Chapter 12 Interrogation

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Gale's POV:
Half of the day has already gone by and nothing interesting has happened, and I can't seem to find Florian anywhere. Until I hear a tap on glass window. Sometimes little birds or floatlings would come here to deliver messages and letters, but we haven't had any of those in awhile so I thought one had come. But when I open the window instead I see...a...a dog...?
Gale: did you get all the way up here?
Dog: I flew. For you it's your first time meeting me, but already met you several other times and I have come here to give you a message.
Dog:'s more of a warning...
Gale: For what?
Noot: so what's this book you wanted to show me?
Hob: Here it is, it's a book that teaches about corruption.
Noot: is...that book...made out of...flesh...?
Hob: Actually I have no idea. Anywho I found something in here that you might find interesting.
Noot: Oh? What's this scary looking monster? It almost reminds me of a titan. Except it's missing the fur and the purple glow...and instead it has long...horns...and a meaner looking face.
Hob: It's an inner demon, do you know what that is?
Noot: Isn't that supposed to be a mental illness?
Hob: yep, it says here that this one belongs to someone who has bin slowly dying from burn out, and thinks that getting help would just be a burden to others.
Noot: gee, you seem offley into physiology lately. Do you wanna be a therapist or something like that?
Hob: Actually a friend gave this to me, they said it would help. And I'm beginning to see some connections.
Noot: About what?
Dog: well...the warning is for you Gale.
Gale: About what?
Dog: Your suffering, I've bin keeping a close eye on you for awhile. And haven't-
Gale:'ve bin watching me?? For how long?
Dog: only a couple of weeks, but that's not the point. My point is if you do not pull yourself out of this dark place then a monster will make its home inside of you.
Gale: what?? I thought Hob was kidding...!
Dog: Do you think she really lies that much?
Hob: Haven't you seen Gale? You know he's doing bad.
Noot: I-I know...I know...but what's gonna happen to him?
Hob: well if this keeps of continuing then he'll....
Hob: he'll....
Noot: will he have another outburst?
Hob: No, worse. He'll corrupt.
Noot: Corrupt? What does that mean?
Hob: Have you ever thought about the dark side of the mind? Things that haunt your dreams when you sleep? Inner demons...they can cause you to corrupt where you...become your worst nightmare. And I don't mean that metaphorically.
Noot: That sounds awful...! But I've never heard of such a thing...
Hob: Because we never had to worry about it...
Hob: until...
Dog: You'll corrupt, turn. But that doesn't have to happen. So please stop thinking your a burden.
Dog: All those times you got frustrated or angry and had an outburst...your slowly falling into the darkness and you know it. But even so, you refuse to help yourself.
Gale: How do you that happened...
Dog: Because.
Dog: I just do.
Gale: wa-What do you mean you just do?! Thats creepy...! Why do you pry on others like this...!?
Dog: I'm not prying. Or at least I'm not trying to be creepy. I watched you and I became worried. One more outburst then soon there will be nothing left of you.
Gale: ...
Gale?: Get out.
Dog: But I just told you ab-
Gale: Are you deaf?? I said-
Gale: GET. OUT.
Nobody's POV: Doesn't something seem odd to you? Things are a lot different then they used to be, that could be good or bad. In this case how ever the nightmares and fear that came into this world had a slight bad influence on everyone. However for Gale in particular, it caused him to lash out in anger, tired for being blamed on and pushed around like a pebble in the sea. He doesn't mean to hurt his beloved friends, he only realizes it after the damage has bin done. You might be familiar with situations like this perhaps? So, so tired, when did it get to him?
Noot: o-OH! Oh my did you hear that? It sounded as if a wall got bashed in with a super nova...!
Hob: yeah I heard it, loud and clear.
Noot: Do you think that was...Gale?
Hob: I wanna hope not...but in reality...
Hob: yeah it was probably him...
Dog: ...hh-h...


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