Chapter 14 Through the Void

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Alenia's POV:
Crap, crap, crap, crap...!!! Ah heck! What even-now-what?!?
Puppet master: should we follow him??? Because I don't think it would be a good idea to just let that thing run around the place.
Alenia: Yes!
Puppet master: what
Alenia: l-let's go find him!! Now-!
Pilot: But what shall we do once we see him?
Alenia: I-...I don't know...! I just-!
Pilot: Alenia. I know you want to go find him, I know that feeling. But if things happen to go south take this.
Alenia: what's that?
Pilot: I know you like ice element, so here.
Alenia: Is that a relic?
Pilot: you can say that...but only use it if it's the last thing you can do. Who knows what that thing is capable of doing, and I'm not sure if Gale is still in there. I want to believe he is but you should check before assuming the worst...
Alenia: are you...coming?
Pilot: I need to fix this hole here. I don't want anyone...becoming suspicious.
Puppet master: sus.
Pippet: wait, how are you gonna fix that hole?
Pilot: oh y'know...with my stuff ;)
Pippet: Uhhhhh....
Pippet: ._.

Alenia: so

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Alenia: made this right?
Pilot: yes...yes I made it. It's one of my older spells, I haven't used it in awhile. But I made this ice element one just for you.
And so, they begin to search for the monster. Which was probably going to be very easy, with one half of its body being completely scarlet red your sure to spot it from a mile away. Not to mention it also led a path of destruction.
Pippet: weren't kidding when you said this thing would be angry...
Hob: Maybe it just needed some time to vent. Y'know before it comes and tries to kill us.
Pippet: umm..."us" but...not you.
Hob: yeah, the wraith lesson. By the way have you ever had that feeling for meat again?
Pippet: Nope. Which is a good thing, because if I began to have that feeling again I probably would have freaked out and possibly would have told someone.
Puppet master: sooo....follow the path of destruction and we'll find Gale?
Alenia: I assume so. But following a path of destruction is not far from an average day honestly.
Puppet master: But...what about everyone else that resides outside of the Academy? Like Flora, Bok and the other titans? Also I think Slurpy and Old one? Y'know sense Bonfire spire kinda....
Alenia: Blew it's top?
Puppet master: yeah...after that they had to move to shipwreck shore...also, what the heck is going on with you and Old one?
Alenia: yeah...about that...
Well let's just say the Old one and our dear wizard don't get along so well. Which is obvious, they both beat each other up on purpose but luckily they haven't slaughtered each other, yet. Old one happened to be fond of music, so Alenia promised if she showed it something new about music he didn't know, they wouldn't get into a fight. Which is why they never visit slurpy. Also because slurpy is a huge b-
Pippet: uhhhh....this looked like it's leading into Fire fly forest...
Hob: is...
Fire fly had a small entrance, it was nearly a big crossroad to all the other places on the island. But the front of it was completely recked, ravaged and tarnished. Many of the trees looked as if they had been cut down, rather very forcefully. There were claw marks in the boulders and in the ground. Nothing seemed as if they were on fire, but it was oddly quiet too. The rest of the monsters looked like they were hiding, that or...well...and Flora was no where to be found. You best keep up the paste.
They begin to run, runny along the path the monster had made they followed it to the base of Shiverhill mountain. Now you could easily walk around the mountain which would lead you near the shoreline. Shipwreck shore would be on the far other side. Now getting from shiver hill to shipwreck would take at least maybe an hour. But the time had been cut shorter due to...well Bonfire spire blowing it top. The cooled lava had left a clear path that anyone could walk through, however someone or something has seemed to recklessly rammed it's self into the wall of Shiverhill. The group makes their way into the tunnel, it had gone below the path to the top of the mountain so they didn't see much of anyone or anything there. Just that the monster looked like it was having trouble getting across the icy path. On the other side the destruction hade seemed to subside, but the path was still clear and it connected with the lava path.
Hob: man...this monster just seems to be going everywhere...
Alenia: c'mon...maybe we might catch up with it...!
They run. They run and they run hoping to catch up with the demon that had ran away, the puppet master floated and hovered quickly, sense he doesn't have any legs. Running along the cooled lava trail the mess and destruction had seemed to have disappeared completely, could they still be following on the right track? Alenia hoped so, she wanted to get her friend back as soon as possible, that is if he's not already dead. The sky grew cloudy as they approached shipwreck shore, nearing the volcano village. They took a left and headed towards the base of Bonfire spire. Alenia saw a large foot print on the floor, which she could only presume had belonged to the monster. It's legs were hooked up like a dog leg, made for running. No wonder how that thing could get around so quickly, despite its own weight.
When they come across the village it seemed perfectly untouched, the monster must not have been through here...luckily. When they walk around the base of the mountain they find more foot prints, leading to a rocky shoreline where the monster was sitting at the edge of the water. It was breathing quietly and uneven, it's face was down looking at its own reflection in the water.
Pippet: He's just standing there...menacingly...
