make their appearance in his eyes.

"No! Magnus! You can handle the gang, yes. But I am another person when I'm with them. I-"

"You what?!" He interrupts again.

"I'M SCARED OKAY?!" Silence. I am probably burning a hole on the floor with my eyes but I don't need to look up to know that Magnus' jaw has fallen to the floor.

"I'm scared that if I take you with me...that if I act the way I have to as The are going to be scared. Not of my gang, but of me...I don't want you to be scared of me" again Magnus doesn't say anything and I keep my gaze lowered on the floor. Then, soft fingers wipe away a tear that I didn't know had fallen. Another hand cups my other cheek, holding me like I am some kind of precious thing. I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of someone being here.

Soft lips touch mine as the hands keep holding me in place. It's a soft kiss, not speaking of dominance or desire. But of love, care and trust. I sigh in the kiss and Magnus slips in his tongue letting his caress mine, as our lips move slowly, in perfect synchronisation. Before I know it, I have Magnus crushed in my arms as I lift him on my feet to have him nearly at the same height.

"I love you, Alexander. I don't love Alec or The Panther alone. I love all you are. Alec and the Panther and Alexander. I love the bad and the good. I love that your bad is someone else's good. I love that you care for this gang. I love you sweet smiles. I love your dominance just as I love your soft moments when I cradle you against my chest. I love to listen your heart beating. I love that you care enough to save me from your I suppose ex lover. I love that you tease me and let me tease you back. I love that you gave your members clothes and food and that you did let all my truckers live and I love the anonymous donations to the family you made. I love all this. But I wouldn't love it if it wasn't another person, I would like it, yes. But I love it because it is you. And you alone. Don't be scared to show me the bad, because I have bad sides too, sides you will know. And I'm not scared, I'm over being scared to tell you who I am."


I watch the emotions play on his face. His eyes are moving frantically behind his closed eyelids as he takes flat breaths. Then his eyes open. A hurricane of emotions behind his eyes. Like blue waves that reach twenty feet or more just before crashing down on a boat. His blue eyes stare into mine, completely immobile, just like the rest of his body. His arms are still crushing me against him as I am tiptoeing on his own feet. Our faces are only centimetres appart. Just as the tension in the air reaches its peek, I am being lifted up, pushed against a wall and ravished by dadd-Alexander. His tongue dominates mine, exploding my mouth, yet so so caring. I circle my hands around his waist, enjoying the firm grip he has on my thighs.

"I love you, Magnus Bane. And every day I'm going to make you feel it. I'm going to pamper you. Give you everything you need and more. I will shower you with love and affection. I will support you at every single fashion even you want me at. I will protect you. I will show you the places in the world you haven't seen before. I will be the partner you want me to be. I will be there, after a hard day, a sad event, someday maybe after you wake up sore out of your mind. I will be there in your happy moments. I will be there in mourning, when you're angry. And now I will be there when you meet the person who helped at your kidnapping"  he says as he pulls away and lets me back on my feet. I smile up to him, hugging him.

"Go shower, Magnus" he whispers, kissing my forehead. I grab his hand and pull him with me towards my bedroom closet...or more of a room for all of my clothes. Hey! Don't judge I'm a fashionista after all!
I open a drawer and pick out a pair of black silk boxers and throw them at Alexander.

"Hey!" He huffs as the boxer briefs land on his head making him look ridiculous.

"Put those on, it'll feel better than the old ones" Alexander grumbles something, shaking his hand.

"Don't grumble, it doesn't suit you. Do you want to take a shower?" I ask innocently, but in fact I just want to see all of him. To my dismay he shakes his head.

"I'll need one afterwards though, hurry please and leave the make up. I love when you wear it, but not for this, please?" He asks more than demands. I nod.

After a shower and not even half an hour of choosing clothes I am ready to go. Alexander makes me sit behind him on his black sports bike. I take a deep breath. It's going to be okay...maybe.

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