Chapter 4

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 It was finally time to go back to school. Typically I didn't dread going back to school, but this time I was particularly despising going back to school this year. Everyone knew I was supposed to get my mark. That I should be looking for my soulmate, yet Gryffindors and Slytherins don't work. They rarely ever have worked. It's pretty much impossible. It always ends up where neither ends up together or the other party has another soulmate. I'm sure I'm going to end up being the party who dies alone. 

Although classes didn't start till that following Tuesday, it was still nice to go back, to be back. I made sure I had my trunk packed. Fitting whatever I couldn't specifically my books into my magical bag. I had boughten some books about the stars and soulmate markings to try and figure out this issue as to why I, Hazel Weasley, a Gryffindor got Slytherin. I didn't mind but I knew I was going to be heartbroken if my soulmate had someone else, especially if it was Draco. 

Just the thought of him having another soulmate broke my heart. It made me not want to find out: to cast a hiding charm on my mark and make sure that no one would know, that I wouldn't have to be reminded every single day that my soulmate was someone else's soulmate. Causing me to never have my happily ever after. It was unfair, the rules the stars had made. That it's not always certain and it sucked. I hated not knowing. Especially if my soulmate was younger and I had to wait till they got theirs. I was impatient with this don't get me wrong. But I had a million questions for snape. 

Snape was one of those teachers, he hated everything and everyone including himself. He deserved better. He didn't deserve the Marauders bullying him, or Sirius trying to kill him in school, or James trying to hex him. He especially didn't deserve what Lily had done to him. Yet I knew what she did wasn't her fault. She found out her soulmate was James, but what she didn't do was worse. When she belittled and didn't stop the bullying. It was sad, but that's how life is ya know. Shit happens and we can't do anything about it either. We just have to sit and watch praying it doesn't ever happen to us, or we don't turn out to be the ones causing the trouble one day, 

My mother snapped me out of my thoughts as she put her hand on my shoulder. "All packed and ready to go?" She asked. I sighed turning my head to look at her as I nodded. She smiled and helped me grab my things heading downstairs and to the car. They packed everything we needed to go and we left, to the train where we would leave our parents and go to school-our second homes. When We finally got to the train and got everything onto our trolleys. We crossed the wall to our platform. We decided to get to the train early because we had more kids than usual, Harry and heroine on top of Me my two sisters and my 3 brothers plus two parents. We had to make sure no one missed the train or didn't get all their belonging on the train. I said goodbye to my Owl, the owl Draco got me for Christmas my second year. Just so we could send letters back and forth whenever we wanted, in school or at home. I tried to repay him but he always shut me down saying I didn't have to. 

I said goodbye to my parents, the same heartfelt goodbye that has happened every year for 4 years, this one making it five. I gave my mother one last big hug, smiling as she kissed the top of my head. I waved and hurried into the train. I found my twin and the older twins in a compartment to themselves. I sat down as joined in on the conversations. "Fred, George. How do you feel about the rumors at Hogwarts this year" I asked looking up from my book? the silence was too much, conversations had stopped quite a bit ago and I needed someone to talk to, I don't care who or what they talked about. The silence in the compartment was going to kill me. 

"I think it will be fun, hopefully," Fred says before turning to look out the window again. I nodded my head and closed my book. "I'm going to go see Draco, Mabel want to go with me?" I ask her and set my book in my spot. She nods her head and gets up, walking out of the compartment with me. On the way to see Draco, we passed Cedric, and that when Mabel says hi to him and I walk of knowing that soon my sister would follow me after gawking with Cedric. Stupid bloody soulmate stuff. 

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