Chapter 3 A feeling for meat

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Pippet's POV:
All of the sudden I was feeling very hungry, like I skipped breakfast or something like that. Actually it feels like I haven't eaten in awhile.
Luma's POV:
I live a bit of a ways from the Academy, if you had to walk from the epic arena to the Academy on foot, it would take awhile. Luckily for me tho I'm a dragon so I don't have to walk. The sky is nice, it's not a confined place at all and it's very cool up here too...but I like being on the ground better. Have you ever frolicked before? You should try it, it's very nice. Anyhow I'm perched on my rock waiting. Waiting for what tho? Well every now and then I get a letter from either Hob or Pippet. Sometimes I get a letter from Hob saying things about new spells she and Pippet worked on together. These spells are not Astral, shadow, Earth, water, fire, or ice. It's something else. Or sometimes I would get a letter from Pippet saying hello to me, I'm actually the only friend he's made outside of the Academy so far...not many people wanted to give the puppet master or Pippet another chance, one did. The lucky few who gave them a second chance now live in the Academy. The war we had with the Epics and the puppet master is now just a distant memory, but I don't hold grudges tho! If people who really want to change and really make a difference, then there already on a good start. But...but...I suppose not many people like to think that tho...but that's okay...! Oh I spy with my little eye something pink and fluffy flying this way, it's Hob!
Luma: Hay Hob! Over here!
Hob: oh...Oh! Luma!
Luma: wait how did you get over here so fast? It's like I'm seeing you in two places at once.
Hob: Heh, it's a secret.
Hob: mm...
Luma: what's the matter friend?
Hob: see...somethings wrong...
Hob: with Pippet.
Alenia's POV:
I'm almost done with classes today, after a lecture with Florian then I just have to do my group project...alone. As I walk by I see Pippet leaning against the wall, chewing on something. I get closer to him and I see that he's eating a meat of some kind which is weird because he doesn't eat meat, I mean he doesn't even like it. I don't know why, he just says he doesn't like the taste of meat and he is eating it.
Alenia: Hey Pippet.
Pippet: hi again.
Alenia: umm...I thought you didn't like meat...
Pippet: I don't.
He says as he continues to munch on it.
Alenia: sooo...why are ya eating it?
Pippet: I...don't know. I had a feeling for meat for some reason...

Alenia: so you felt like eating meat?Pippet: I guess

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Alenia: so you felt like eating meat?
Pippet: I guess...
Alenia: ooookay then...
I walk away while he was still eating, then I also realized something too...blood was dripping from the meat Pippet had and I even still saw some fur on it that i didn't see at first. It would feel a little unlikely that Pippet would do that.
Later once I enter the Earth tower, there is no one there so I must have bin the first to arrive. I walk into the teachers room and see no one there and I put my bag down. Then I see in the corner of my eye something i didn't see when I came in. There, in the corner of the room was a Fissural curled up and whimpering.
Alenia: why are you crying?
I approach it slowly with caution, it looks like it must have bin hurt, because when I stand right in front of it, it doesn't move away or attack. I then see it's wound, it's on the side of its waist. There is a huge gash in it, there was a big chunk of skin missing and it was still bleeding. It looked like an animal attacked it.
Alenia: oh-oh jeez, well thank goodness I still have some healing material with me, your gonna be did this happen little buddy?
Fissural: little wooden...c-clown...
Alenia: wait...Pippet? No that couldn't have bin him he's harmless, literally.
Fissural: s-s-shar-p....te-eth...
Alenia: but he doesn't have any...
Fissural: v- very...very...da-ark eyes-s...and...wh- ite...white pupils...
Alenia: wait a minute, wait a he wouldn't he...oh...
Alenia: oh...oh no.

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