Chapter Fourteen.

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  A/N. This chapter will be written in the three main characters Point of view. They will each return to their packs and confront their pack elders and former alphas for answers. Especally Eli, who end up getting ill. And Ben, who's wolf is planing on turning rogue if he doesn't seal the mating bond with his two mates.

Ben's POV.

   This is not how I wanted to return home. I thought, as I  step off my pack's private jet and inhale the crisps British air. I wanted to return to my pack with my mate, their future Luna, in my arms. But no, instead I am here to get answers. And I hope I get some soon, or else, I think me and my wolf might go crazy. From that night I spent with Eli in the forest, my wolf hasn't stop nipping and scratching to get out and go to him. He is getting restless, and I am afraid that I won't be able to stay in control.

    "Oi, Ben. Hey mate!" Ace shouted, running up the steps of the jet. Pulling me into a tight bro hug. "Dude I miss you so much." My best friend and beta laughing, letting go of me.

    "You too mate." I laugh, punching him in the arm lightly.

There is a moment of silence, with both of us grinning like idiots. Until Ace decided to break it.

     "Sooo, where is our future Luna?" He ask, looking behind me inside the jet.

   "" I scratch my head, looking sheepishly at him. "She went to visit her pack. She's an alpha too, and she hasn't been back there since she left for university." I had told everyone in my pack that I found my mate, but I had mange to leave out a very important bit of detail. I haven't told them about Eli, and here I am now. Come back home to get answers about should I put it? My mysterious mating.

    "Its all good man, maybe next eh." Ace smile and I nodded as we walk down the steps of the jet towards the black SUV waiting to take us back to the pack house.

Linden's POV.

     Stepping onto my pack land was like walking for the first time, everything feels surreal. Like taking a breath fresh morning air. I glance around as everyone stare quietly, waiting to see who is going to make the first move. Has it been that long, how many years has it been....three? A slight breeze starts to blow, and it's like all of my senses came alive. As familiar scents and sounds flooded my body, awaking memories from my past. The smell of the maple leaves brought back a memory of when I was a little pup, about five years old. Of me and my dad, we used to sneak away from the rest of the pack and a overprotective mom, and have little picnics under the maple trees just a few kilometres from the pack house. He used to chase me around the maple trees, and when it got dark and the stars come out. We would lay on our pinic blanket and he would point out each star and tell it's name, until we heard my mom calling and him walking back to the pack house with the picnic basket over one shoulder and a exhausted me over the other. On days like those, he was a regular dad. Not the alpha, just my dad. A single tear slip down my cheek, and I hurriedly wipe it away. I miss my father, and I will always miss him. But this is the first time in years I am seeing my pack in person, and not over some Skype call. I can't let just because of one little memory let me not show them how much I have missed each and every single one of them, which makes me started to feel guilty and question myself. If I didn't want answers about my mating with Eli and Ben, would I come visit before I graduate university? How would they feel if they knew the real reason why I decided to spend the weekend with them. I must have been engulf deep in my thoughts, because I didn't notice my mom approaching me until I felt warm arms pull me into a tight embrace.

    "Oh sweetheart, I missed you so much." She sob, tears falling into my expose shoulder.

    "I missed you too mom." I mutter, as tears blurred my vision.

My mom pulled back and smile at me. "Oh honey, look at us crying and our mascara running." She fan her eyes to blow away the tears.

I can't help but chuckle. "I really missed you mom, in fact, I missed all of you." I said, facing the pack. "And that is why I have something to confess to you."

    This is like those episodes games I play on my phone. Should I choose the option that you get when you don't have enough diamond or coins, or should I just be honest. I have played those games so many times to know what I would choose. "The real reason why I decided to visit, is to speak with my mother and the elders." There is a few gasp in the crowd, along with some mumbles. I don't blame them, I would be upset too if my alpha abondan me for so long and only comes back because of her selfish needs. "I know you all are probably angry with me, but my, mates. We need answers, and only the elders can provide us with those answers. But for what it's worth, I don't just want to spend a weekend with you guys. I want to spend more than that, and that's why I promise that I will come and spend all of thanksgiving here. And I can't wait until I graduate so I can come how to you guys, my pack. My family."

    "Geez, you are still a blabber mouth." Myles, my beta laugh. Walking up to me and giving me a hug.

   Myles and I has been best, well I wouldn't say best friends, because growing up we usually didn't see eye to eye. But that's what makes our relationship even stronger. Even though we don't always agree on everything, he's still an amazing friend. He knows when it's time to have an alpha beta heart to heart, and when it's time to let our hair down and enjoy our young lives.

   "Hey Myles, how have you been?" I return the hug.

    "Keeping this place in order as usual. With the help of your mom, of course." He wink over at my mom.

Still cocky as ever, I see.

   "Oh Myles." My mom playfully fan him off with a chuckle.

   "I have really missed you too, but we totally get it. You have to do anything to make your mate happy." He smile over at his mate Caroline, her brown eyes shines with joy as she looks down at the new born she has in her hand. "So, do you want to find the elders straight away. Or do you want to bond with the pack a bit?"

I didn't have to think twice about my decision, as I run into the crowd of wolves.

Eli's POV.

     I am suppose to meet Jed today, after school. But to tell you the truth, I am actually scared. For the first time ever in my life, I am afraid of something. Or the truth, for that matter. I have overheard Cedric and Eros telling Lincoln that Ben and Linden went back to their packs to get answers regarding to our mating. So I guess it a big deal. Hmmph, see why I didn't want a mate. And the moon goddess have to give me two, or was it God. Any which one of you did, I want to know why.

   Crossing the school yard and towards the gym, I see Lincoln and his annoying mate looking at me. I just flip them the bird and head to the locker room to get changed.

    "Ok everyone, today we will be playing dodge ball. So slit into two teams." Coach Ramous instructed, and everyone slit up in two.

   "You heard the man, losers on one team and all the alpha dogs on the next!" Lincoln bellowed.

When did he become a jerk face. Pfft, all the alpha dogs. What a show off. I grit my teeth a Lincoln, when a sudden wave of nausea hit me. I shake my head to get rid of the bad feeling, and run over to where my teammates are standing. The game starts, and I ensure that the losers are a head of the alpha dogs, even though most of the alpha dogs consist of a lot of the pack members and jocks. Only a few of stuck with the loser, as Lincoln called them.

   The game has come down to just me on my team and about half on the opposing team. I had Lincoln within my range, and is about to smack him hard with the ball. When that feeling came back and everything started to spin around me., Eli!" I heard someone yelled my name. I look up and saw Lincoln running up to me with panic in his eyes.

His face is the last thing I saw before everything fades to black.

    To be continued.

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