Chapter 2

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The rest of our night consisted of playing more games and laughing around until we all fell asleep. 

The bright shiny light dashing through the clear windows. The light rested very faintly on other's faces. Resting very perfectly on Draco's face. His partially long hair all messed up bed head hair. It was actually very cute.  The way the sun shined perfectly on his clear skin illuminating how his skin looked.  I knew it was wrong and probably never would work, but I couldn't help but fancy Draco. The Draco Lucius Malfoy. The Slytherin with issues, with a set way of life. The Slytherin boy, who was made to be hated by everyone, including his Father.  

I noticed his jawline. How perfect it was. The small smile that rested on his face as he slept. His chest rising slowly and then Falling again. I couldn't help but smile. Smile at how perfect Draco was, How perfect his face was, or his smile. How perfect his laugh come flooding out of his mouth and into my ears singing like birds in the early morning, How perfect his voice was when he was talking especially about something he loved. How perfect his face was when he smiled when he let his guard down and smiled. I loved how his tongue would poke out of his mouth while he concentrated, no matter what he was doing. I loved how he is gentle when he messes with my hair while he's bored, or how he would just huff and fall on the couch after a long day of classes. I especially loved how he would smile and how his hair looked while we played in the rain. I loved how his eyes would sparkle when he was excited or when he saw something he loved. I loved how he could talk for hours about things he loved as long as no one interrupted him. I loved how he hugged me. I loved how good he was with me and my family. I Especially loved how understanding he was with me. I already loved this boy for all of his perfections and imperfections. 

 I couldn't help but love every small thing about Draco Malfoy. Some would say I was in love with him. Maybe I am, but knowing my luck- he's not my soulmate. I tried so hard since 2nd year not to love the boy, or find him at all interesting or nice. Yet to my mind, everything about him was perfect, nothing wasn't perfect to me nor would it ever not be perfect to me. "Your staring" Draco suddenly spoke. My breath hitched and my heart stopped. I could feel my face flood with blood and go red. "Enjoying the view" he spoke as he sat up. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I felt like I was going to pass out and had to let the air out. "I. n-no no no no, I wasn't starring" I quickly stammered and shook my head. "Ahh, I think you were staring, your face says otherwise" He states looking up at me. 

"Piss off," I said before giggling. I got up and went to the kitchen. I made myself a cup of tea before I decided to head out onto the porch again. I sipped on my warm tea as I watched the birds and the other animals move around. I noticed all the vegetation had morning dew on it as the sun cast a warm hug with the cold crisp morning air. I watched as the sun slowly moved up the sky and light up everything else around it. "You really do love being outside don't you?" I heard Draco asked as he stood next to me. I smiled as I looked up at him. "Are you going to tell me what house you got?" He asked giving me puppy dog eyes. 

I lightly laughed. "No, but I'll tell you I definitely didn't get Ravenclaw," I said looking at him. "Are you ever gonna tell me?" he asks looking at me through his hair. I looked at him. I really did want to tell him, in case he was the one, my one. "When you get yours. I'll tell you then." I smile at him. "But that's so long" He whines. "Well I would give you more hints but it's definitely gonna give it away,"  I say. "Yeah, that's true. Why won't you tell me?" he asks. I look over at my sister through the window. "I didn't get my mark" I lied. His facial expression changed. "what?" he asked shocked. He shook his head. "No your lying, you had to have gotten one. It's a lower chance of no mark than a mark with no soulmate" he ranted. "Buggy, please tell me that you are lying," he said looking at me. 

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