Chapter Thirteen.

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Monday morning.

Eli's POV.

    Mondays. Ugh, the laziest day of the week. But yet, here I am. My alarm clock annoyingly beeping, and the hustle and bustle of the other teen wolves up and about, getting ready for school. I lazily throw the blanket of my body, and groan as I get out of bed. Trotting to my adjoining bathroom at a slow pace. Ugh, how I dislike Mondays. I did my morning routine, which consists of taking a leak, brushing my teeth, shower and my new routine, shaving.

   Now I am standing in front of my bathroom mirror, rubbing the fog from it to see my reflection. And I must say, what stared back at me wasn't pretty. Werewolves are suppose to look hot and sexy and perfect, I have bags under my eyes. No, by bags, I mean  luggage. My skin is clammy and my blue eyes look dead, my lips are dry and look like I have been chewing on them all night. Which I must confessed that I did. After my little "bonding" with Ben Saturday night, and what Jeddidiah had said, I haven't been in the right state of mind. I keep on getting caught up in my thoughts and started to question everything even more. But most of all, my wolf long to be next to his mates. He was so content when we were with Ben, that he kept me up for the remainder of the night with his happy purring. I must admit though, Ben is a pretty cool guy and I enjoyed hanging out with him. In my reflection, I see a smile creep up on my face. I quickly start to comb my hair and hurried from my bathroom before I start to feel something.

    "Good morning Eli." Zia's annoying voice greeted me from the bottom of the stairs. She stood there in all her glory, in a pink cardigan with a white blouse underneath, blue skinny jeans and a brown boots. Her brown curls lay smoothly down her back, and her pink gloss lips has a big smile on it. Gross.
I didn't acknowledge her, I just continue down the stairs and purposely bump into her when I reach the bottom of the stairs.

   "You know, you don't have to be so mean." I hear, as I make my way to the kitchen. I quickly spin around on my heels and stare at her with a devilish smirk.

   "No Zia, I am only mean to you. Remember I didn't like you before, so don't think it will change just because you are the Luna of this pack."

She stare back at me with tears in her eyes. I didn't know she was that easy to hurt, I didn't even say what I really thought of her. Oh, wait a sec.....i sniff the air. I see, her scent is changing. That means that.....dear old alpha knocked her up and the poor thing doesn't even know.

   "Why are you smiling like a crazy person?" She sniff a couple times.

   "Don't worry, you shall find out soon enough." I chuckled darkly, and continue on my journey to the kitchen.

Back on campus at the university.

    "BEN!!" Linden shouted, when she saw Ben got out of Cedric's car. She run and jump up, wrapping her legs around his waist, giving him a huge hug. "I missed you so much." She kiss him on his right cheek and hug him again.

   "I missed you too." Ben return the kiss, while inhaling her scent.

They look at each other, getting lost in each other eyes. Until they hear the clearing of throats in the background. They turn away from one another and look in the direction of the sound, and saw Cedric and Eros looking everywhere but at them.

   "Oh, sorry guys." Linden apologise, blushing. Unwrapping her legs from around Ben's waist as he place her on the ground to stand.

   "Its ok, I know how it gets to be away from your mate." Eros said.

Linden nodded, her cheeks still red with embarrassment. "Sooo, how did the weekend went? Did you guys did anything fun?"

   "It was alright." Ben mutter barely enough for a human to hear, it is a good thing that the other three have super hearing or they would have missed what he said.

    "Oh really?" Eros smirk. "He spend almost the whole of Saturday night with Eli down by a river in the woods."

Ben stare at him with his mouth open. "How did you know about that? I don't remember mentioning it to you guys."

  "Well Eli told Candius, and she being the drama queen she is, told her mate. And her mate finding it cute that Eli is finally opening up to one of his mate, told the other wolves while they were out training. And plus Jeddidiah told us."

   "And we could smell his scent on you." Eros added in as well. And Cedric nodded in agreement.

Linden look at Ben and smile. "I am glad that you tried." Ben smile back at her, and kiss her on her forehead.

  "To tell you the truth, I really enjoyed my time with him. He's really just confused about everything that is happening." Ben said, gently taking Linden's hand in his.

   "What is there to be confused about? Every wolf has to find their mate eventually. We have learned that from we exited  out of the womb." Eros said, wondering what Ben is talking about.

   "Eli is still seventeen." Linden started.

    "So?" This time it was Cedric who answered.

   "Have you ever heard of a wolf finding there mate when they are under eighteen?"She finish.

  "No." They both shake their heads.

   "So do you get the drift?" Ben ask, and the two guys nodded. "Jeddidiah also mentioned something about the pass reoccurring in the present, i wonder what he meant by that."

Cedric and Eros look at each other, then back to the couple in front of them. "Jeddidiah is one of the pack elders, so if he said something like that. You guys must be apart of something big." Eros voiced, and Cedric nodded to confirm it.

Linden and Ben look at each other, and their wolves whine in discomfort.

   "Anyway, let's stop worrying about what Jeddidiah said and let's go get some food before class starts." Cedric said, coming in between the couple and leading them in the direction of the cafeteria with Eros trotting behind them.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I wanted to write more words but the mosquitoes are really out tonight. Until next time, happy reading and please remember to vote and comment.

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