Chapter 11

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Is this a joke? Really is this a joke? Or maybe am I dreaming. Is my dad's car really on fire right now.

"Dad wait what are you doing!" Nicole asked as her dad hopped on a motorcycle headed who knows where. There was a guy on the ground that her dad threw to the ground. "Hey, asshole! Where is he going and what the actual fuck is wrong with you.

The guy was about to run away but she put her foot on his neck before he could move any further. "Look look I'm sorry I'll deal with that car he's headed to somewhere I don't think you should know."

He was spitting out the words as fast as he could. "Omg, I can't take this right now! Go fucking call the firemen or something."

She walked away from the parking spots in the back of the building. Then she continued to go to the building across from hers then looking down at her phone she realized that Miguel's family must be sleeping so instead of knocking she went around the building pulling open Miguel's window.

"Hey, can we talk?" At first, Miguel was scared to his bones but then when he noticed it was only Nicole he calmed down a bit. He was going through something just like she was.

"Yea but only if I can share my night too," Nicole jumped through the window onto his bed and sat next to Miguel.

"Guessing you had a rough night as well," Nicole leaned her head on his shoulder. "You wanna go first."

Miguel and Nicole talked for hours about things like the fire that was right outside of their apartments. At first, Miguel was shocked that something like that happened and he didn't even notice. Then she went on to explain how great the night went with hawk and how they kissed but also how she is scared shitless of her dad finds out. Then Miguel went on the explain that he went to Sams to make the alpha move and when he arrived she was having dinner with some other guy and her family. "And you know what makes me so mad. It's that she didn't even talk about inviting me over, but some guy she was talking  with him probably the same time as she was with me."

"Damn I didn't really like the LaRussos because of my dad but shit. And maybe it just wasn't meant to be." At this point, Nicole was laying in Miguel's lap and he was messing with her hair.

"You know what I think you and I should just stay focusing on karate the tournament is coming up soon." He told her as they looked at each other.

"Yea you're right! But I'm still confused about the whole Hawk thing." Nicole truly was still confused. Were they something more than just friends?


Nicole woke up to her alarm, in her bed not sure how she got there. Everything sort of blurred and the last thing she remembered was being in Miguel's house talking about the rough night. When she got up and got dressed her dad was nowhere to be found and she also had many questions. But with that, she needed to get to school. She got ready and put on some black ripped jeans with a white tank top and an oversized cobra Kai zip up. When she went outside where she usually met up with Miguel she noticed a black spot on the ground where her dad's car was.

Knocking her out of her gaze when she heard Miguel's door slam. With his mother in front of him, we walked towards her car. She would drive us to school depending on her shifts that week. The car ride had its usual questions. Nothing about her over last night so she truly must've not known and that meant Miguel didn't tell her.

Miguel and arrived at school. We went to a usual corner where Demirti and Hawk leaned up against walls. 

"Hey, what are yall up to?" Nicole questioned the two boys conversing. 

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