Chapter Five

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Eli's POV.

   I am here minding my own business or better yet ignoring the couples as they either make out or dance with one another. Anyway am here staring at the wall to see if I can find some peace when I felt someone touch my hand causing me to jump, I turn around and saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen staring at me. Her long dark brown hair with light brown tips looks even darker with the dim lights, her creamy pale flawless skin glow even though the lighting still suck and those hazel eyes are so mesmerizing and her plump pink lips....wait a minute did my wolf and did she just say. Mate.

No, no this can't be right. This can't happen, no she can't be my mate. I don't want one, and how is this happening? Am not even of age as yet.

  "No, why is this happening? Am already mated to someone." She said horrified.

  Wait if she's already mated to someone, why did my wolf growled mate. Better yet, why did she call me her mate? This is confusing and I don't want a mate so tough luck for her.

   "Look, there must be a misunderstanding-" but I got cut off by my wolf.

How dare you.

"How dare I what?" I ask smirking. I know what he's coming with.

You are going to reject our mate.

"What, why would you s-, of course I am going to reject her. Besides, she's already mated to someone else." I said nonchalantly.

You would do no such thing, she's our mate. Can't you feel the bond, her wolf is calling out to us.

Well tough luck. I don't want a mate and that's final.

I didn't hear anything else from my wolf, I must admit though I can feel the bond between me and my so call mate getting stronger. But there's this odd feeling that keeps bugging me every time I look at the girl in front of me. It's like there is something missing and my wolf kept wining and it's really confusing to think right now.

".....dude!" She snapped her fingers in my face, trying to get my attention.

  "What?" I ask her annoyed.

  "I said what we are going to do about this because I have a mate, but standing with you here makes that feeling i keep having disappear."

   "What feeling?" My ears perk up, now interested.

I love when girls tells me that I make them feel special and weak in the knees, it boost my ego. And I have a strong ego.

  "It's like something is missing, and I started feeling it from I met my mate. But meeting you, I don't feel it anymore. Am at ease." She explain.

Wow that's the exact same feeling am having right now, like something else is missing. What the heck is happening?

  "Why do you look like you know what am talking about?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

   "Well maybe I do, it started after I saw you and my wolf kept fussing. Or maybe he's whining because I plan on rejecting you."

Oops, did I just utter the last part? Well the cat is out of the bag, better now than never right?

  "Y-you're going to reject me?" She ask. I can hear the worry and hurt in her voice.

  "Yea, but why are you so hurt. Don't you already have a mate?" I enquire, not looking in her face. Because I can't bare to see the unhappy look plaster on it.

   "You're right." She mutter softly. "I do have a mate, but it would've been nice to have two. And now I know why I felt that something else was missing. And it's because I have, I mean had another mate." Unshed tears swimming in her hazel eyes.

Wow, and I thought she was badass. Well I guess looks can be deceiving.

  "Look at us talking away, and I didn't even ask you your name."

"Eli-Francis, but you can call me Eli or Francis. Anyone you pleased to call me." Why do I sound like a nerd talking to a girl for the first time.

  "Nice to meet you Eli, am Linden." She laugh, getting all cheery this time.

I wish we had met under different circumstances, she would have make an excellent girlfriend.

She can be because she's our mate. But no you want to reject her because your to self-

I cut my wolf off before he could finish what he was about to say, ugh sometimes he gets on my nerves. But I love him, he's my wolf and he's always there for me.

  "What do we do now, be friends or something?" Linden ask, trying not to sound hurt from the question she's asking.

  "Um, no. Sorry." I said bluntly, turning away.

She grab onto my arm and a burst of sparks shoot up my arm.

  "You don't have to be so mean, I don't know why the moon goddess would pair me up with someone like you. You have a right not to want a mate, because you're selfish and immature."

There it is, there's that word again. Am I really immature? Is that how everyone sees me? Well I guess I get to see all her sides tonight, because right now she's glaring hot daggers at me and if looks could kill I would be six feet under right now.

   "Look am sorry but i-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because a guy couple inches taller than me with brunette hair and the most dazzling blue eyes which is now darken with anger came rushing over.

   "Hey, what are you doing near my-"

  MINE!!! All three of us said in unison.

What the hell is happening?

What is happening?

So Ben, Eli and Linden are mates.

Continue reading and see what happens.

And please remember to vote and comment. Thank you and enjoy.

Double Mates.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon