Chapter 9

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It was the day of the first task. 

My hands were sweaty, I was nervous and trying not to freak out the best I possibly could. 

I was pacing the tent they had us in before the tournament started. 

I watched as Draco and my sister walked in. Harry was off doing god knows what. 

"Hazel stop pacing," Draco said. I tried to stop pacing in a straight line. But my mind was all over the place making it impossible for me to sit down and relax before this. "Hazel please sit down and relax," He said trying to get me to sit down. I shook my head no and removed his hands. "I'm gonna die, I'm going to die. I can't do this" I said trying to get myself to calm down. My hands flew to my face as I paced around the tent. "Iz she ok? Fleur asked. My sister just shook her head no and stared at me. "Hazel" Draco spoke to me. I ignored him and tried to keep myself from having a panic attack. 

"I don't want to die. Draco, I don't want this. I don't want to die. Please take me home" I cried out as my hands tangled into my har. "Hazel come here," He said. His hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into him. He removed my hands from my hair and hugged me. "IM going to kill Lucan Bole" Draco stated into my ear. "I don't want to die" I cried even more into his chest. My breathing became unregular and I struggled to breathe. "Breathe hazel. In through your nose, out through your mouth okay? Do it with me" He said as he pulled away from me. "See, in," He said. We took a deep breath. "Out," He said and I exhaled. We did that a few more times to calm my breathing and relax my mind. "Now listen to me," He said grabbing my face lightly. "You are not going to die. You are going to be fine. You will win this" He said. "I promised" He promised me as his hand rested under my chin. 

I shook my head repeating his words in my head. 

I will be fine, I will survive and win. I am not going to die tonight. 

He smiled at me as I calmed myself down and relaxed. 

Rita skeeter came in and snapped a shot of Draco and I, as well as Hermoine and Harry. I groaned at her invasiveness. I hated the dumb interview she had us do at the stupid pictures. Viktor told her to leave and she did. Dumbledore came in following with Igor, Maxime, Barty, My father and Draco left. I smiled. "What are you doing here Miss Granger,"  Dumbledore asked. She tried to speak and left. Draco pushed off dumbledore saying he was staying no matter what. Dumbledore pushed it off when I looked at him with despair. They explained the rules and everything, explained the task and what we had to do. 

They had us draw a miniaturized Dragon from a bag with a number on its tail. Fleur drew first getting the green welsh, Krum got the Chinese fireball. I drew my Dragon. The Swedish short-snout with a number 1 on it, leaving Harry with the Hungarian horntail with the number 4 on it. I looked up to Draco and my father mouthing "I don't want to go first"  

"Very well, Good luck champions. Mr. Diggory, at the sound of the canon-" Dumbledore went to speak but Mr. Filch cut him off with the canon. I rubbed my hands on my pants making sure I had my wand with me. 

"Welcome Miss. Weasley. Our first champion taking on The Swedish short snout dragon. Her goal is to retrieve her Egg that is being protected by the Dragon. I walked out taking in all my surroundings. I walked out fully making sure not to piss off the Dragon to get myself killed. 

I bolted to the egg and got cut off by the dragon. Gasps were heard in the crowd who was watching me. I hid behind a rock as the Dragon tried his best to get at me. I pulled out my wand and prepared myself. I stood up shooting a few spurts of a stun spell at the dragon. It may have not stunned him enough or long enough for me to grab the egg, but it allowed me to get closer to spell him again. I waited a few seconds to catch my breath before trying again. The more I shot the dragon with a stunning spell the more pissed the dragon got. 

I shot again and ran for the egg. I grabbed the egg rolling down into a small cave-like feature to prevent myself from getting caught. I frantically looked around me and made sure I had a way out to get out of here. I saw a perfect opportunity and shot a spell at the Dragon. I ran up the rocks jumping off them to get to the highest one. It was a few feet in the air. I quickly cast the Accio spell for my broom and shot another few stunning spells at the Dragon. I pissed off the Dragon even more. He swung his tail at me knocking me off the rock. I held on to the ledge. 

I heard everyone gasp again and some of the judges wanting to get everyone out there to stun the dragon. I saw my broom waiting for it to get closer. The closer it got, the more I prepared myself for having to have to let go. I let go of the rick and started to fall into the sky. I quickly grabbed my broom and fixed myself on it getting high enough out of the reach of the Dragon. Everyone started cheering as the judges sent out my brother and his crew to stun the dragon. I flew down and meet up with everyone. I only had a gash on my cheek and dirt everywhere, a few scratches here and there. I smiled weakly as I walked away. The second I got out of sight and found out my score, I saw Draco. I dropped my broom and fell to the floor. 

I was so exhausted and scared to die I hadn't realized how much pain I was in. Draco caught me and my body went limp. "Let's go get you cleaned up okay?" He asked. I lightly nodded my head. He took my egg and handed it to my sister. He picked me up and carried me to his dorm, my sister following me. I couldn't muster enough energy to stay and watch the rest of the tournament. 

Draco took me to his dorm. We got there and he set me down on the bed. I immediately fell and laid on the bed. My sister set the egg down very nicely on his desk. I had shorts and a tank top on underneath my uniform so that if anything ripped, as long as it didn't break through both layers I would be fine. He took of my slightly torn uniform and my shoes and pants following after. "Do you need help showering? Or can you do it yourself?" He asked me lightly messing with the dried blood on my face. I nodded my head and tried to stand up but could. I winced when i put pressure on my leg and fell back into Dracos arms. "Woah, okay okay. Sit here." he said making me sit back down. 

"He went and pulled out two pairs of clothes for us, pj's for the night. He quickly walked away with a 3rd and came back. He had normal shorts on and a tank top as well. He came and sat next to me smiling lightly. He helped me up and walked me to the bathroom. "Theres blood on my leg" I mumbled. He looked down at my leg with me. "Must have been from when you got thrown by the Dragon" he mumbled back. I tried to laugh but ended up wincing in pain. Draco started the shower and made sure it was warm. He walked us in and sat us on the ground. 

This must have been why he changed his clothes, so I wouldn't feel awkward or anything. As well as we were teenagers. I don't think he wanted to rush the whole nude thing either. The warm, very warm water hit my body soaking me instantly. I breathed in deeply and exhaled slightly sincing as the water mixed with dirt, dust, and blood cascaded down my skin. 

Draco rinsed me off and washed my hair as we sat there. I felt bad that he had to bathe me because I was incapable of doing it myself. He rinsed my hair off before pulling us out of the shower and wrapped a towel around us each. I smiled as I rinsed off the best I could. He walked out and brought me my clothes leaving to allow me to change. I did my best to change and kicked the door. I sat there on the floor like I had done with my shower and to change. Draco walked in helping me to the bed. He went back into the bathroom to change. I smiled at my sister before moving the best I could and got under the blankets cuddling up. 

"Are you okay?" she asked me as she walked over to me. She kneeled besides the bed, her knees popping in the process. I lightly smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm just extremely tired. you should probably go back and let Dumbledore know Im here" I whispered to her. She gave me a kiss on the head before leaving to go back to watch the rest of the tournament. 

Draco came back out and laid down next to me. I smiled as he cuddled up behind me making sure I was warm. "Your shivering are you cold?" he asked me. I shook my head no. I hadn't realized I was shivering. "Just tired, and in pain" I whispered. He lightly rubbed my back while humming to let me sleep. 

"Thank you" I whispered as I cuddled into him. whincing as I moved. "Anytime darling" He mumbled. 

I controlled my breathing and relaxed, letting sleep consume my brain putting me into a trance of darkness. 

I wondered how the last 2 tournaments would be, all I knew was today was a day. 

A day I would remember, as the girl who cheated her way into the tournament. 

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