Chapter 8

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It had been days since I last saw Draco. I avoided him just as much as he avoided me. I got used to walking to class and back to my dorm, lunch, dinner, breakfast all alone or with my siblings. It was difficult to adjust to at first, but it got easier over time. the first task was coming up and it was Dragons. I have no clue what exactly we had to do, but my brother was coming from Romania and had to bring Dragons. He said I couldn't tell anyone about it. So I kept my mouth shut about the whole thing. I kept myself calm the whole way through, I surrounded myself with my friends and family to keep my anxiety at ease until the first task happened. 

I still hadn't talked to Draco. It was killing me to be away from him for so long. it was November 23rd, just 1 day before the tournament and I hadn't talked to Draco in 2 months, going on 3. It was killing me slowly. Everyone could see that I was as bubbly now as I was with him. I was depressed and cold, I barely talked in class or to my friends. 

"Hazel" My sister shouted at me getting my attention. I snapped my head to her. My eyes meet hers. My hallow eyes meet hers. She gave me a sympathetic look. "I think you need to go talk to him" She spoke up. I looked at her, My eyes darted across her face before darting to the Slytherin table. I sighed. "There's no point. He looks fine without me" I spoke before dropping my head back to my plate. She groaned before cursing under her breath and getting up. I ignored whatever it was that she was doing. I tried to shove some food in my mouth to gain some strength for my first task tomorrow. They let us have some of the week off from classes because of the big tournament. 

It was Wednesday, they made us go to school on Monday, But Dumbledore let us have the rest of the week off. I was torn from my thoughts when someone was grabbing my ear and yanking me out of my seat. I walked into the hall with whoever was dragging me. I knew it must have been my sister. My ear was let go and I stood up to see my sister. I heard someone move next to me and realized what she was doing. I tried to walk away and just go back to my dorm but she stopped me. 

"I have no clue what is going on between you two, Fight or whatever. I don't want excuses. I'm going to go back into the dining hall, and you two are going to sort it out" She said sternly pointing at us both. I backed up and leaned against the wall. "You two have gone 3 months without as much as a glance or even a word to each other" she scoffed before walking back into the hall. 

I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the wall. "I don't want to talk to you" I spoke not even bothering to look at him. I heard him sigh and walk over to me. "Hazel" He started. I snapped my head to him. "No Draco, you hurt me okay? You knew I would never do that, I wouldn't even wish that this would happen to you or anyone else. I never wanted this. you knew that, and still, you choose to jump in to the crowd like everyone else and belittle me down and make me feel bad and like it was my fault. Or, or, I asked for this because I didn't." I shouted. He looked at the ground. "I can give you one name, one name, the person who fucking put my name in. Maybe then you would be able to believe me more" I said getting ready to walk away. I turned my back to him and started walking away when he grabbed my arm. "I'm sorry" was all he said. "I'm so sorry," He said, he backed me up onto the wall to make sure I wouldn't run off and ignore him again. "You have every reason to be mad at me, But I'm sorry. I found out that Lucan Bole did it and I felt horrible. I never meant to say what I did. I'm so sorry Hazel" He cried.

Doing this in the hall isn't the best Idea. I pushed myself off the wall, grabbing his hand before heading to my dorm. I walked to the entrance muttering the password and walked in, dragging Draco with me.  I walked up the stairs and into my dorm room. I closed the door ushering him inside. "Why did you bring me here?" He asked. "I didn't think doing this, in a hallway where everyone can hear and see would be the best approach" I explained. I sat down on my window seat as he sat on my bed. "I'm so sorry" He cried, he shoved his face into his hands trying to hide his face. I stood up walking towards him. I removed his hands from his face, making him stand up. I pulled him into a hug resting my chin on his shoulder. "I'm not mad at you" I whispered into his ear. "I'm sorry too" I explained. He pulled away wiping his tears. 

"Why are you sorry?" He asked. I sighed before rubbing his cheek. "I should have let you talk that night instead of shouting," I said looking down. He lifted my chin up to look at him. "it's alright, you had every reason to be upset with me" He explained. "Are we okay?" He asked. I smiled at him. "More than okay." I smiled. I thought impulsively and decided to kiss Draco. "I missed you" I mumbled against his lips as I pulled away. "I missed you too" He stated before kissing me quickly again. I hugged him before pulling away. "Need anything?" I asked. "Can I shower here?" he asked. I nodded my head. "Of course. I should still have your clothes, but that doesn't mean you're getting them back. " I explained pointing my finger at him. He put his hands up in defense and I walked to my closet. I pulled his clothes out from a small box and handed them to him. He had a confused look on his face. "Why are they in a box?" He asked. I rubbed my cheek. 

What am I supposed to say. I put them in there because I was angry with you? Or I stopped loving you? Or I was in so much pain I just wanted to forget and I couldn't handle seeing things that reminded me of you.? 

I sighed. "I was angry, I didn't know if we were going to be friends again and I couldn't handle looking at them knowing that we weren't talking. And as time went off it got worse and worse and worse. The first few nights I slept in them, and then I couldn't even look at them, or touch them, so I ended up mustering up the courage to look and touch them. I folded them nicely and put them in a box. I planned on giving them back if we hadn't talked to each other by the end of the school year I guess" I explained fumbling with my hands. "Oh" was all he could say. 

"I really am sorry Draco, I meant nothing by it. I just. I was broken-hearted and I couldn't find a way for the pain to leave" I explained again. He shook his head before placing a kiss on my head and walked into the bathroom leaving me alone. I grabbed my book. I never did get to finish reading it after my brother had interrupted me. I sat down on my window seat and indulged in the book. I continued where I had left off last. 

"Gryffindors and Slytherins, two of the most powerful houses. They are known the be the strongest, bravest, wisest, and self-driven people whether that's towards magic or towards love. Once they are passionate about something they never give up. They are the perfect match for each other, yet with that can bring up some hardships" 

Ahh im finally getting somewhere. Hopefully, this will answer my questions. 

"The stars don't typically put these two houses together for many reasons" 

"The combination of the two houses can be super magical, creating so many blessings and memories to prove the stars wrong. They fit together like anyone could have ever imagined. Yet sometimes a bad pair can come along. It's dangerous work combining two houses like these. It can create an unexplainable amount of power, destroying everything around them. Creating a power so strong to be able to overturn the world and use it for their own personal gain. While eyes some f the power created can be strong and magical, it can be used for good to make everyone's lives easier. But it can also cause mass destruction" 

I skimmed through the pages looking for an answer, looking for the answer. I skimmed through 4 pages until I found it. 

"The stars tend to keep these two houses separate, but will experiment every few generations and see what the outcome could be. If someone from these two houses is placed with the other it can be because one of the two was placed into the wrong house, and at heart belongs into the other house, or because their soul is magnetically drawn together creating a pull that is so strong and magical even when the two are apart, they feel lost without each other. Or it can be for experimental purposes because the stars see something no one else can see and they want to push the two souls that are pulling the other way, they have some red string trying to pull them together to complete their soul, to complete who they are. Because they are meant to be" 

I can agree that I do have a pull to Draco. That without him I feel like I'm suffocating, that I'm drowning and dying. That my whole world is falling apart when I'm away from him. That something bad would happen. 

So maybe. Maybe this wasn't a mistake and everything was okay. That we were meant to be and the stars planned this and saw that our souls filled together as one and that everything we did, our bodies moved together like they were one. Copying each and every move, blending together as our souls touched and our hearts linked. This, this is what magic and true love felt like. 

Being in love with Draco Malfoy despite everything I could possibly do. 

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