Puppet master: Do you think he's calmed down?
Alenia: I don't know....I really don't. I hope he is because...wait...! Oh no I think it saw us...
The monster's head perked up a bit, and turned its neck around. Yes it saw the group...but it didn't do anything. It didn't move, shout, scream or just stared like a whiled animal. But this thing was not a whiled animal, it was something far more deadly.
Alenia: uhh...Hob?
Hob: I think he's in a feral state? He doesn't seem to be doing much...
Pippet: That's a relief...
Alenia: u-ummm...hh-h...g-Gale...? Are you still in there?
Alenia: If you are...please give us a sign...
The thing just stared back at Alenia, unblinking. It wasn't twitching or moving, it was like looking at a very live-like statue. Finally it's small red irises narrowed down to its claws and its expression changed from a complete monotone stare to a worried anxious look, confirming that Gale was in fact still there...barely...
Puppet master: oh...he is still there...which is good he stuck like that?
Alenia: I don't...Gale? Can you say anything?
Gale looked around then down, and back at his friends. He opened his mouth to speak but there were no words, just a small grumble. He looked at little surprised to see his voice not working at it should, he tried again but the only thing that came out was a deep growl. He tried again.
Alenia: ok, ok...don't...
Alenia: Don't force it out...!
And again.
Alenia: Gale...!
And again, this time it sounded like he was trying to gag.
Alenia: Gale stop! Okay? It's clear that you can't talk right now. But...don't worry...! We'll find a way, we always do. Can you...can you come back?
He looked down for a moment...then at the side of the mountain...his claws have seemed to have been twitching that whole time...and they still are. He looked like he was about to take a step forward but stoped.
Alenia: um...
He went wide eyed and looked around. He didn't seem to be moving once more and he begun to make small gagging sounds. The gagging sounds became louder and it turned into choking. He began to yell and cough, he slammed both of his claws onto his stomach trying to get out what had been making him cough. The impact made deep purple marks appear on his belly, it seemed to have no use, he kept coughing and coughing and the sound drowned out the yelling of his friends. His large eyes went dark once more and he flinched, his irises disappearing was like watching a light go out in a lamp. He stoped coughing and his head hanged limb, like a silly wooden puppet. It could only mean one thing, the..."monster" had come back only after being out for such a short amount of time. The red irises came back on but something about them looked different...they looked tense and's head rose up and immediately spotted the group with a frightening glare, Pippet jumped back in fear and Alenia held her new given spell close to her chess. Hob backed up against the puppet master who seemed to be looking something behind the monster...
The thing spoke, in a deep raspy and demonic voice...
Pippet: uhhh...Hob? Do you think you might go through your next cycle?
Hob: I hope not...!
The monster bellowed a loud horrifying shriek that could be heard from miles away, it took a big leap and landed in the rocky sand scattering the group like a ant colony. The Puppet master got on top of a bolder and seemed to have been staring at four red lumps on the things back. Pippet teleported out of the collision and onto the other side of the thing, he was told not to teleport after learning that teleporting from one place to another was very tiering and could cause him to pass out. Especially when doing it rapidly on end. Hob flew upwards with her wings and seemed to have caught the attention of the monster like always...
Hob: ah c' I really that vibrant of a pink?
Alenia also ran behind the monster trying to figure out how to use her spell...that, or she was hesitating to use it...
Hob: uhh...Alenia? What ever your gonna do you might wanna do it now....!
Alenia: Gale gonna be-
Hob: Don't worry he'll be alright...! I'm just trying not to die over here!
The monster flailed and swiped at Hob, but luckily she was out of reach. It began to jump up high and swat Hob with its tail and she landed on the bolder where the puppet master was watching.
Hob: *cough!* *cough* aah...! *gag* ouch...rude...what...Puppet master what are you doing?
Puppet master: Do you see those lumps on its back?
Hob: yeah...I do.
Puppet master: Do you think those are supposed to be spikes?
Hob: Mmmmayybe? They just don't...look like spikes...
Pippet ran over to Alenia who was now standing against a rock, he looked so nervous he looked like he might hurl.
Pippet: Alenia...please help....
Alenia: Pilot said to only use this as a last resort and Gale gave in...
Pippet: so please use it...
She came out of her hiding place and looked up at the creature, but the creature was looking up, at the puppet master and Hob. He looked like he was about to make a big jump but then flinched. He made a low grumble and flinched again and fell backwards. It gave out loud growling sounds as it's whole body seemed to be flinching. It laid on its side a tilted its head up, roaring. It got up on its four legs and roared again. They finally noticed that the four lumps on its back were getting longer, sometimes underneath was pushing through the skin.
Alenia: what...are those things??
Pippet: u-uuhhh...they-they look like spikes...!
It arched its back and roared in agony, there was a deafening sound of flesh being torn and bones cracking and breaking. Four long back pincers pierced through the back hide of the monster. From afar they looked like red spider legs, but they were only red because they were drenched in blood.

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