Chapter 5 The vessel and the Wraith

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Puppet master's POV:
A very, very long time ago when I still didn't realize what I was turning into and what I was doing, I created Pippet. For many dark mages it was required to have a " companion " with you. He was met to be like a puppet, and I treated him like one for a very, very long time. But then after I met Alenia and when she freed me, I treated Pippet as my own and realized he was never a puppet. But my old self did something to him, something terrible. In order for Pippet to control and use shadow magic "I" put a dead wraith inside of him. The remains of the wraith would help him cast spells. But once he was freed Pippet didn't want to do shadow magic anymore. Slowly but surely, the wraith woke back up again. But it is still inside Pippet, and it wants to get out. So it's gonna get out the only way it knows, corruption. I had to live with this guilt for awhile now, I was hoping that if I didn't think of it, if I didn't speak of it, it wouldn't happen. But this mourning the guilt I trapped inside of myself broke out, now, I am living in my own nightmare.

Nobody's POV:
Hob, Luma, and Pippet stared at the hand, the hand that was decaying and withering away and being replaced with dark purple claws. More and more cracks could be seen forming around Pippet's small body. Pippet looked like he was about to scream or shout, but Hob tried to ease the situation.
Hob: okay, okay, don't panic. Pippet, you need to stay calm...
Pippet: w-why??
Hob: Well, I did learn a little thing from this book right here. It said that if do not panic or stress the process of corruption will go a lot slower.
Pippet: ok...that's helpful but I do I make it stop?
Hob: Well...I tried looking for a cure in this book said there was no known cure, at least not right now...
Pippet: S-so what's gonna happen??
Hob: I might turn into this thing...
Hob flipped through the pages of the old worn out book, she did so until she found a page with a picture of a monstrous wraith on it. The thing was huge, it had a massive carnivorous maw, pitch black eyes, giant dark purple claws on each hand which didn't look like it was quite attached to the rest of its body. It had no legs or feat, it's spine pocked through its back, last but not least it had massive horns growing from its head that had a dark liquid dripping from them like water.
Luma: what the-why did you show him that??
Hob: I was more warning him, y'know in case he starts wondering why his head is hurting.
Pippet: Hold on, j-just tell me...what's gonna happen to the rest of my body...?
Hob: the looks of it, it might break apart? Which I think is happening right now.
From Pippet's back small little dark spines began cracking the wood that makes up his body, there small, but very sharp. More and more little spines are making there way up his spine, if Pippet was actually made of flesh he would be writhing in agony now. But still, it stings and it burns and he slowly but surely, continues to wither away and turn.
Pippet: AAAHHHH!!!!

The spines grew longer and longer, a huge crack spread down Pippet's face, in all the agony he couldn't calm down

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The spines grew longer and longer, a huge crack spread down Pippet's face, in all the agony he couldn't calm down. His screams of pain turned into high pitched screeches, Luma was talking to Pippet, but he couldn't hear her over the sound of his own screaming. Luma tried to think of a way to stop the screaming, she could tell that he couldn't take much more of it. So she walked closer to him, Hob looked up and begun to look frightened. Pippet griped his head as tight as he could, he felt something thrashing in there...then, he looked up and saw Luma and quickly recoiled back.
Pippet: Don't touch me!!
Luma: But I-
Luma: wait, what did you say??
Oh would you look at that, little Pippet here is beginning to loose his voice.
Luma: Please! You have too quiet down, I can't understand what your saying!
Pippet: Get-t awAY from ME!!!

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