Chapter 5

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Hazels pov

I saw Draco leaning up against the wall waiting for me. I smiled at him as he moved off the wall and slowly started to walk over to me. "Hey" I spoke breaking the silence between us. The only other sound was the rare occasion of students fleeing to their dorms, small talk from the portraits, and the clanking of our shoes on the ground. "I missed you" He spoke in response to me engulfing me in a hug. I gasped but soon I fell into the hug as well. My arms wrapped around his waist and I smiled. I enjoyed every moment I could right here, How he smelt, how warm he felt, how much he made me feel safe. "It sucks that you're taller than me even though I am, older than you" I complained as he let go of me, my hands falling from his side back to mine. He just chuckled and lightly rubbed his hand over his jaw. 

"Yeah well. suck it up" he said to me. I scoffed, bringing my hand up to my chest as if his comment was supposed to hurt me. He just laughed again and grabbed my hand before pulling me along with him to the common room portrait. He said the password and we walked in. "Hey Draco, Oh hey Hazel," Blaise said as we walked in. I smiled and muttered a small hi to him before I followed Draco to the couch. "How are the Gryffindor 1st years?" Blaise asked. I just groaned. "No clue. But I know that they are going to be the same as always so I kindly accepted Dracos's offer to just come here instead. Especially given we don't have classes till Monday. How are your 1st years" I rambled on about. 

Just as Blaise was about to speak Pansy came rolling down the stairs. "Oh, they are bloody horrible I must say" Pansy panted as she plopped down next to Blaise with a huff. "Getting into trouble already?" I asked trying to hold back my giggles. "Oh, merlins yes. Of course, they are 1st years really excited over nothing." she groaned out as she got comfy. "bloody hell. I really hate being a girl sometimes. I almost hexed a first-year who mouthed off" She exclaimed. That's when I lost it. I started laughing. "hey stop laughing at me. Oh by the way. I think Lucian is still royally pissed off at you. Pretty sure I heard him plotting certain evil against you" She explained to me. I just nodded my head. 

"well, I'm a strong girl. I can take it. " I snarked to her smiling. I heard muffled talking outside the common room. I couldn't make out the people talking but then the door opened. "Thank you Goyle" A female voice exclaimed. "My pleasure" Goyle mumbled walking in while rubbing the side of his face. I just looked away from the door as they walked in. "Draco Lucius Malfoy" Someone exclaimed. That's when I knew I made a mistake. "Ooo you're in trouble" Blaise laughed out. "Shut up" I heard Draco mumble. 

I turned my attention back towards the door like everyone else and saw my sister. "Oh Hi, sissy" I spoke. She just glared at me. "Where have you bloody been" She yelled. Oh boy, she was pissed. "Here the whole time," I said looking away, crossing my arms and burrowing into Dracos arms. "And you" I heard her say along with a thud. I tried to keep my laughing silent knowing she just smacked Draco on the back of the head. "Ow hey, what was that for" He complained. "You kidnap my sister and I have to threaten Goyle of all people to let me into the common room. And you, couldn't have at least let me know you were going to disappear for the night" She exclaimed pointing at the both of us. "Sorry." We both mumbled. 

She came and sat next to me. "I thought you were either A too tired to notice or B going to Cedric's after dinner I forgot," I said fiddling with my thumbs. "You left me, with those bloody first years" She glared at me. I cowered back into Dracos's arms. "aren't you just a ray of sunshine on this fine evening Mrs. Weasley" Blaise chuckled. Her head snapped over to him and glared. "Don't think I won't hex you Zabini" She threatened.

She talked with us for a little bit before saying goodbye and heading out, either to her dorm or to Cedrics. "Well, if you could excuse us, we're going to bed" Draco spoke, grabbing my hand and dragging me away. He walked us to the boy's dorms and opened the door, I followed behind. Not like I had a choice he had my hand anyway. "Can I wear some of your clothes? I wasn't able to grab something to sleep in" I exclaimed as I lightly sat on his bed. 

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